She Called Me HUBBY?!

>>>>> Present

Elizabeth dismissed X, there were still 5 minutes to start the mission, and she took her cellphone to take a look and there was a reply on her e-mail.

*** Well, 5 minutes were very long, I guess the next ones will be the same ***

As she opened the mail, her cheeks blushed to the point that she looked like a shy tomato Maiden, but there is a good reason for that, the mail is a reply from Vincent, who is none other than her first love, as well as her fiancé.

[Oh, my beloved Liz, I am glad to know that my authority and my person can be of some use to you. At the same time, I am glad that I am the one you come to clean up after you, but I would like you to let me clean up before you come by, because you may dirty your shoes].

[I will send you a token on my behalf so that you can use part of my authority and do what you want to do]

[With love,

Your beloved Vince]


"He... He... is not ashamed to say all that cheesy stuff!"

I kept reading the message and there was a poem at the end.

[It's not cheesy to say I LOVE YOU, it's a confession of the heart.

It's not cheesy to say I MISS YOU, it's just emotional humility.

It's not cheesy to say I LOVE YOU, it's just gratitude for the miracle of your existence

It's not cheesy to love you and that I miss you so much, it's just... love.]

When she finished reading, she felt that her face was too hot, she put the cell phone on her legs and fanned herself with her hands, she realized that it was time and when she tried to calm down, the more she thought about Vince, it was no longer correct to call him brother like when she was a little girl.

At that very moment X came back and saw her with her hands and blushing, worried, he approached her "Miss, what are you doing? Are you hot? But the air conditioning is on and the room is cool..." not understanding her behavior he wanted to approach her and see if she had a fever, but he didn't dare to go over the line.

Hearing this, Eliza got redder and frustrated she got up from her seat and the cell phone on her lap flew out in front of X's shoes. He proceeded to pick it up just to make Eliza more nervous, when she was about to run to pick it up it was too late, X had it in his hands and only saw out of the corner of his eye the content and who sent the mail.

He turned to Eliza with a knowing smile. When he wanted to start teasing her with Vince, she put on a serious face and snatched the cell phone from her "If everything is ready, let's go! Don't waste my time"

Knowing that this is no time to tease her he became serious again "All set, the van is outside waiting."

"Let's go."

"Roger... By the way Miss..."


"The little love bubbles float above your head, there are too many of them that make me want to play with them, and ending up popping them one by one… He-he"

"YOU!" when he was about to hit X, he was very quick and dodged it while running away without a second thought.

Eliza, seeing this had no choice but to keep moving forward without chasing after him, there was no time. The rat in the squad is on a mission, time is against the clock.

Yes, that's right. In the squad there is also a rat, she knows very well who he is, because this rat did not get the admission by conventional methods, nor did he have the qualifications to enter, he was admitted by connecting. But that connector died before it could be checked with him. The death of that person was shocking for the members, who in their sadness and pain accepted the rat without any hassle, easy and quick access to almost everything, except classified information that only the top 5 members of the squad handle.


Waiting next to the door of a black van was Lina, the beautiful golden eyes woman, still small in stature but seems to have grown a few more centimeters, her face hasn't changed a bit since Eliza was 10 years old.

Lina helped her open the door, letting her settle in, then closed the door and got into the co-passenger seat.


As they were on their way to the Dietrich's neighborhood, Eliza took out her cell phone, she had to get revenge for having made her feel frustrated and shy, she looked up his number and sent him a message

[In the morning your memory, in the afternoon wishes to see you, in the night a dream and in the dream, you...].

Leaving him in suspense, to annoy him. When she read the message she sent again, her lips turned up into a smile and her eyes full of love (if possible two little hearts instead of eyes) let out a soft and sexy giggle.

The van was going in total silence, with much solemnity, but when everyone heard the Miss's giggle, some felt shivers, others felt panic, terror.

The only quiet one with a smile listening through the earpiece was X, who was in the car following the van.

Lina on the other hand was with an indifferent face, her emotions could not be seen, but her eyes reflected a flash of an unknown emotion.


>Military Camp

Vincent's tent

Vincent who was in front of the desk with a computer, could not believe that his beloved Liz, e-mailed him and most of all he could not believe the content and his message "She called me HUBBY!" with a silly smile he kept repeating the same thing over and over.

Anyone seeing him like that would be scared at the similar sight, but if a woman saw him her legs would go weak, emitting 'strange' sounds and feeling something wanting to be played with, in the middle of her legs.

Still with his silly smile after reading again and again the message, he opened a secret drawer of his desk and took out a box of an unknown red wood, on the top was carved a flower, next to this flower was another one that attracted a lot of attention because of its color, silver. Both flowers represent the crests of both families.

*** Remember what kind of flowers were… Chapter 25.-10 years back ***

Touching one side of the box to activate a certain mechanism, a small screen appeared in front of the box, putting his index finger on the screen, it automatically opened and a mechanical voice was heard [Master Vincent, you can take the contents].

When it opened completely there were smaller boxes open and in each one there was a token. Both tokens made of strange jade, one was completely crimson red, a shade lighter than Eliza's left eye color.

*** A/N: If you don't remember, her eyes are in chapter 26.-Elizabeth Lockhart ***.

But next to this one there was another one a little smaller, frowned, Vince wanted to take out the crimson red one, but he knew what it entailed to do it, and it would be too dangerous for her, so he took out the other one, which is golden with red and silver details, that token was created by the Old Master Greenwood, when he knew that the commitment between both families was set in stone.

*** Written in stone means that the only way it can be removed is by destroying the stone, which in this case the stone represents both families ***

Taking it in his hands the token is warm, it is as if the jade came from a place where the heat is immeasurable, so it absorbs some of that heat.

Calling his Secretary Lance, who is also his right-hand man at the Military Camp.

Entering a young man in military uniform on the left side of his chest had five stars "Young Master called me to call?"

"Yes, I want you to take this to Liz..." placing the box with the smaller token in front of him.

"T... This is..." pale not knowing what to say he saw the jade in front of him and nervously, he remembers what he just ordered him to do.

Seeing him pale, Vincent just lifted the corner of his lips in a small smile affirming the poor secretary's doubts.

"Have her receive it into her own hands."

"Young master, Miss Elizabeth... She... She... Will she, accept it?"

"Yes, she will" seeing the conviction and confidence in his eyes Lance didn't hesitate a second longer, he took the box, placed it in the front pocket of his military uniform.

He said goodbye with a greeting, and hurried to the vehicle parking lot. Taking the wheel and driving at high speed, he received a message from his Young Master with the address where he should go.

As Vincent watched him go, he set about answering his message, but not before he had put the box back in the drawer.

Waiting for a reply to his mail, Vincent kept his eyes on his computer, but he waited and there was no reply. He became nervous, his hands were sweating, he got up from his chair to the dispenser because his throat was in urgent need of water. As he was about to drink it, his cell phone rang....

Frightened he threw the glass of water on the floor. His heart was beating fast, he felt like a fool, but he could be that and much more or worse just for her, his precious Liz.

Picking up his cell phone he saw that it was a message from her, slowly with his hands shaking he returned to his chair and opened the message....

[In the morning your memory, in the afternoon wishes to see you, in the night a dream and in the dream, you...]


He couldn't believe what he had read, his body relaxed, but when he was about to sit down, he couldn't stop in time because he did it too fast, and he fell on the floor by his bottom.

*** That's what you get for not paying attention to where you sit, consequences for being in love... ***