"Ah...i'm from...the woods next to the gates." Replied Ari.
"No like, where are you from specifically." asked Xinxus.
"I'm like from a tree near a place where orcs are..." Ari tried to be as simple as possible.
The orb lit up, and then Xinxus nodded.
"Alright, then how did you learn how to read and write?" Xinxus asked.
Bro! Can you stop asking questions, that would reveal that i'm not from here!
"Uh...to be honest I don't know." Ari did have truth in that. He learned English not this world's language. So when he was transported here, he somehow could understand the language. But he didn't know how.
The orb lit green. Ari sighed to himself in his mind.
Xinxus looked like he thought to himself, for a minute. Then he laid back and gave a friendly smile to Ari.
"You passed! Welcome to the Greenfield Guild!" Xinxus said.
Ari was a tad bit confused on why they didn't do anything offical, but it's another world. What you gonna do?
"When am I going to start work?" Asked Ari.
"Ah you can come in today or tomorrow."
Ari thought of it, then he said he should work today. The same staff member he met earlier led him to the changing room for the employees were.
She then introduced herself.
"Hello there, sorry not for introducing myself earlier. But my name is Hallie, nice to meet you." She did a slight bow with her head, that looked pretty cute. If the male players were here, they would create multiple fantasies in their heads.
"Nice to meet you Hallie, i'm Ari." Ari smiled, but you couldn't see his smile due to the mask. Hallie got the gist of it when she saw Ari's smiling eyes, so they talked for a bit.
After a few minutes, Hallie left Ari to change in the room. The guild staff's uniform was kind of like a engineer style. It was a leather brown, and had a white shirt and brown pants. For the girls, they had striped white shirts. They also had a choice to either wear a skirt, a dress, or pants like the boys. Most of them chose to wear skirts though.
Ari looked pretty good in the uniform, hes slender arms were hidden by the sleeves. And the pants looked kinda stylish. Just exclude the mask, and he'd get multiple fans at once no matter his personality.
"How was it?" Asked Hallie.
"Well, I didn't sense anything suspicious from him...it's just that...hes a monster that's works at a place to defeat monsters... Especially since the demon king just awakened. It's hard to think that a monster would really do this in their on will... Even peaceful races like Phases wouldn't do this normally..." Xinxus sighed.
"Hmmm....well at least we can keep a watch on him since hes here..." Added Hallie.
"..True I guess." Xinxus then talked about other things, but stopped when they saw Ari rounding the corner.
"Uh..quick question...what am I doing specially?" Ari blushed a lot. He just did all the procedures, but he didn't even know what he was doing. They couldn't see Ari's expression, but they could see the way he was fidgeting. But to be honest,....it looked a puppy that took a lot of things from you then realized that they had to repay you but didn't know how.
Xinxus stifled a laugh, while Hallie hid her smile as she explained it to Ari. Basically, there was no exact group they were assigned to you. You just had to help newcomers sign up, do paperwork, give quest rewards, and stand by for help. This was just stuff for newcomers, once you were in the guild long enough. You would be able to do more important jobs such as finance and stuff. If an adventurer caused ruckes, you could call for the guards with the button underneath the desk.
Ari nodded as he watched Hallie demonstrate in on adventurers coming in. The adventurers just watched Ari, but they got bored so they just did their own things.
Xinxus watched them quietly from the corner.
"Hmm... such a interesting fellow..." Thought Xinxus as he stroked his chin.
After a few days, Ari got the gist of it. The easiest parts were the quest items, you just had to fetch them from the guild rewards room. That the quest givers gave to the guild.
:O just realized, information!
Lucrastion was a country located in the middle of the Continent of Ursu.
To their left was the non human races such as elves, dwarfs, beastmen, do on. There were sub species countries as well, such as the dark elves and etc. To their top right, there was the Empire of Kraw.
It was the largest country on the continent. The Lucrastions were almost as strong as the Kraws, but not quite.
When the system said above the peaks of Lucrastion, he meant basically the strongest. Ah...what else? Ah! No other continents have been found...yet. :))). Anyways, Lucrastion's capital is Lucrania. Named after Lucrastion of course.
Greenfield is a city not far from the capital. So they aren't that much of a country bumpkin. So if there was something I missed, I will add it on later in the story. Anyways there might be a few mistakes in this.