They Will Remember Me!

Xytan paced over towards the couple and once he was close enough, he focused hard. It was hard to discover, but yes, Xytan could vaguely sense that Padmé was indeed pregnant. How was she so good at hiding this from the other Jedi around here? He thought.

Once he was close enough, he spoke to Padmé.

"Wow, miss, you're so pretty, what is your name?" Xytan naively spoke to Padmé.

"Pretty?" Padmé turned to Xytan, then smiled when she saw that he was a toddler.

"Awe, thank you, little man." Padmé crouched down, "Where are you headed to little guy, wouldn't someone say something about you wandering around?" Padmé's tone was soft and serene as she smiled.

Xytan was a bit stunned at the sight. He couldn't help but curse Anakin for letting such a fine and beautiful woman down like this. However, this was Anakin's fate. He would serve as a warrior of Light and then a warrior of the Dark before bringing balance to both.

"I was heading to the lunchroom to eat with my friends." Xytan smiled and said. Then he gazed at Anakin who looking right at him. He didn't say anything, instead, he smiled at Xytan.

"Wow, I didn't know it at first, you must be the famous Anakin Skywalker. Like, the chosen one or something, right?" Xytan feigned shock.

"Well, yes, I guess that's what everyone is calling me. Kid, you're quite strong in the force, do you have a master?" Anakin knitted his eyebrows and laughed dryly. Being this chosen one had caused him much pressure ever since he was announced as that.

Anakin could feel how strong Xytan was, well, this was only because of his Midichlorian count and not his actual combat capabilities.

"Oh, my Master is Shaak Ti. I'm actually supposed to meet her today." Xytan nodded.

"Hmm, I see." Looking closely at Xytan, he noticed something. It was hard to see, but he spotted it upon further inspection. Anakin was getting stronger by this point, so he could sense the Kyber Crystal around Xytan's neck!

Anakin moved fast and put his hand on Xytan's shoulder. Xytan was stunned and was about to back away.

"Relax, little guy." Anakin waved his hand, then the Kyber Crystal that was hanging around Xytan neck—floated upward. This was in his robed, but no one had detected before, so how?!

"It's just as I thought, and it's orange." Once Anakin touched it, the crystal lit up with orange light.

"Orange? Is that rare or something?" Padmé turned her head towards Anakin, who was also crouched next to her.

"It decently rare, some guy name Pax tried to sell quite a load of these to the Order. However, the Jedi Order flat out refused. The Black Guard was weaponizing these colored crystals a while back." Anakin said, while his hand was on his chin thoughtfully.

Xytan grew nervous, were they going to take his Kyber Crystal? This was the first time that anyone had pointed out his crystal. Not even Yoda and Mace noticed, and if they did, they didn't seem to care.

"Ani... you're scaring him. He thinks you're going to take his crystal." Padmé snickered and gently used her elbow to shove Anakin.

"Haha! Are you nervous? I'm not going to take your crystal, I'm just amazed you had one so early." Usually, Younglings like Xytan would have to wait until they were older to do their trials.

Xytan sighed in relief.

"Hmm..." That's when Xytan thought of something. Padmé was such a nice person, it was a shame that she had died. Xytan suddenly had an idea, he had just gotten the skill called Force Preservation, could that help?

"Miss, you're pretty, so I want to do you a favor and read your future. Can you give me your hand, so I can see things for you?" Xytan lifted his head high with confidence.

"Oh, you wanna read my future?" Padmé smiled and humored Xytan. "Oh, mighty child of foresight, please show me what lies ahead." Padmé stuck her hand with a smile.

However, Anakin's expression changed slightly hearing Xytan's words. Xytan noticed the bit of turmoil in Anakin, he didn't exactly hide it but he didn't think a Youngling like Xytan was really sensitive to these things.

Xytan couldn't help but feel happy that he was born with such an amazing ability—that was ShatterPoints. He took Padmé's hand and closed his eyes, causing Padmé to narrow her eyes. Anakin silently watched with great interest, wanting to actually hear what Xytan had to say.

