Lightsaber Creation Spectation!

After a while, Xytan stopped training then he decided to take a bath afterward. He sat the wooden practice blade on his bed before doing all of this. He still hadn't fully learned Soresu, so it never appeared on his Status sheet.

Xytan was truly happy to know that younglings were given good treatment, like getting their own rooms and practice tools if you asked for them. After taking a refreshing shower, he put on a new set of clothes. His dirty clothes would have to be taken to the cleaners later in order to be cleaned and used again.

Xytan put his training blade under his bed before laying on his bed to take a nap. To him, all he needed to do was eat, sleep, and train as much as he could. Yes, he knew he slept a lot but he could care less about what others might think on that prospect.

Xytan closed his eyes a took a nap, he didn't sleep long with him only sleeping for just over an hour. He looked at the time and found that this was so, so he got up to prepare for his day. And that was to go watch the creation of those lightsabers.

Xytan's clothes were already on, so got he got up to leave his room. He made sure to grab his Kyber Crystal that he hid in his pocket, and hung it around his neck again before walking out of his room.

As he was walking, he saw Viola coming his way, at this time, she was running. When she saw Xytan, she stopped and smiled while panting. "I was just coming to get you, where were you all day? I thought you were going to miss out on the older guys making their lightsabers."

"No way I could miss something like that, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Now, let's go watch!" Xytan quickly ran ahead of Viola.

"Wait...I'm tired from running over here, Xytan...don't leave me!" Viola ran after him.


Moments later, they met up with Jin, Ven, and a few other younglings who were interested in watching. Every youngling wanted their own lightsaber, this was the dream for every future Jedi; this was especially so for younglings.

"Hoho, the toddler youngsters are here to watch, huh?" A Jedi Master appeared and knew this was the reason for their gathering. He was human, he wore brown robes with white bracers over his wrist.

"Hmm..." Xytan recognized this Jedi as Cin Drallig!

Cin smiled and looked over the group of younglings with his hands tied behind his back; his eyebrow raised in thought.

"Well, come this way, you can directly enter this room to watch. However, you'll be watching from a different room." Cin finally replied after a while, all of the younglings were hoping that they wouldn't get turned away in order to watch.

"Yeah!!" All of the younglings cheered and jumped in excitement before being guided into the room.

The room they were led into had a large clear glass pane for the younglings to see through. The room was soundproof to prevent the older younglings from losing focus during the making of their lightsabers.

There were rows that got higher so everyone could see what was going on. Viola, Jin, and Xytan were watching from the top row. Everyone was talking happily, but right then the older younglings walked into the other room and it got quiet.

An Unknown group of older youngsters came into that room under the lead of some unknown Jedi female he had never seen before. The glass wasn't see-through from their side, so they wouldn't be distracted by anyone who was watching them. These older younglings were unaware that they were being watched by a group of youngsters.

At that moment, a droid walked out from the back room. Xytan knew this was Huyang who helped the youngsters create their lightsabers. The Female Jedi Knight told the older younglings to sit their Kyber Crystals on the table.

Afterward, Huyang commented about the past Jedi younglings he had helped. The table consisted of Blue and Green Kyber Crystals, the usual and common colors. Viola, Xytan, and the rest of the younglings watched intensively.

The older younglings were especially excited when Huyang brought out the parts to build their lightsabers. Huyang explained a few things about the different kinds of hilts and designs before allowing the older younglings to pick and choose to their liking.

The younglings remained silent, the room Xytan was in was as quiet as a graveyard. After they were left to choose their parts, Huyang and the unknown Jedi Knight left the room. In no time, they started to concentrate on the construction of their lightsabers.

Time passed, the older younglings failed often to create their lightsabers.

"They mess up a lot, why is it so hard to make a lightsaber?" One of the younglings finally spoke up through the silence.

"Making a Lightsaber takes focus, it isn't easy at first but they'll get it, eventually. One of them has already completed her lightsaber, the others are far too anxious in building theirs." Cin quickly answered the youngling's question calmly.

"Oh... okay!" The youngling simply nodded and continued to watch.

"That guy seems like an idiot." Another youngling spoke up again, he was talking about one of the older younglings who could barely put his lightsaber together.

"There is no ignorance or idiocy, there's knowledge. He's only making mistakes, this doesn't make him an idiot." Cin was kinda speechless, but these younglings still had someways to go. The youngling simply nodded and continued to watch like the last one.

The older youngling girl ignited her lightsaber, which was Blue. She swung it around happily before recalling the blade and attaching it to the side of her waist with a smile. The Female Jedi Knight walked in and patted her shoulders with a smile before checking on the rest of the older younglings.

Suddenly, the Jedi Knight's expression turned grave and she called out to one of the older younglings. He was doing something wrong which would overload the matrix and cause an explosion.

She had to guide him through it and explain a bit more so he could understand what he was doing wrong, and what was about to happen if he continued. The older youngling shivered after hearing what would have happened to him if he continued.

After a further explanation, he understood more; the other older younglings were listening. Their expressions were much more serious than before, then they tried again. After 10 to 15 minutes, they all had completed their lightsabers under the confirmation of the Jedi Knight.

They all ignited their lightsabers with joy, this also caused the younglings in the room with Xytan to go wild with glee due to their success.

"They did it!"

"I can wait to make my lightsaber too!"

"I-I want the blue one!"

"Green is obviously cooler!"

The younglings chatted and broke out into excitement after it was all over. Cin only smiled before leading the younglings out of the room. There were at least 30 in total of these younglings who came to watch.

"Man, I really want that blue one, it's my favorite color of them all." Jin had always used the blue lightsaber training blades as his main during practice.

"I'm sure you'll get that color in the future, so you don't have to worry about that." Xytan knew this was a common color, so he didn't believe otherwise.

"Right, I hope I do get that color." Jin nodded and continued. "What about you Viola, what color do you want to get, though I don't really think that it matters."

"Hmm...I don't know, I just want a lightsaber, the color doesn't matter." Viola scratched her head.

"I guess it doesn't." Jin shrugged and kept talking about other things, then he brought up the platform jump area. He wanted to head back there because he had yet to complete the jump.

Jin asked if they wanted to join him but Xytan said he had already completed the jump and had the ability down-packed already, so he declined. Viola also declined since she had accomplished this yesterday.

Jin understood. He was the only one among the 3 of them who had yet to complete this jump, so he wasn't feeling down at all. He only went off by himself to complete this task alone with a few other younglings who had yet to succeed.

Xytan and Viola decided to head to the main room where they could practice their lightsaber skills. He wanted to try using the helmet to actually test and see if he could avoid being hit by actual virtual blaster bolts. This would show him the number of times he was hit or if he managed to deflect them all.

Xytan told her this and she obviously wanted to give it a try as well. The training droids activated and started to shoot at them. Xytan started to parry the virtual blaster bolts in speedy successions. The same old master from before was there as usual; he was still meditating in the same way as always.

Xytan used two training droids from the start for practice and in no time, he was done. Viola was surprised that he was training with 2 at a time, but she didn't copy him and stuck with one training droid.


[Ding! Speed has risen by .3]

[Ding! Constitution has risen by .2]

[Ding! Congratulations, you've learned Beginner Level 1 Soresu!]


Xytan stopped and looked at his status sheet with a smile.

'Good, good, time to level up, hahaha!' Xytan secretly celebrated, but the master in the corner was shocked.