Xytan went on to buy Tutaminis and Force Lightning, there was no way for him to be discovered using Force Lightning. Furthermore, he bought Force Crush despite it being a so-called Darksided Technique.
In total, this all cost 21,000 System Points. Xytan now had 25,500 System Points, he was now back at square one.
Afterward, Xytan went to check the Light Side skills. The main one he was targeting was Lightning Judgement. However, this Technique would cost him 30,000 System Points. It would cost an extra 5,000 points for any Technique to be converted into a Holocron.
While he was browsing, he discovered something major on his part. At first, he wondered how he was going to buy weapons for so many soldiers. This was due to the prices of each weapon within his system.
He had found a way through the system. For example, if Xytan bought a Covenant Type-51 Carbine, he could give it to a Sangheili Warrior(Elites) and they could mass-produce it. Carbines used Radioactive rounds, the same ammunition as Fuel Rods, Anti-air Wraiths, and Banshees, at least some of its ammunition.
Xytan would need to buy a [Radio Active Fuel Generator] to start the production of such weapons. This would dramatically lower the cost he would need to spend from the system, and he just discovered this! He just needed to buy one weapon of each, so they could start the production of them.
Production of such weapons would speed up exponentially if he managed to buy their actual homeworld, Sanghelios. This would guarantee the production of such weapons with ease.
There was a bounty part of the system, but he had yet to unlock this. This would increase the number of points he got from hunting criminals. This wasn't here before, it only appeared after his Mandalorians hunted a certain amount of criminals.
"A Wraith, huh? Those are some pretty good tanks from the Covenant." This may be the first type of tank he would buy since it aligned with other weapons in terms of ammunition.
While he was thinking to himself, Viola stood up. She was clearly done gathering her stamina back from her previous training.
"Are you feeling better now?" Xytan asked as he sat on the bed.
"Yes, I feel like I'm at one hundred percent now. What was that other training you were talking about?" Viola walked over toward the bed and asked.
"Sparring, of course," Xytan said indifferently. He jumped down from his bed under Viola's stunned expression and reached under his bed.
"F-Fighting?" Viola couldn't contain her surprise.
"Huh? It isn't anything serious, just be sure to defend yourself." Xytan stood up and handed her a practice blade made of wood.
"I-I'm a little scared, won't we hurt each other?" Viola was very worried.
"We won't try to hurt each other but it's necessary to strike at each other, just be sure to block each other's attacks. You've trained in Shii-Cho, so you should be able to do this much. You do the same thing with blaster bolts, so don't be afraid."
Xytan nodded and held his practice blade in front of him. Viola gulped before nodding and doing the same thing. Xytan gazed into her eyes, there was nothing but vigilance when she looked at him.
"First, you strike at me. Try to hit me, it's best we train now while we're so young than when we're older." The best time to teach a kid was when they were young.
"Okay, here I go." Viola nodded and struck out at Xytan.
Xytan swung his wooden blade and blocked her strike, which aimed for his arm carrying the blade. Viola swiped across the air, attempting to disarm Xytan but he simply brought his blade down to counter this trick.
Xytan could hear her snapping her tongue from failing to end the fight fast. Viola continued to swing her blade at every target zone she could. Her strikes would always be met with parries, Xytan suddenly heard some notifications but he couldn't look and see what it was.
He was certain that some of his stats and skills had gone up from this little spar. The real thing always worked best, he thought. They would surely have to do this often to hone each other.
Xytan was using Soresu to block her, she couldn't find even the slightest opening. He was on the full defensive, then she pulled off a surprising move by jumping over Xytan. Xytan was stunned seeing this, once she landed over him, she sent a quick strike toward his back.
Xytan quickly turned a slashed his blade across the air, and quickly parried her blade away slightly. Afterward, he moved his blade along hers, sliding against it and disarmed her immediately—by knocking the blade away.
This was his display and use of Makashi.
"Nooo, I lost. I was so close." Viola looked at her blade with wide eyes, as it flew away and hit a wall before falling to the ground.
"That was unexpected, when did you have moves like that?" Xytan asked with a stunned expression. This room wasn't exactly big enough to perform such feats, along with him not expecting a little 5-year-old to do something like that.
"I don't know, it just came to me and I did it." Viola held her hands out, giving a confused gesture.
[Ding! Congratulations, your Mandalorians have successfully turned in some wanted criminals!]
