The Mission was a ______ (-a. Failure -b. Success?) [II]

Once the photo session was over, Lance sent them to Young Master Vincent. Satisfied with his actions, it didn't take him two seconds to receive a message.

[Delete them from your cell phone...]

"AGH, the vinegar makes him sour…"

[At your command Young Master]



Eliza entered the neighborhood, while Lina had gone ahead... She went on with the gas box in the studio, as she entered with the mask.

***A/N: Here we return to the end of the Chapter 28: Lisa and Lilith Dietrich


"They're still alive" she said as she touched her left ear in which had a silver communicator.

Responding from the other side with a cold and sensual female voice "Well, I need them alive. Advance the mission, leave them there"


Eliza seeing that squad members cleaned the perimeter, decided to enter, look for the main room of the Master of the house, opened it slowly, looked for the mechanism that was on the side of the nightstand, it was the misplaced lamp, to place it well opens a wall and a sliding door appears.

Upon entering there is a hallway with stairs leading down. Giving the perspective of going to the basement.

Her foot touching the first step, the path was illuminated. Giving enough vision to not fall.

After descending completely, Eliza observed the room, isolated of everything, the only thing there was a table three chairs, and a bed with several devices, the only sign of life was of the person in the bed, a man in his late thirties looks a little worn out, but that does not take away how handsome he looks. Eliza knew this was no time to get lost in emotions, she had to move fast, the numbing gas only lasts a few hours.

Continuing to give orders through the silver earpiece "Get the van ready".


"Yes, Miss"

"Aye, Madam"


The one who said Madam. It was none other than Secretary Lance. According to hierarchy order, once Eliza accepted the token that means she represents the head in any operation in which he is not present.

Within thirty minutes they were able to remove the person in the bed without appliances, leaving everything as it was. Leaving no traces of what happened. The only thing that disappeared from the house and that was the person in coma, and what was left in his place was another insect, identical to the one in the study.

As they were on their way to the Old Household, where her grandfather was waiting a little anxiously.

On the highway on the right side of the van a car went off the road and as its lights were too high, the woman driving the van where Elizabeth and her father were leaning in the back seat and Lina in the passenger seat, wanted to swerve and avoid the impact but out of nowhere another car came from the left side seeing that it was going to crash into both cars she decided to break abruptly, hoping that the impact would be minor, but let's not forget that each member of the Squad are not at all ordinary. She managed to break, without impacting both cars, she was going to drive backwards when another car was coming at high speed behind the second van but before that happened Elizabeth was faster.

"Out of the van!"

"Lina, right flank, Feral, left flank."



"Lance, X cover my front and back."

"Yes, Madam"

"Roger my Lady"

"The others disperse."




In a matter of seconds they were out of both vans, it was so fast that the drivers of the other three cars did not notice.

A few meters away from both vans, the squad saw how the three cars impacted against them, not causing much damage because of the material the vans were made of, but that did not stop the drivers, since the three cars were carrying bombs, exploding them immediately. The vans were slightly destroyed and the three cars completely smashed, the fire was devastating, the impact was designed to end the lives of all passengers, enemy or ally, a suicide attack. But that no longer mattered, because they were safe.

Eliza's attention was not on what was left of the cars, but on who had made the attempt on her life, or that of her father. Seeing the man in her arms, she couldn't help but poke her cheek and groan "Well, asleep and yet your enemy finds you through me... Sigh."

Taking something from her pocket, she looked at it, it was the token golden with red and silver details. "Sigh."


"YES Madam?"

"Activate MEET Code"

"!!!" Surprised Lance didn't know how his body reacted to the command, but it did, he grabbed his cell phone and sent a chain message.

[MEET Code activated. Authority processed and admitted. Madam Greenwood, Elizabeth Lockhart, token activation successful]

Upon receiving access to the authority by code, her hearing device automatically connected with those nearby and received the token command.

Two minutes later six armored military vehicles were making their way at an impressive speed.

The reason they were able to arrive on time is because four of them are Vincent's escort to Eliza. The other two are Lance's escorts.

Eliza knew it would be too dangerous to stay any longer, but as the vehicles approached and a rocket was pointed at them.

"Let the vehicles move forward and evacuate immediately; move 20 meters away from them as fast as possible."

No one knew why Eliza would give such order, but the members coming inside the military vehicles did not hesitate for a second and heeded the order given through the device in their ears.

They are trained to follow orders without question, hesitation or disobedience.

When they were 15 meters away, the missile that was launched from the rocket launcher hit the vehicles. Leaving them on the highway shattered. A little frightened by the impact, they could not help but be thankful to Madam, who had saved them from such an end.

When everyone was focused on the fire that occurred with the vehicles, Eliza was looking in the direction from which the missile came from, an unidentifiable person with no visible gender, was with the rocket launcher, but apparently, he or she did not plan to launch another one or did not have anymore.

Narrowing her eyes with a cold glare flashed cross them. Their eyes came into contact to each other. And Eliza knew who was that person. She got disappointed to know the truth.

A helicopter made its entrance on the highway, without having finished landing a tall man, with uniform and military cap, with a coat over his shoulders made his entrance, jumped out of it, his eyes seeing both places of impact and was not surprised, but he searched with his eyes full of anxiety, all over the place until he found the one he was looking for, those sky blue eyes showed a warm look towards the Lady with whom he dreams night after night, with kissing her and having her in his arms.

The Lady was surprised for a second, she saw the person who was anxiously looking everywhere until she met his gaze and connected it with her own. At that moment everything disappeared, leaving them both as masters of time and space. Even the people were background for them.

The person who had fired the rocket, could no longer be in that place because he would be found and according to him, the visual contact with Eliza was his imagination, because it was impossible for him to have an inhuman mission that would allow him to see ten hundred thousand kilometers, but it did not cross his mind that someone normal could not shoot from that distance either.

"TSK, the mission was a failure, returning to my post."

"Copy that"


Eliza and Vince were so close to each other that they wanted to hold each other in their arms, but it wasn't the right time, too many people present and the place was still dangerous.