The Alchemist

"Take care Erin," Then Fred turned to Carlo, "And you too, pal."

"You too Fred." I sighed.

"Yeah," Carlo answered. 

As he turned around, something came to my mind. "Fred, one more thing. Please tell Liza that I'm sorry for the attitude I've shown her back then." He paused for a bit before waving his hands and started to walk. 

"Man, before you act cool, there's a poop ahead of you," Carlo called out.

"What?" But it's too late when he stepped on it. And a loud scream echoed through the lands. "No!" 

Everyone laughed at his misfortune. "Sucks to be you dude," Carlo said as he shook his head.

"Damn! Where the heck did this one even come from?" Fred retorted as he tried to shake off the poop. And everyone continued to laugh more. 


After a few more moments, Fred and the others bid their farewell.