Part of the truth is revealed [II]


After leaving their lovely moment her Grandfather started with the story of the ancestors.

It was said that the first head of the Lockhart family was a woman, the youngest daughter of the Patriarch of heterochromia eyes, she did not inherit the blue eye but both of her eyes were emerald green eyes.

***A/N: The patriarch is in Chapter 18: The Forgotten History is still taboo ***

The patriarch's daughter was said to be beautiful, but at the same time self-conscious and shy. She had no sense of presence; everyone teased her and called her ugly and strange names. One of her cousins, the daughter of an uncle on her father's side, Lucy, was the closest to her, she took care of her, taught her many things, and as the daughter of the Patriarch, Annie has a lot of resources, and always shared everything her father gave her. Despite being no fun-loving and withdrawn Annie was a prodigy, she was very good at martial arts, business, and not to forget the beauty she hid behind her hair which she never wore up.

But she did not show her beauty because Lucy told her that if she showed her beauty, she would not find a man who would love her as she was inside, but only for her physique, Annie believed her and never dared to show her face. Until one day she met him....

A man in his early twenties, black hair and eyes, tanned skin, thick and firm body, she fell in love with that man, who came to visit her parents' house because he was apparently a distant relative of one of her father's subordinates.

Months passed, and he lived with them, Luis was active, quite social, there were rumors that he made a good couple with Lucy, but those rumors never reached Annie's ears, because someone was avoiding it to reach her.

Until one day, Lucy decided to give Annie the courage to confess her feelings to Luis...

"Luis, from the moment you showed up at our house, I've really liked you, I wish you could reciprocate, and we could have a relationship together" a shy Annie with her head bowed in embarrassment to hide her face so that he could not see her blush.

But if she had raised her head for at least a second, she wouldn't have had such a terrible ending.

"It's okay, we can go to the mountain behind the mansion to have a date if you like, they say there's a hot spring there, and I've long wanted to go."

"Eh? You accepted? Mountains? Hot springs?" at first she was full of joy, but when he mentioned the mountains she paused, and when he talked about the hot springs, she turned a little pale, and when he mentioned his desire to go, she turned even paler....

"It's a forbidden area... only my father and my older brothers can enter, plus their wives."

"You can't go in?"

"Until I'm 18 years old I can..."

"Oh, well when you turn 18 years old, we'll go..."

Hesitating for a bit, she said "B... but for that you have to marry me..."

"Oh, that's the least of it, we'll just be intimate and that will mean we're married..."

"Oh, is that so?" she had already heard it from Lucy, so it must be true....

"That's right..."

"Well, your 18th birthday is in a month, we can be intimate from now on, come with me, I know a perfect place..."

And for a month he had her in intimacy near the horse stable, near the stream, in many public places. Where no one could go at certain hours, he took advantage of her feelings to satisfy his lustful needs.

Poor Annie, she kept digging her grave and remained innocent, believing the words of Lucy and Luis.

Until the day of her birthday. Her father wanted to celebrate it grandly, but first he had her go to the hot springs to take the first bath, due to the miraculous properties of those waters, something that has been coveted by many who hear the rumors, it was to keep it as a family secret, but how Luis knew it, was a mystery that soon will come to light.

That day Luis told her that he wanted to do it with her in the hot springs, that it would be exciting, Lucy said she wanted to accompany her, but she could not take her because she takes Luis, and according to Annie she is married to him, poor thing she has been deceived by her cousin Lucy, and forgot to ask her brothers or her father.

During that month she presented physical changes, but everyone pointed it out that she was maturing because of her age, and yes, she was maturing but because a man was using her as a toy to satisfy his lust.

Annie did everything possible to take Lucy, because she did not want to be ungrateful, because it was her who gave her the courage to propose to Luis, and for all those years that she had helped her in everything.

And she told them to go in advance, she will reach there a little later. But that was another mistake.

Luis and Lucy could go inside the hot springs, they took a couple o jars form somewhere and fill them with the miraculous water, after they were satisfied with their harvest, they started to take off their clothes, after they were totally naked in front of each other.

"We archive our goal my beauty."

"Yes, we did it Luis my dear."

Yes, they were in cahoots with each other, they were having a relationship even before the rumors started circulating around. But no one notice that… when they were making out, Annie came and heard the sounds that she could recognize from afar, and identify Luis voice with Lucy. She run inside, and they were in the process of the intercourse.

She was paled, anger, sadness, hate and a lot of emotions were surging inside her.

"Oh, my toy you came in time, want to join us?"

"What you want her to have her too? Didn't you have her a full month, you know I have been missing you!"

"Sorry, sorry my beauty, it just that I like her body, that's all"

"Well, we need to kill her…"

"Yes, she saw us…"

***A/N: if you didn't want to be discovers you could have to search for another place to do it.***

Annie was angry, and she was about to strike, she was always more powerful than them, but because she let herself being bullied nobody remembers it, only one person didn't.

"Oh dear cousin, you won't be using your abilities to fight, I made the maid poison your cup, and the poison will be effective in a couple of seconds."

"Oh, what a shame, I wanted to enjoy her a little longer."

After that she plumped on the floor with difficulties to breath, and to see, she has lost her vision.

She was dyeing and did not know what will happen after…

When she was breathing her last breath, she made a vow, and a curse.

"Lucy, Luis, if there is a next life, I'll make you regret what you did today, I'll make you wish you are dead, but without being able to die…. I just hope to be happy and find love…"

After she dies, her father heard some commotion and found the three of them, his daughter laying on the floor lifeless, and the other two naked with evils smiles…

Their fate… was worst that dead, Annie's fate….

The girl opens her eyes confused, she was poisoned and died but… "Where am I?"

"Cousin, you are awake? Thanks to the heavens, why did you jump from the tower, you could have been dead, Uncle was so distressed"

After careful consideration, Annie knew she was back, one year before Luis came to the mansion, she has to stop him from coming, to take her purity, and to cheat her with the hot springs.

And her revenge begun…

But this story is only the past, the first time that it was a Rebirth.

As for the reason that Luis knew the existence, it was because one silver eye man told him.

Since then, she founded the Golden Royal Lockhart and mark the start of the reborn's gift, and other specialities.