Glenn is Enraged but also Heartbroken!

"Glenn, I'll give two choices, I hope you will take one.

The first one is continuing being friends

If you want to keep in touch with me, we can remain friends, but nothing more than that, since I know that you have special feelings for me, but I regret not being able to reciprocate them, because someone else already conquered my heart"

"I don't want to be rude, it's true that I have had a lot of fondness for you and that's it, it doesn't have any profound meaning, and that's as far as it goes, I don't want to get to the point where you put me to choose between the two of you, and one gets hurt and the other almost dies.

I am not easy to satisfy, but I had found from the smallest gestures like a smile, to the biggest like his love and understanding putting my life as his priority... to be to my liking, and he makes my heart beat, and my life complete"

"ARG! What kind of dog food is this…?" Glenn, the more he read, the angrier he got, his face turned red, and on his forehead was evident the vein that was growing more and more and wanted to explode at any moment.

Until he came to the second option.

"The second one, it's more difficult, but the one that could make you stop feeling that way..."

When he read that, his heart started to beat fast from nerves "Will she ask me to be the lover… the other man… well I can live with it?" with hope in his eyes he continued....

***A/N: Yes, you can, but this is not a reverse harem my friend…***

"This option is divided into two parts, one is we become strangers by conventional methods, that if we see each other we would be like strangers and won't middle with the other..."

His heart fell into the abyss of darkness, yet, as painful as it is to read, he wanted to continue reading....

***A/N: Are you a masochist or what?... Readers: Don't you better than us?***

"The second part is the easy one, but the most complicated..."


The page had space, but there was nothing else, he frowned upon not finding anything else, he was going insane… until the bottom of the page he found very small letters....

"Turn the page, you won't find any more on this one..."

"Ha-ha, even rejecting me has to bring her weird sense of humor" with a painful smile he continued with the reading by turning the page....

"Erase memory… Wiped out your memories about me… "

Shock, fear, anger, so many emotions that could be distinguished on his face, but only one in his eyes, pain. Yes, Pain is what his eyes express, his heart breaks with those words "Erase Memory... my memories about her?" repeating them over and over again. Tears came out of his eyes, he didn't realize they were coming out until a tear fell on the notebook, when he realized, he put his hand covering his eyes, the tears kept escaping from them, passing his hand, reaching his jaw, until a certain point they were red tears, if it was a reaction of his eyes or if it was from his hand that is injured, he couldn't tell, but that represented his deepest pain of the bottom if his heart, tears of blood.

There was a myth about tears of blood, they only came out when a person was in immeasurable pain, so much so that it could cause internal damage, to the organs like short blood flow to the heart, liver, and damage to the lungs.

This could be the case with Glenn, the poor violent, possessive man, who on many occasions has restrained himself from killing Vincent, or the thought of killing his beloved with the excuse 'if I can't have her no one will have her' or 'if she doesn't love me, at least she will hate me, a feeling she will have for me and remember me forever'.

"The pain could be there, but you would no longer have it or identify it, I don't want to hurt you but, if we go on like this the damage will be irreversible, and I don't want to have to get rid of you, because I have valued you as an irreplaceable friend, you have helped and supported me in the dark, don't think I have not seen it, yes I have, but I have decided to remain silent, waiting for the moment when you confront me and tell me."


"I know that at some point you will find the right one for you, because I'm not the one for you, but you will find her, I'm sure of that, someone who can complement you, someone who can understand you and be faithful to you, someone who can erase your traumas, someone who can take you and make you move forward".

There were no words that could describe what Glenn was feeling at that moment, but he still had a glimmer of hope "... Can't you do it?"

But the hope he was looking for was not to be found and was totally squashed with what he read next....

"And no, I can't do it, I once did it and look, what we ended up in, me trying to draw a line of friendship with you, and you are wanting to impose your feelings with me, we can't destroy each other because we care about each other, even if is in different ways."


"I can help you heal today, but what happens next? I can't take care of your feelings for me forever, when I have already made my family with the man I love... I can't, and I shouldn't either, because it's not fair for you nor for him..."


"Decide what you want to do, and stop living in the shadows, so you won't find anyone who wants to share the rest of your life with you, and you'll scare away all the women who are attracted to you."

"Ha-ha..." a dry laugh was heard in the empty room

"This damn woman, can she don't try to comfort me even in this situation…"

He did not go to such lengths to destroy her world, his life… for the bit of rational thinking that he has left, but at this moment his thoughts are unknown. What decision he will make is something only he knows.

But many will be surprised by his decision. And at the same time some will admire him and others will criticize him and even very few will hate him.




Eliza was in her grandfather's study, after clearing her father's room with the doctors, she decided to have a serious talk with him. But who she didn't expect in the middle of the meeting was… Vincent? Yes the son-in-law of the Lockhart Royals.

"Grandpa, you knew, didn't you?"

"I know a lot of things my dear, what do you mean?"

Acting as an intermediary the grandson-in-law speaks "Grandfather Gabriel, I think Liz deserves to know many things, just as you deserve to know others."

Eliza was getting a little exasperated with the situation, although her face didn't express it, Vincent and Grandfather could identify that emotion in her.

"Sigh... I think it's time to does it don't you?"

"Please" begged Eliza.

"My dear granddaughter this story traces back many generations, I'm still not quite sure what happened back then, but apparently one of our ancestors had a special gift..."