"Yo Ari I think I done it!" Shurl raced towards Ari and tackled him to the ground.
"Stop, and use proper english." Ari shoved Shurlon off him.
"No no! Look this is going right into a chaopter right nbow!" Shurl screamed.
"No, the author is currently bored. So they not correcting their spelling and it's gonna look like ass when their done." Ari sighed.
"I acitcated it tho! I clicked the "start new chapter" button and bam! They came onlien!" Shurl grabbed bunny and threw it at Ari.
"Oh my god, that sounds like animal abuse. No, it's a stuffed bunny!" Ari screamed into the mic.
"PAPOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!" Shurl pounced on Ari.
"Get ze dirty ass off me!" Ari flared around to no avail.
"No! Since this is a side sotry, I will do whyatever I want wit no consequences!" Shurl stole Ari's lips.
"MFFHFHFH!" Ari widened his eyes and tried to kick Shurl's lower member. Shurl continued kissing Ari, leaving him breathless.
"Hello! I'm Kizuna Ai des~" Shurl leaped off and did a peace sign.
"Today we are going to make Ari cool~!" Shurl did a pose. "Wowow~!" Shurl got a random outfit ffrom the closet and put it on Ari. Ari blushed when his shirt came off.
"AWwwww~ Lil' Ari is blushin yo!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shurl did the gangnam style. Ari gagged.