Part of the Truth is Revealed [I]

"That special gift is unknown to many, but it has a lot to do with clairvoyance, it's like the third eye, we can see the future, or we can go back to the past, where we can rectify our future."



"My dear are you surprised? Brat are you flabbergasted?"

"Grandpa, if what you say is true, which of those two is your gift?"

With a straight face the Old Master replied "Neither."




After a silence, the one who broke the ice was Vincent "You can see minds... more specifically, read thoughts, right?"

"Oh, and to think it would be you who would know the answer... (sigh), yes I can. I can see people's thoughts, as well as the future and past of some, not all..."

"Grandpa... that a restrictive gift?"

"Eh!? How do you know? That's not a term you can know."

"Eh! Hmm... I don't know, it was the first thing that came to my mind."

"Oh, I see, you're waking it up" before Eliza could ask about it, he spoke again "I know it's painful to remember but what was the last thing you said or felt when you died in your previous life?"

Surprised by the sudden question, Eliza didn't know how to answer, the one who answered instead was Vincent "Her wishes, desires and regrets."

*** A/N: Remember chapter 24- 20 years later. ***.

"Yes, that's right" replied Eliza when she came to her senses.

"I see, you have both suffered"

"Eh? But Grandfather, if you can see the past and future of some people, how could you not know..."

Not letting her finish speaking the Old Master replied. "It wasn't your future or your past that I saw to know all that..." after a pause, he turned his gaze towards Vincent "It was him, when he came the night before… as usual I went to your room to see you at least asleep..."

At this point the Old Master was a little embarrassed by his manner.

"!!!" Now the surprised one was Vincent. Who, thought he had entered his beloved's room without being noticed...

"HUMPH... you thought I didn't know, you're good, but at my age I passed where you are up to ten times..."

"Oh, it means Grandfather Gabriel did it very often with his wife..."

Pride could be seen in his eyes "Of course, when my wife was just my girlfriend I..." when he was about to continue, he felt a curious look, seeing that it was his granddaughter he wanted to change the subject and return to the original immediately.

"Ahem... let's not get out of the conversation."

Vincent smirked for making Grandfather Gabriel not pick a fight with him for being sneak with his future wifey....

"Touché... damn brat..." muttered the Old Master, surrendering to Vincent.

"I saw him going out of the windows and that was enough to know that some things had happened, although I cannot see into the future or past of those who possess our Lockhart surname, I can see those who have some connection to one of us."


"Yes, it's a Connection of the soul, it's like a pact between both souls, it can be one of meeting again next life, or killing each other next life, but the point is that they must have a strong emotion, and both must have the same circumstances and the same feeling to make them have that connection, and apparently in your case it was a pact of love and happiness between each other"

An Eliza who was a little perplexed with what she was hearing spoke "So, that's why we came back a year before what made me turn my back and walk away from him, not to accept his love; the disappointment, pain agony, the disgust I suffered was too much that made me regret on my deathbed, the fact that I didn't fight for his love..."

Vincent saw his beloved with a pained expression and took her hand and caressed it lovingly trying to make her feel better "It's all in the past, we are here and together, this time it will be different" a glint of determination passed quickly through his eyes as he comforted his beloved Liz.

"... Yes, this time is different because we are together..." she looked him straight in the eyes and both could see the love in them, and the grandfather across the desk sitting in front of them only saw pink and red burble hearts around these kids who have the courage of flirting in front of him...

"Ah, if only my love was here..." with a longing gaze the Old Master looked through the windows.

"Cough, cough, let's go back to the topic…"


"…" a gloomy Vincent for being interrupted in his happy moment with his beloved couldn't get angry with his Grandfather-in-law…

*** A/N: You keep talking about in-laws, or wifey, you haven't gotten married yet, don't be so shameless***

"Well to stay on the original topic... I didn't see all of it, but I did see most of it, and I must say most of it was about you my dear granddaughter."

"Eh?" a clueless Eliza was a little lost.

"Yes, while it is true, I can see people's thoughts, future and past, it is not complete, only the woman of the family can develop the gift fully when they awaken the ability, the fact that I could see you in Vincent's mind is because you invade his thoughts 98% of the time, that is why I knew several things that happened to you, but I didn't get to see them fully..."

A blushing and shy Eliza came out as if it was a switch "98% of the time I'm in his mind?" after saying it her gaze collided with Vincent's, and she could see her reflection in his eyes, and the way he was looking at her, she found it charming.

"ARG! Here they go again, save the romantic atmosphere for later, focus!"

"Oh" a little disappointed at having to look away from him, Eliza couldn't help but pout which Vincent found adorable and decided to pinch her cheeks "We have a lot of time ahead of us my love."

With a satisfied smile, the shy Eliza agreed nodding her head without a second thought "Mhm."


Behind the scenes:

Author: This Vincent and Elizabeth sure are shameless, they like to make Grandpa Lockhart eat dog food, making him be envious of them. (trying to get justice for Grandpa Lockhart)

Grandpa Lockhart: What are you talking about? ME? (he points to his nose) Jealous of them? Two brats? Are you nuts??? (searching for something)

Author: (was scared by the sudden outburst, but she looked at the Old Grandpa looking for something) Grandpa, want some help? What are you searching for?

Grandpa Lockhart: Searching for the cane to give you, the author a lesson...

Author: WHAT!? Hey Grandpa, we have to talk like normal people...

Grandpa Lockhart: Don't think you can fool me, I have seen your future... it will be...

Author: hey, Grandpa, I don't have any special relationship with any of your kin.

Grandpa Lockhart: Oh, true... I forgot, then I'll go, I need some rest, I'm so old (walking away with fast speed...)

Author: Di... did he play with me?... I was scared for a second... phew...

Let's see you in the next chapter my dear readers, hope you stay tuned!