
"Erin, I'm wondering..."

I look at Tom who is staring at me seriously. 

"About what?" I raised a brow. 

"The necklace you are wearing to school..." Tom said. He seems a bit hesitant about something.

"What about my necklace?" This is making me impatient. He kept going on and on in circles. "I don't have time to answer riddles so go straight to what it is you got to tell me."

"I don't know if it's really your fashion or what...but how long are you going to wear something like that? It's not really good, out of your character!" Tom speaks it all without breathing.

"What's wrong with it? It's the first gift I got from grandpaps." I gently hold the necklace which is surrounded by all-white pearls. It's surely his taste. But this is the first gift I've got to someone who will become my father despite our different blood. "I'm really happy with this gift from him."