Angel body

Ari stared at the black for a while, it was pretty boring. After some time, she woke up on the floor of a forest.

"Huh?" Ari thought. "Wait... is this still my dream?"

Ari tried to get up, but she fell.

"Ow!" Ari cried out. Wait. Why was my voice higher?

Ari looked at her body, but saw the boy's body that she created.

"Huh? W- ah- uh?!" Ari freaked out and jumped up.

"Wait... that thing told me about going into the body?...." Ari thought. "Ah... i'm still dreaming then."

Ari was happy she was in the angel's body, but she wanted to wake up. So she grabbed a stick and hit her/his (gonna use his now) thigh.

"Ack! Sonuva-" Ari rolled back in pain. She checked the wound and saw purple started to appear.

"Huh?! P-Pain?!!! This isn't a dream?!!" Ari freaked out.


After a while, Ari calmed down.

"Hmm.. that voice said I died or something...." Thought Ari. "Mmmm... so this world is player 1?"

Ari was really confused. "Wait... this body is a Phas right?"

Ari held up her hand and said "disappear", as she tried to make her hand pass through the tree.

"Owowow!...." Ari cradled her hand.

"This is some kind of game right? Uhh stats?" Ari asked. A blue screen appeared.


Species: Phas

Gender: Male

Level: 1

Str: 3

Sta: 4

Agi: 34

Int: 12

Def: 3

Skills: Phase (species ability) Dash (species ability)

"...I have no idea if this is good." Sighed Ari. She had no gaming experience, so she just had to think she was fast.

Ari walked around the woods. She heard a noise in the distance, that sounded like clashing. Intrigued, she went to investigate.

When Ari arrived she saw a oddly dressed girl fighting large green monsters. After a while, the girl ran away towards a pond. There she summoned red potions, and gulped them all down.

After drinking them, she said,"I know your there, come out."

Ari was shocked and flinched. She made sure to be as quiet as possible, and used her ability to not step on any leaves or branches.

Ari was hesitating, when the girl called out again.

"If you think you can Pk me, then think again! I'm already level 37 from those Orcs!"

"Orcs?" Thought Ari. "Ah, probably those green things. And what's PK?"

Ari shook her head to clear her thoughts, and stepped out. If you were to see his appearance, he would look like a little boy but bigger.

"..." The girl stared at him mouth agape. Her mind instantly went to "record" after confirming it was on, she started talking. "Who are you?"

Ari flinched then said softly,"M-My name is Ari."

The girl obviously was attracted to the him, so she softened her voice when she heard his soft voice.

"Why are you here?"

"I don't know... I heard a noise so I came here." Ari said. In his mind Ari was cautious. He didn't know who this person was, and he sure well knew that his good looks could cause disaster.

"What are you?"


"Ah, sorry. What species are you?" said the girl.

Ari hesitated, if it was someone weak he could just run away. But the girl said she was level 37. He didn't know if it was high, but he knew that his level was far lower then hers.

"..." {Ari}

"Ah! Is it a bad topic for you? If so i'm sorry!" Hurriedly said the girl.

"I-It's ok..." Ari didn't know what misunderstanding he caused, but it was good.

Ari backed away a little bit, after seeing the girl turn around and start talking to herself. Then after seeing no reaction, she ran dead sprint into the woods making her flimsy shirt and pants flap behind him. She heard a "Stop!" but she kept running.

After running for 3 minutes, he stopped and sat down on a stump.

"Urgh... what time is it?" Ari heard to himself.

"February 12th, 11:39 pm."

"0.0...ok...." Ari was about to dismiss it when he remembered the voice's words. "Every 13th, you will be able to log off the game and become a ghost in the modern world."

That means that, he'll be returning soon? Argh, too much thinking let's just wait.


Whim still on. might be a few mistakes.... and oh! Yeah I put she instead of he sometimes since all my books I wrote had a female protagonists.