Right as he was doing this, he activated Force Preservation! When Padmé lost the will to live, she would enter a Coma death state instead of dying. Everyone would still believe her dead, this was the trickery of this technique. Not even Sidious would be able to tell if she was alive, and he would also believe her to be dead.

Xytan could later go to her grave sight and wake her up, saving her later. He wouldn't do it right away, though. He would wait until the appearance of Luke Skywalker at that time.

A flash of powerful bright white light lit up around Padmé's hand, shocking her. Soothing Force energy entered her body in a hurry, circulating around in her chest before settling there. The feeling was so soothing, that Padmé gave a few gasps of relief.

This caused many people who were present, to turn their heads. Xytan could care less about what people noticed, it would all end soon. One thing was for certain when everything was said and done—everyone would remember Xytan. His warnings, and what he had always been saying, they would put faith in him later!

"What's going on?" A few Jedi roaming about looked over confusingly. They thought an enemy had snuck into the Temple and had placed their hands on their Lightsaber hilts.

Once Xytan was done, he stumbled backward. His eyes actually rolled into the back of his head and he fainted on the spot. Anakin quickly reached out to catch Xytan from falling, he was still stunned at what he had just seen.

Padmé was still crouched there. She had her eyes closed as she held her chest with both hands—while smiling from the feeling.

"Hey, what's going on here? What was that light?" Four Jedi Knights ran over and questioned immediately.

"I don't know? This Youngling tried to show us a healing skill he learned. It would seem he wasn't good at it and he fainted from overexerting himself." Anakin quickly made up a lie for the Youngling, they wouldn't accept him trying to do things like foresight.

"Take him to the infirmary, he can heal up there." They all looked at Xytan he was holding and nodded. Afterward, the Jedi Knights left and everyone around them continued with what they were doing. These Jedi Knights were a bit jumpy and edgy from the previous events dealing with the hangar.

"Right." Anakin looked at Xytan before looking over at Padmé. "Are you okay, what was that just now, did something happen?" That light did flash over her hand, so he was curious to know if she was alright.

"I'm okay, how is he?" Padmé took a deep breath, that soothing feeling had disappeared. She looked worriedly at Xytan, she didn't expect this. Furthermore, she wanted to know what he did exactly, did he really read her future?

"He'll live, but you can't tell anyone that he was trying to read your future. Just say that he was trying to use some healing skill and fainted from using it." Anakin warned.

Padmé understood, she looked into the Jedi's beliefs so she was aware of how they felt about things like that.


Xytan was taken to the Infirmary by Anakin and Padmé, who accompanied him. They had to explain what had happened to Xytan while they were there.

Xytan was visited by Shaak Ti but he was still knocked out. She heard what had happened and wondered what this fella was really up to, she could only sigh and leave. Mace also came by after he heard what had happened, but he left after confirming that Xytan was alright.

Time passed, but Xytan didn't wake up in one day. Days were going by quickly and in a blink of an eye—a week had passed. Xytan's eyes twitched before he opened them and woke up. He sat up fast and looked around. He immediately looked at the system date and sighed in deep relief, but he was still stunned at the date.

"I was knocked out for Seven days, my gosh!" Xytan's gaze wandered around the room hurriedly. He was so hungry that it felt like he could eat a whole chicken. Xytan took a deep breath, then he started to meditate to himself.

He could only hope that the Technique he used would be successful later. A lot of the people would surely be grateful to him much later in the future. His plan was already in progress, he just had to wait for the fruit to bear.

A droid walked over and saw that Xytan had awakened. It was going to say something, but it saw that he was meditating. The Medical droid decided to stand there and actually wait until he was done.

Within 30 minutes, Xytan opened his eyes and stretched to only see a weird droid eyeing. This caused him to jump in surprise. He hadn't detected this droid, perhaps he was too caught up in meditating.

"Youngling Xytan, right? I must conduct your check-up to see if everything's fine with you." The Medical droid walked to the side of the bed.

"Uh, yeah, sure." Xytan laid down.

The Medical droid pulled out some device that looked similar to a handheld metal detector, say, something you would see at an airport. The device lit up with green light, making strange sounds as it scanned over Xytan's body.

