Xytan gazed landed on the Younglings, there were a total of 5 of them. There were 4 boys and 1 girl standing before Xytan and his 2 friends. Xytan felt like laughing when he heard the first line brought up to him.
"Acting cool? All he did was pass a test, how is that acting cool?" Jin was the first to speak, this didn't make sense to him.
"He's outshining us on purpose by getting such a high score. H-he's doing that to higher his chances of getting a master, while we won't get one." The Youngling in the middle pointed at Xytan while looking at Jin.
"Then train and stop playing around all day, y-you big babies!" Viola spoke meekly, she wasn't good with these types of things.
"S-shut up, Viola! We wasn't talking to you." The boy to the far left stomped his foot and said.
AN: The word 'wasn't' isn't supposed to be used there, it was supposed to be 'weren't' but this is how they talk as little kids, well some of them.
Xytan didn't say anything the whole time. He may be a kid but he was maturely a 25-year-old man. Well, combined with his current age, you can say that he was actually a 30-year-old man.
"Why won't you say anything? Say something, you idiot!" The little girl that was with them was a Zebrak, she spoke and called out Xytan.
"Wait, me." Xytan pointed to himself with wide eyes, showing surprise.
"Yes, you, who else? Say something." Her childish voice rung out.
"Something?" Xytan nodded.
Everyone was rendered speechless for a moment.
"That isn't what—"
"Hey, what are you Younglings doing? Go on to Lunch and stop your little conflict. I don't want to see anything like this again." A feminine voice rung out suddenly, she was listening to them from start to finish. She almost laughed out when she heard Xytan's line, he was clearly messing with them.
"Yes, Great Master!" All of the Younglings were shocked and quickly turn to leave. Xytan, Viola, and Jin looked back, but they didn't see the Master appear.
Xytan and the rest of the Younglings went to the lunchroom. After getting in line and receiving their lunch, they all went to sit down. The Younglings didn't bother with Xytan, in fact, they didn't even look at him.
Xytan chose some meat with some scrambled Orobird bird eggs. This made him think about the many types of creatures and weird animals around the universe.
The most notable one being the Rancor. The planets where his bases were being constructed were temporary places. The Mandalorians hadn't even managed to find an isolated planet yet.
Xytan would have to tell them that it was okay to build a base on a normal planet. As long as they built the base in a mountain Region or someplace away from civilization, it was fine.
"You guys said you've been training, how did you do it? Have you guys just been practicing with the training droid, you both had high scores." Jin suddenly asked.
He had always been practicing on his Force Jump these days instead of anything else.
"We practice that, yes." Viola didn't say anything to Jin about them Practicing with Muntuur Stones. This was her and Xytan's little secret, so she wouldn't say anything about these things.
"No wonder! I'll have to practice that more. I've gotten really good at that platform jumping thing, so it's time to try something else." Jin smiled and said excitedly.
"Next week, he'll be testing us on the Jedi Code, so you better make sure you know that." Xytan already knew the code, so he didn't need to practice such a thing.
"Ah, man, it's so hard to remember that thing! Why is it so long?" Jin sighed before stuffing a bun in his mouth.
"Well, I guess I better practice it every day so I don't forget it." Viola found remembering the long code hard as well and set this as her goal.
After eating, Viola whispered to Xytan that she was coming to his room to practice again. He told her to come an hour from now. She happily agreed and they both went their separate ways, she followed Jin somewhere afterward.
Xytan's knowledge about what was going on outside was limited. He would only hear news if it was dramatic. Such as the whole thing with Obi-wan, Maul, and Savage.
Xytan had thought about using the force to warn Maul and Savage about Sidious in the future.
He wanted to do this because he wanted as much chaos as possible when order 66 came. Xytan wanted to save as many Jedi as he could because that would take the heat off of him. If a certain amount of Jedi survived, it would start a Cold War between both the newly established Empire and the Jedi reminisce.
All the while, he was somewhere else building himself up unhindered by both parties.
Once Xytan was back in his room, he called over AS-11. He had it relay a message to his Mandalorians that they should search for a planet in the Outer Rim. He wanted one planet that was at least uninhabited, while the other could have some if they couldn't find 2. However, they must build the base away from the public and secretly.
Xytan planned the buy a whole planet from the system anyway later. He could just customize one later, it did come with default animals, a sun, and a moon.
Xytan did a few stretches once he settled in his room. Then, his gaze landed on the Muntuur Stones. His Telekinesis stat was very important, so it had to rise for him to truly become a master. After which, Xytan began his training with the Stones.
