Happy Valentines

Chapter 6: Happy Valentines

A few more days passed...

"Hon! Hurry up! We will be late in the boutique." Erin called out upstairs.

"Erin. I'm very sorry. But it seems I couldn't go with you today, there is an emergency at the facility. Don't worry I called Liza and she will arrive here a few more moments." Lucas said as he went downstairs. He is wearing a clean blue polo shirt and pants. Erin feels a bit disappointed but she tries her best to understand her fiance's situation.

"Then if that is the case you could use the car if it is really urgent," Erin said with worry.

These past few days it seems there is something problematic happening at Lucas' workplace. Whenever she asked him, he just says that it is just some trivial matter. And there is nothing she says to be worried about.

"But if I take the car, what are you going to ride? Lucas said hesitantly.

"You don't need to worry about that. I'm sure Liza brought her own. So just go now. Be sure to come back early tonight. Our wedding will be tomorrow." Erin said as she pushed Lucas outside the house and towards the car. Lucas, who could never say no to Erin just followed her.

"Yes. Ma'am. I will be here tonight early." Lucas said as he winks at Erin with a smirk but Erin just closed the door of the car immediately as soon as Lucas finished his remarks. Because she knows she can't take anymore his presence.

Lucas just laughs at this then soon, he drove the car away. Erin waited for more minutes and soon Liza arrived with her car. "Hey! Where is lover boy?", Liza hugs her and they do cheeks to cheeks kiss as a greeting to each other.

"He already leaves just a moment ago," Erin said as she proceeds to the other side of Liza's car and takes the seat beside her. "So we are going to the Solares boutique right?" Liza said for confirmation. "Yep," Erin answered as she fastened her seatbelt. "Ok." Then Liza also started to drive away.


A few hours later...

"My goodness! You look stunningly gorgeous Erin." Liza said as she happily took pictures of Erin who is now currently fitting her wedding gown.

Her wedding gown has a combination of floral embroidered on the lower part and pure white color. It's sleeveless so you really can see the perfect curve of her arm that is firm, her collarbone is exposed, and her skin looks really smooth and healthy. The gown reaches down her feet. It really fits her body curves well. She looks like an entire model ready to walk in the Runway. She felt shy the way her best friend reacts made her blush a little bit.

"I wonder what would Lucas think of my gown?" Erin said as she stared at the mirror while looking at her reflection. She felt a little sad, that Lucas is not here with her.

Liza just rolled her eyes hearing Erin's words.

"Do you really need to ask me that? That man is foolishly in love with you. Whatever you wear even if it is the worst clothes ever, you would still look the most beautiful to him." Erin said sarcastically as she puts back her phone on her sling bag.

This time Erin is the one who rolled her eyes. Shut up. You're just jealous. When will you and Carlo settle things?" Erin asked with a smirk on her face.

"Me and Carlo? Hmph. Never." She said being very defensive. "Hahaha. You both still don't change since I met you." Erin laughs heartily. Remembering the time when both of her friends first met.

"Nevermind us. Time surely went fast. You're wedding would be tomorrow already. Lucas." Liza sigh, then continue her words "He is really something to set it on Valentine's day. He surely wants to rub it on everyone who is single how loving-loving both of you are."

Erin this time, rolled her eyes' hearing Liza's words.

"Ah. Stop it with your bitterness just go marry Carlo already so your Valentine's problem will be solved" Erin said as she slowly started removing the dress.

"I said we are nothing like that." Erin just sighs with her friends. They obviously love each other but still denying it. She doesn't know what to do with these two, that are like cat and dog, always fighting.

But it showed how they are in love based on how they look at each other. Well, everyone knows this already but these two just don't want to admit it. Hayss their egos and pride towards each other are pretty high. I know that there will be the right time for these two to realize how and find how love works. Since there's have a lot need to work for them to wake up.

"Well, if you say so," Erin said while shrugging her shoulders. After a few minutes, they finally left the boutique then she proceeds to recheck everything that is needed for the wedding. From the guest list to the wedding venue, and many other kinds of stuff.

[Lucas: Don't overwork yourself much. See you tonight. Sorry that I have an emergency meeting right now. But I would defer this all tomorrow.] Erin smiled when she saw Lucas' text message.

[Erin: Don't worry. I understand. I am not that tired since Liza is helping me out too. Don't overwork yourself too alright.]

Erin replied then she puts her phone back on her shoulder bag. She would just need to check the flower shop and everything will be done for the day. It is around 7 pm when she reaches her house.