"Everything seems to check out well with you. I can sign you out little guy, just give me a moment." The Medical droid turned and left elsewhere, make cybernetic sounds on its way out.

"Man, it gets kinda annoying being called a little guy." Xytan sighed to himself.

"Well, what are you if not that?" Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice. He looked over to discover that it was Shaak Ti.

"Oh, Master Ti, how are you?" Xytan smiled faintly and said.

"I've seen better days, but you, on the other hand, ended up bedridden. Funny enough, it was on the day of my return." Shaak Ti squinted, it was clear what she was hinting at.

"No, no, it isn't like that. I was training and wanted to try a new move out." Xytan had indeed been training.

His skills had all-around increased during the days she had been away. Xytan peeked at his status page to confirm it again.


|Name: Xytan'Jar Wattinree (Human)

|Age: 6

|Attributes: Strength: 7.4 |Agility: 10.6 |Speed: 10.3 |Constitution: 3.2 |Wisdom: 13|

|Combat Techniques| Piloting-Lv: 2 (Advanced)| Telekinesis-Lv: 10 (Beginner)| Shii-Cho-Lv: 1 (Intermidiate)| Soresu-Lv: 6 (Beginner)| Makashi-Lv: 7 (Beginner)| Tutaminis-Lv: 2 (Beginner)| Force Lightning-Blue-Lv: 2 (Beginner)|

|Force Skills: Force Push, Force Jump, Force Pull, Force Crush,

|Passive/Activation Skills: Force Foresight, ShatterPoint, Force Focus, Force Preservation

|Midichlorian Count: 16,000

[System Points: 74,130]


A stat between 20 and 24.9 was considered Quasi-Super Humans. This was only with Strength, Agility, and Speed.

A stat of 25 here for Strength, Agility, and Speed was considered Super Human. For instance, a Spartan would have at least a 30 to 33 Strength, Speed, or Agility stat. This would put them just beyond Super Human, while a 50 stat in these was at most what a Super-Powered individual could achieve.

In simple words.

Super Human Ranking.

-Tier 1= 25 to 29.9

-Tier 2= 30 to 34.9

-Tier 3= 35 to 39.9

-Tier 4= 40 to 44.9

-Tier 5= 45 to 49.9

-Tier 6= 50

This didn't count the force, but the force could augment someone's strength to compete with these Tiers.

Xytan wasn't expecting his stats to rise anytime soon, he could only wait until a certain age. He was still a kid, so he was limited to that. Xytan would have to wait until his body matured into a man to improve himself to that degree.

His Speed and Agility were already breaking the limit of what a kid could even achieve. Now, they would stop where they were and not rise up anymore, for now. So, he could only work on his Technique, which had no limits.

This was why he could get his Shii-Cho to Intermediate, this was the main thing he trained. Though, it was getting hard to level up, since it hadn't risen to 2 yet.

"I think you should wait until you're older to train in things like that." Shaak Ti folded her arms and said resolutely.

"Yes, of course, I'll wait until I'm older to train in higher-level skills like that." Xytan nodded and said.

However, Shaak Ti wondered who could have taught him something like healing. She was just about to ask when the Medical droid came over.

"Excuse me, he's free to go. He has been checked out already, be safe out there." The Medical droid announced out of nowhere, before walking away.

"Well, looks like I can go now. I'm hungry, so I'll see you later Shaak Ti!" Xytan leaped out of his bed and rushed out of the door.

"Report to me after you eat. I'm your new master now!" Shaak Ti grinned at the sight of Xytan's back as he was leaving the room.

'I couldn't get away fast enough!' Xytan planned to actually avoid Shaak Ti as much as he could. He knew it was impossible, but he could delay. Xytan didn't want a master, he didn't think he would ever get one.

Xytan kept running until he was far enough to slow down.

"Man, I can't wait to leave this place, dang it!" Xytan continued to walk towards the lunchroom. He wanted to flaunt more in front of Padmé, but he fainted so fast that he couldn't even speak.

"That Technique ain't no joke." Xytan shook his head.