The Chosen Couple!

Xytan could be seen training with Viola by sparring with her. By this point, two months had already gone and passed. There were only two months left before the day of reckoning, the troublesome days.

Xytan's points had naturally risen from his Mandalorians doing work in the field. Unfortunately, another Mandalorian had suffered a loss. Reducing them to a count of 15 Mandalorians in total.

Xytan had received news from them that they had created a good base with the use of the droids he had given them.

"Wow, I'm all sweaty now. Before we do anything else, I should clean myself." Viola was sweaty from all of this training.

"You brought a fresh set of clothes over, so you can use my bathroom. Afterward, we'll head to the Library again." Xytan would also clean himself after she was done washing up.

"Okay, I'll be right back." Viola pulled out an extra robe before walking towards his bathroom and shutting the door.

While she was in the bathroom, Xytan didn't care anymore and pulled out the Holocron he received back then. The large runic cubic block lit up with blue light continuously, its light never ceased to die down or dim.

"What Technique could it be?" Xytan could vaguely hear whispers in his ears as he sunk into meditation. He found that it was some Technique called [Force Preservation].

This Technique was meant to save people who were on the verge of dying. This was used on people who were dying of plagues, viruses, or wounds that would have otherwise killed them over time. This Technique would persevere their bodies and put them into some sort of a Death Coma like state to protect them.

"It's a decent skill, but when would I be able to use it?" It seemed he would have to exude a lot of energy to use this skill on someone.


[Ding! Congratulations, you've Learn Force Preservation!]


The skill appeared in the Passive/Activation skills area.

If he used this skill once, he would surely faint on the spot. He didn't think he would need to use something like this anytime soon. Xytan now had 73,220 system points because he wasn't spending any of them.

He wanted to get to at least 100,000 if he could. But even if it happened, Xytan would need to spend them anyway. After a bit of time, he could hear the shower water stop. Then he heard the sound of scurrying.

Eventually, Viola came out fully dressed. Xytan had already put the Holocron under his bed behind the Grenade boxes. Its luster had already ceased by this point, he hoped it didn't flash or glow again.

Xytan hoped into the shower himself and got dressed afterward.

"Okay, let's head out." Viola nodded in agreement and they both exited the room. He didn't forget to bring A-1 with him this time.


In a dark place, an old man could be seen sitting quietly to himself. His hair was white with long sideburns that connected to his goatee.

" this?" He closed his eyes and focused.

Anyone would recognize this man as Count Dooku! The day after Tomorrow he is supposed to perform an act of kidnapping Chancellor Palpatine. However, something had happened that shocked him to his very core.

It was something unexpected that caused his heart to beat madly. He had seen a vision showing that if he did this, he would die somehow. Dooku wasn't sure how, but it looked like he would be struck down by a Red Lightsaber and Blue one.

"Noo!!" Once he saw his head rolling across the floor, his eyes opened up quickly from the shock. This was not the way it was supposed to end, this was not the way it's supposed to go! He thought,

"I can't go along with this plan, I can send some else to do it. I'll have to go into hiding for a bit; I can't die just yet!" Dooku's expression was ashen, he was sure he would die tomorrow. He had been experiencing these strange visions for a while, but they didn't show or tell him much before.

Dooku called a few B-1 Droids over and ordered them to load up a ship. It was to be filled with food, water, and medical supplies.

"I'll hide for a bit if I must. I may end up getting killed by Sidious for this, so I can't go back to him. I'll stay low for now and see what happens during this war. The Jedi are surely finished, but they don't know it themselves."


As Viola and Xytan were walking, they ran into Mace Windu. He stated that his new Master Shaak Ti will arrive on Coruscant tomorrow. Mace's gaze landed on Viola before he looked back at Xytan, he told him he needed to talk to him.

Once they were alone, he passed him two thick yellow pages of paper. Xytan ran over the words swiftly and started to celebrate to himself, in his thought. Mace could sense Xytan's excitement despite him not showing it. Windu once again warned Xytan to not train in this Technique until he was a certain age.

Mace was worried how Shaak Ti would feel about this, he just hoped Xytan didn't say anything. Xytan assured him that he wouldn't say a thing to her, she would never find out. Vaapad wasn't actually created by Mace, it was created by Revan.

Mace sighed and went on his way. Xytan now had the counter Technique to destroy Sith Lords!

Menacingly laughter echoed through his thoughts.

Sith Lords? So what?!

Xytan took the same route as last time, they went upstairs and eventually made it to the Library. Jocasta greeted the 2 Younglings and allowed Xytan to go upstairs. She warned him not to get into anything, she even had a droid monitoring them from afar.

Xytan and A-1 got down to business, he hadn't been in this Library for 2 months. He had to make sure he got everything on record.

Viola followed behind him, she was whistling a song or something. Xytan was aware that he was being watched, but it didn't matter.

No one knew what Xytan was but the system told him what he classified as in this world. Individuals like the Mortis Son, Mortis Daughter, Mortis Father, Abeloth, and the Whills would be able to immediately identify what he was.

Xytan was dubbed as Nexus Being according to the system. He wasn't sure what that was, but it sounded like something that would invite trouble if others knew.

Xytan was now 6 years old but he was still a Youngling no matter how you looked at it. There was just so much in the Library to cover, but he wanted to finish this. So, he did the whole Library before leaving with Viola, this took him 2 hours.

Just like 2 months ago, they went to the lunchroom to eat with the bigger kids. Viola was fond upon again, as usual. Xytan struck a conversation with Zatt, Katooni, Petro, and the rest of this group of people, including the Wookie boy named Gungi.

They were quite fond of Xytan, and he found that it was easy talking to them. Xytan simply told them to make sure they were in the Jedi Temple 2 months from now. They asked him why, of course, and he stated that it was for a 'special event'.

Once they left, they went back to his room where they both started to play cards. Xytan had gotten these off the system for free! They were playing The Old Maid, of course, he had to explain how the game was played.

After explaining it thoroughly, she understood right away. Viola was 3 months older than Xytan, so she had already turned 6. Xytan was stunned, Viola actually managed to beat him in the first game.

They played for hours, he even bought out some other games to play. The day was going by fast, so they went to grab some dinner before going to bed.

The next day rolled around and Xytan did his daily routine of bathing and brushing his teeth. Today, there was no class, so he could go out if he wanted to. Xytan didn't leave his room right away, instead, he meditated for a while to himself.

It was finally around 10:30 am, so he was now going to get lunch with the (Super)Younglings. Stretching, he left his room for the lunchroom, however, a couple had caught his attention.

His eyes went wide for a second when he saw them.

It was Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker!

They walking and talking together about something, they laughed and smiled. However, Xytan noticed that there was something menacing about Anakin that was hidden deep. It seemed it would erupt if something really bad happened.

"This guy is really on the edge!" Xytan concluded. He imagined Anakin slaughtering Younglings like himself; that thought alone was nightmarish.

Xytan straightened up his clothes and walked over towards the couple.