The Mission was a ______ (-a. Failure -b. Success?) [I]

Eliza and her squad waited another 10 minutes to receive the token.

Secretary Lance was in a hurry to complete the Young Master's order but at the same time a little nervous, Miss Elizabeth (now Eliza) has been a little distant from Vincent. No one knows why she became so, but since her 15th birthday she has had a change of temperament. Which has made her very indifferent. It is said that something happened to her eyes because her left eye is now mahogany red, an exceptional color combination. And her right eye is a beautiful forest green.

*** What will all of them do when they notice that both eyes have silver lines? ***

Despite being nervous, he knows that Young Master Vincent trusts that her will take it. His nerves didn't stop him from driving fast, so he sped up even more.



After 10 minutes he arrived at the place where Miss Eliza would be waiting for him. When he saw the entrance of the neighborhood very close there were two black vans, from the first one a woman got out of the passenger seat, those golden eyes he would recognize them wherever he went, Lina the beautiful Bronze Lady, that is the nickname she received after so many years of serving Eliza. She got out and proceeded to open the back door to see Eliza coming out wearing a black body carved suit, the suit showed her curves, an excellent sight for any man, leaving them in a daze, but not for any of those present, due to the authority she carries and as well as the authority her fiancé has.

Seeing that beautiful, elegant yet indifferent lady walking towards him, he awoke from his confusion and approached her, not allowing her to advance any further. It would be disrespectful to let her approach him.

Bowing his head to her, he then stood up and gave her a military salute "Miss, I came to carry out my order."




"It's been a while brother Lance."

Surprised to see that it is she who broke the silence between the two, his gaze came in contact with hers and seeing the expression she put on amazed him even more, making him sentimental. "That warm expression, I needed to see it, the little Lady is not little at all anymore" wiping the invisible tear from his eyes, he smiles back "Miss Elizabeth, it is a pleasure and pride to be able to see you."



They both chuckled a little. "Yes, same here brother Lance. The last time I saw you was at my graduation 10 years ago. Time pass so fast..."

"Yeah, it does" proceeding to pull the small box out of his front pocket. He stretched out both arms presenting her with much respect and solemnity the token "Miss, this is what the Young Master asked to be delivered directly into your hands."

Eliza saw that little box, it made her have complicated feelings because in her previous life, that box is the same one she received on her 21st birthday, but because of what happened the day before, she took it and threw it in Vincent's face."

A bit emotional, it took a few seconds for Eliza to raise both hands and receive it. As she did so, the poor secretary only breathed a sigh of relief that she accepted it with both hands, because that token can only be carried by the wife of the head.

Golden Royal rank 1, Greenwood, possesses a greater power than the rest of the Royals. That is why he is the only one qualified to possess two tokens, one is the token for the head and the other is for his wife. There is a rule that has been passed down from generation to generation. 'The head of the Greenwood can only be a man.' While the head of the rest can be the woman who holds the power in that family, as is the case with Eliza.

It may sound a bit masochistic, make you think that they have something against the woman, but it is not so. It is because the power that possesses the male head is more authoritarian, and must possess military authority, while the woman has the authority to move and command the subordinates that are under her husband, and as well as manage the business of the family.


Coming to herself, Eliza put the token in her pocket. Giving Lance one last look "Brother Lance, I have a rescue mission, do you want to go back to Vince or do you want to join me?"

Secretary Lance listened to the way she addressed the Young Master, and felt overwhelming joy. She... The Lady accept him again.

When the dramatic Lance was playing the proud mother hen role in his head, Eliza only shocks her head and continue moving forward. Lina throws a punch in Lance chest to make him aware of his surroundings.

After receiving the blow, which hurt. Lance sent a message to Vincent.

[Young Master, the Miss wants me to stay and help you with the mission, I'm excited]

To which the reply he received was expected, but he (Lance) had forgotten not to brag too much and froze in place.

[... You will go to tower C, for a week].

In the other side a furious best was almost jumping in rage "This damn secretary is giving me a vinegar pot even without noticing? Damn him!"

Not forgetting that the towers are where punishments are implemented in the military camp, these towers are classified by level; A being the highest and D being the lowest. Each level has a heavy punishment, and just thinking about the punishment of the level C tower gave Lance a cold sweat.

"MISS!!!... Help!"


Somewhat stunned by Lance's shout, Eliza turned and with a face of confusion looked him straight to his eyes.

"If the Young Master were here he'd say you look cute..." his face glowed with an idea, he pulled out his cell phone and took a picture of Eliza's cute and confused face. Planning to send it to Young Master Vincent, and try to appease the fierce jealous beast.

Eliza seeing that they have taken advantage of her by taking a picture without her consent, frowned and when she was about to complain about it Lance quickly noticed "Miss, the young master got mad when the report that I would be staying, I took the picture to send it to him to appease the jealousy..."

"Giggles, should have said it before, do you need a pose?"

The excited secretary didn't hesitate for a second "Yes, a few poses wouldn't be bad at all."

She raised a hand in greeting,

She put her hands on her hips,

She shoved her hands in her pockets,

She tugged at her earlobe.

In every pose, her eyes were sparkling like stars, just having the idea that Vince was watching her pictures. And the excitement was overwhelming her.