"See you tomorrow." After Liza dropped Erin in front of her house, she waved her hand as she drove away. After Erin entered the gate of their house she immediately locked the ten chain locks on it or Lucas might scold her if she forgot to do this. If he isn't home yet, she is not worried since Lucas has spare keys.

As she entered the house, she took off her shoes, she massaged the temples of her feet. It is hurting for a long time she is walking and standing all day.


This is much more tiring than listening to different naggings of those criminals she caught on the precinct.

[Erin: I'm home]

She texted Lucas first took a quick shower. After that, she lay down on her bed. She can feel quite relax that everything is now settled.

"Tomorrow will be a very long day." Erin could help but flashed a smile. She is very excited. It's her wedding. Just after tomorrow, a new chapter of her life will now begin.

"I would be Mrs. Maygrams," she said calmly, and based on her voice she is tired yet happy. Soon she started to fall asleep as a smile still plastered on her face.

"It's Valentine's day! I love you my moonlight!"* Ringtone Alarm

Erin opens her eyes slowly when she heard Lucas' voice alarm on her phone. It is set to 6:00 am.

"Good morning Lucas." She said as she stretched her arms but then she realized that the other side of the bed is empty. She instantly felt this scene like some kind of deja vu but this time she doesn't know why but she suddenly felt like something is off. She just shakes her head off. 'Maybe he is already awake, taking a bath, or cooking breakfast.' Erin thought.

The wedding is set for 4:00 pm, but there is so much to do now.

She also doesn't want to be paranoid since she doesn't want to repeat again the same reaction she did with the nightmare experience last time. She grabs her phone to turn off her alarm. But then she saw that there is a message notif on her phone. She opened it and see that it is from Lucas.

A smile forms on her face but when she saw the content it immediately changed to a frown.

His message is something very confusing.

[-----------------Feb. 13, 11:59 pm---------------

Lucas: It's all my fault. I'm so sorry. Remember that I will always love you my moonshine.]

Seeing this, Erin immediately texted back.

[-------------------Sun at 6:15 am-------------------

Erin: What are speaking hon? Sorry, I fell asleep. Why didn't you come home?


Erin: Hon? Erin: Why are you not replying?


Erin: Lucas please say something! Is it due to work? Or something else? ]



Erin heard very loud noises of something that exploded outside the house. Erin typed back at her phone fast.

[Erin: I'll get back! I heard some loud noise outside the house. You better have a reply back and explain things.

Seen ]

She immediately wears a black shirt and pants then went out. As she heads out, she saw Choco, barking loudly. She looks at the yard to see what he is barking out.

"He-help me!"

Erin's eyes widen at what she saw. There is a bloody woman outside the gate. Her blond hair is very disheveled and her clothes were tattered with stains of blood. She is clanging the gate repeatedly trying to open it. Erin also saw the weird bent of her left leg. It seems fractured.

The woman desperately called to her, "Please! They are almost near! I don't want to die!"

The woman isn't worried about her injuries right now. More like she is very afraid of something.

Erin without a second doubt immediately rushes through the gate. For one year in police duty, she has seen quite bloody crime scenes of already dead people. Her mind is in shambles, but her body seems to know what she must do first and that is to aid this woman.

"My dear Lord! What happened to you?!" Erin said as she started to unlock the multiple locks on the gate with different keys. She really wants to curse Lucas for putting so many locks here. "Please Help me!" The girl kept on crying.

"Yes, I will. I am opening it now miss."

"Hurry! They are…" Just as Erin will remove the final lock of the gate.

"Ahh!" Someone jumps to the girl. It is an old lady followed by three more people.

They start biting the girl off. And soon her intestines can be already seen. While the others bit her arms like a mad dog who didn't eat for a long time. These people have lots of blood on their bodies and mouth. Heck! One even has a neck rotated 180 degrees! Their eyes are completely white! But they are still moving, are they human? They look more like very ferocious crazy monsters!

"Sa-save me!"Erin came back to her senses when she seems to hear the

"F*ck! What are you doing?! Stop it!" Then one of the people who jump out to the girl seems to hear Erin. He looks like a teenage boy, but what is very obvious is his neck twisted 180 degrees! He begins clanging the gate trying to reach Erin. Since the final lock is still on the gate, the man can only clang in the gate forcefully. Erin couldn't hear anymore cry from the girl before. Her body parts, arms, and feet were severed and now were being eaten. It seems like they really enjoy eating her body. They look like a savage beast in the form of human anatomy.

Erin steps a few meters back from the gate as soon as others are now also clanging out of the gate.


She could hear multiple explosions everywhere. "What in the world is happening right now?" Erin was very surprised and bewildered by these events that she didn't notice someone is approaching from behind her back.