Fight 3

Tom's tone of voice when delivering that message was quite hurried before it got cut off. 'I hope all of them are doing alright,' Erin thought as she glanced forward.

Since the time they started following these two people in front, the whole group was filled with silence. It was not an awkward or a dreadful silence. But more like just a normal silence.

"We're almost there," They all looked at Red who was now stretching her arms left and right. "Almost there," she said like she was enjoying this trip.

And just after a few more minutes, they finally reached the end of the hallway. At the end of it, there were metal bars. "They are behind that bars," Both Red and Blue turned towards Erin's group. Red looked intently with Erin's eyes as if she was looking at someone dear to her. While Blue just yawned, his complexion was much paler than Red and he looked like someone who was sleep-deprived. The two of them gazed at Erin's firm look.