[Ding! Unfortunately, a Mandalorian Warrior has died!]
[Ding! You've received: 2,200 System Points!]
Right as he was talking to Viola, more notifications appeared on his screen.
'Someone died?' Xytan sighed but this was to be expected when they were hunting criminals. But who were they hunting to reel in so many points? He would need to look at the logs later to see why he was given this amount.
"Xytan, is something wrong?" Viola asked seeing his thoughtful expression. Was what she did really that impressive?
"No, but we should practice in this way often. Come sit here, I want to show you something that I think you should practice." Viola sat next to his bed on the floor, and he once again reached under it.
Xytan pulled out the Soresu Manual and sat next to her. He placed the manual on her lap without saying anything. Viola easily recognized the thin manual and she picked it up with surprise.
"This book, is it a Lightsaber fighting style? We were shown something like for our Shii-Cho training." Her little hands shivered slightly when picking up the manual. Younglings were always eager to learn something new, other than the basics all of the time.
"This is Soresu or better known as Form Three. This is a defensive form that you should learn, it'll be of good use later." Xytan said straightforwardly.
"Really, are you giving this to me to learn?" Viola looked at Xytan with excitement.
"Of course, but this will also be our little secret so you can't tell anyone. Hmm, In fact, you can only train this form in my room or by yourself. I don't want it leaving my room just in case it goes missing."
Viola wanted to ask how he even got this manual. However, she didn't think it was best to do this.
Many Jedi would wonder how he got his hands on such a manual, so he wasn't taking any chances. He already took a chance by learning Force Lightning, but they wouldn't know if he didn't use it in front of them.
"Yes, it's our secret. I won't tell anyone no matter what!" Viola opened the manual up with a smile. Younglings were taught to read at a very young age, but not all of them could catch on so fast.
As she read through the introduction, she would ask Xytan a few things. He explained what he knew, while a couple of things still needed understanding. After reading through it a bit, Viola and Xytan practiced together.
This time, he was on the offensive while she was defending. Viola's defenses were sadly pitiful, but this was to be expected. Xytan knew she now had something to look forward to, so she would practice with the Mutuur Stones, Form One, and Three.
They continued ot practice for another 2 hours before she left to her room to sleep. Viola was still a little kid, so she got tired pretty fast.
Once she left, Xytan raised his hand before him. Blue Lightning Bolts started to circulate around his hand, much to his delight.
Xytan turned to the System and made a few adjustments to his Clone Trooper's coloration. Instead of Silver, he changed it to Grey since Silver stood out too much. It also matched what he was going to be in the future—a Grey Jedi.
Xytan saw that his Makashi, Soresu, and Shii-Cho had increased in level. This was especially so with his Makashi, which increased by 2 levels. His stats had also increased, mainly his Speed and a bit of his Agility.
"I think I'll spend this month training with Viola, this should increase my strength further," Xytan concluded.
He wanted to shot some Lightning, but that may damage too many objects in his room. So, he mostly played with the Lightning around his hand, and it wasn't chaotic or something he couldn't control.
Time started to pass quickly. Xytan went to class and afterward, Viola would come to his room to practice. They practice nearly every day, focusing on Telekinesis and Lightsaber combat through play sparring.
These things went on for a month with both of them improving. Xytan's improvement was obviously better, but she showed improvement as well.
During this month, things had also heated up further with the Republic and the Separatists. His system points had also increased, and he didn't receive any notification about any more casualties among his Mandalorians.
There were 4 months left before order 66!
"Hey, Viola, do you want to go to the Jedi Library and check it out?" Xytan suddenly thought. This place was really important for passing on knowledge.
"Yeah, we should check it out!" Viola gasped. She was eager for a little adventure.
"Alright, tomorrow, we'll go check it out." Xytan was expecting to see a certain Librarian there. She didn't like to fight, so she settled for being the Librarian.
"Hmm, I think her name was Jocasta Nu? She should be in the Library as I speak." Xytan couldn't be wrong about this.
'I'll have to give her a little insight, so she can reserve some Jedi teachings and Holcrons.' Xytan grinned and rubbed his hairless chin. Viola just stared at him, she didn't understand why he was smiling like that or why he was rubbing his chin—which was hairless.
"Xytan, you're a little weird sometimes." Viola chuckled and shook her head.