He could lift 300 pounds, which was actually really amazing for his age. In no time, his Telekinesis stat should be able to reach Intermediate. The only reason his Telekinetic stat was rising so fast was because of his Midichlorian count.
Practicing for thirty minutes, he was showing improvement once again. However, his level still didn't rise, nothing rose from this training. All he had to do was practice and meditate to gain some boost over time.
"Now, it's time to do my weekly warning." Xytan sat on his bed and began to reach into the force. He had thought about warning Grievous, but that guy was far too sinister.
As usual, his warning reached out to every Jedi. Aayla Secura, Mace Windu, Yoda, Plo Koon, and several Jedi across the galaxy. In fact, they were expecting this, these warnings always hit them on the same day.
This would be Xytan's last time warning them each week, he decided that he would do it once a month. From what Xytan could see, Order 66 wouldn't happen until 5 months from now. The new year was already here, it was 19 BBY!
Dooku's execution would be around 3 months from now. Darth Maul should be defeated by Sidious late this month or early next month, with his brother dying in the process.
There was a lot to prepare for in his lifetime in the Star Wars Verse. The Yuuzhan Vong were quite the threat when they invaded. The first place they attack was the Outer Rim, where Xytan planned to set up and hide.
Xytan had thought of many ways to defeat them, but he would be in his 50's when they invaded. However, it was still best to prepare for them since he knew they would come in time.
Xytan's Empire would be like Zakuul, where Vitiate had his Empire secretly built in the unknown Regions in Wild Space. While the Empire and Jedi were fighting each other, he would be at work safely.
Initially, Sidious would expand and have places like the Unknown Regions and Wild Space explored. However, he would be too busy for something like that. Xytan just prayed that these insufferable Jedi listened to his warnings.
Eventually, a knock could be heard at the door. Xytan looked once and knew it was Viola.
When he first saw an alien from Star Wars, he was shocked. Xytan couldn't keep his eyes off of them all the way up to his current age—even now he stares at different aliens. Xytan stared at Viola a lot in amazement when he first saw and she noticed. This could be one of the reasons why she went to talk to him.
"Heya!" Once he answered the door, Viola greeted him enthusiastically.
"Come on in. I have some new training we can do after you practice with the Stones." Xytan moved to the side and allowed her to walk pass.
"Huh? Some different training? Okay, let's try it!" Viola thought for a moment and spoke excitedly.
Xytan, as always, sat on the bed and watched Viola train to herself—monitoring her progress. He wondered what her Midichlorian count was, and what was her potential? If it was low, he would do what he could to help her turn into a genius.
This made Xytan think of techniques, so the Holocron he got from the system emerged in his thoughts. Anyone who mastered techniques to a certain level could create Holocron with just their thoughts. This would be the technique they wanted to pass on to others to learn.
Viola continued to practice to herself as Xytan watched silently. She somehow managed to lift a Mutuur Stone up, but only slightly before stopping. This stone weighed a good amount, he wasn't sure but it was heavy.
"Nice! You're progressing! I knew you would get better with practice, but you're growing faster than I thought." Usually, Younglings didn't practice in this way, in fact, they didn't do this at all.
"Yeah, this is all thanks to you, Xtyan! Thank you for telling me about this, we'll grow strong together!" Viola felt like hugging Xytan but she was far too exhausted.
"Glad to help, we'll be partners when the time comes, so we need to watch each other backs. For now, Meditate and gather your stamina back. Afterward, we'll do something different for training."
"Right, we'll be partners!" Viola smiled and began to meditate to recover her stamina.
Xytan turned ot the system soon after and strolled over to Sith Techniques!
-Force Crush| 8,000 System Points
-Force Lightning(Blue Tier-1)| 5,000 System Points
-Force Lightning(Purple Tier-2)| 20,000 System Points
-Force Lightning(Red Tier-3)| 50,000 System Points
-Force Drain| 150,000 System Points
-Force Storm| 120,000 System Points
-SuperNova| 120,000 System Points
-Deadly Sight| 15,000 System Points
-Suppressed Thought(Mind Control)| 30,000 System Points
-Battle Meditation| 100,000 System Points
This list went on and on.
Xytan may as well practice some of these techniques while he was at it. Things like Force Lightning would be learned instinctively if he became a Darksiders. It was innate to Darkside users, as they would instantly reach enlightenment on the technique through the force.
'Okay, I'll buy Force Lightning(Blue) and Tutaminis.' Xytan's eyes went wide in excitement.