Ari was browsing on her computer for a cheap virtual reality capsule. The new game, "Player 1 online!" is a recently popular game made by an unknown game company.
Her friends in college urged her to play the game, saying it was fun. So she was looking for a used capsule. She saw a gray and purple capsule for 430 dollars. Usually the price for virtual reality capsules, were 500-600 dollars so it was a pretty good deal.
When she was about to buy it, she saw another capsule for 310 dollars. She thought it was a scam, but the description said that the reason it was cheap was because it was a very old model and could randomly log you out of the game.
Ari didn't really care, so she brought it.
The next day when it came, there was instructions with it.
"Plug in cable. Close top. Put on helmet. Relax your mind. Shout start."
"Hmm... simple enough." Ari thought.
After plugging in the cable, she went to eat some chips. As she was eating, she felt a chip lodge in her throat. After struggling for a while,she felt faint.
"Seriously? This is how i'm going to die?" Thought Ari annoyed. She fainted.
After some time, Ari's body was found by her roommate and was given a proper burial.
"Ugh, where am I?" Ari thought as she woke up in a field. "Is this a dream?"
"No." A metallic voice sounded through the meadow.
Ari jolted then stood up, she was wearing a simple white dress.
"Who are you? and where am I?" Asked Ar, a bit scared.
"You are dead." Said the voice.
"Hah! As if." Scoffed Ari as she she forgot about her fear.
"....You are going to be an npc in the game you wanted to play. I don't know if I were to call you unlucky, or lucky for having this opportunity."
"Yeah sure sure." Ari waved it of as a dream.
"Since we want you to...get stronger. I will give you some information."
Ari just fiddled her thumbs, and played with the flowers.
"In this world, "Player 1 online." is an actual world somewhere in the universe. We have managed to connect with them through the capsules, and we have picked you to be a test subject to see if a person from another world will be able to live here."
Ari payed it a little attention then tried to braid grass together.
"Of course, this might be a little unfair for us to make a normal person go through this. So every 13th of the month, you will get out of the game and become a ghost in the real world. Though you can't really do anything, you can communicate by using mirrors or other stuff humans use to talk with ghosts. You can touch things, but only for a brief moment."
"Hmmm... maybe I can use this to write a short story or something..." Thought Ari, as she made a braid out of grass.
"In order to turn back to a human in the modern world, you must reach the above the peak of Lucrastion (Player 1 world) and then only will you be able to stay in the modern permanently." The system continued.
"Yes yes wow! How great! So fun!" Said Ari sarcastically.
"Anyways," the system continued. "Since the developers are merciful, you can design your appearance for the new world."
"Ooooo that sounds interesting! Lemme see!" Ari had an idea.
A blue screen popped up and there was her body with many ways to change herself. There was even a "change gender" option.
Ari suddenly had an idea."Oh my gosh, can't I just make a cute boy!"
With this idea, Ari changed her body to a boy. She then made the boy have a feminine body. She made his hair soft and golden, she made his eyes light green. By the time she was done, she was drooling all over. There was only one way to describe the boy, an angel.
The boy looked super frail and looked as if he would break if anything hit him. As the was done, she saw a race option. She clicked on it and saw many races such as elf,human,dwarf,ghost,dog,rat,cat, and etc.
There were many races she didn't recognize Jukidice. She was wondering what it was, when information popped up. Jukidice- a dark bluish monster that usually lives in houses with ghosts.
"Ugh! I don't want this little angel to become some blue monster!" Ari scrolled down some more. Bigger names such a White rhinocarseres and such popped up. Then she saw a name with a locked symbol right next to it, Phas.
Information popped up again, when she asked about it. Phas-a human ghost type species that has the ability to go through through stuff at will. They also have high speed, that makes them reliant on their speed. Adventurers, mercenaries, and etc usually leave them alone, since they are harmless.
Ari tried to click on it, but it wouldn't let her.
"Huh? Why isn't it working?" Ari thought.
"It is locked, due to it's free skills it normally has." Answered the voice.
"Then how do I unlock it?" Ari asked annoyed.
"You must earn coins, by playing the mini game." The voice said.
"And where's the this mini game?" Ari asked with sass this time.
"...Top right of the blue screen."
Ari looked at the top right and saw a mini game option then clicked on it. She was transported to a casino themed room. In it, was a single machine a slot machine.
"Hah! What a poor casino." Thought Ari as she spammed the game try to earn the coins.
After 5 hours (She thinks) she earn the 90 coins needed for the race.
"This is all for you my pretty angel..." She thought as she went back to unlock the race.
Once unlocked, she immediately put the race on the angel boy. The boy then turned a bit transparent, causing him to have a mysterious air about him. But it wasn't a bad thing, it caused him to look like a real angel.
Ari was giggling in delight and pressed finished.
"Done. You will now be transported in the character you chose." said the voice.
"Haha! You just shut up! This is my moment!" Ari was so glad she got the boy the rare race.
There was a bright light, and she saw black.
Wrote this on a whim, once whim dies. Bam slower updates. Uhhhh might have a few mistake cuz I don't really proof reading it and yea.