Hidden Mission!

Both ships continued to fly through Hyperspace towards their destination. The carrier ship was decent in size, so there were a few rooms around for the others to rest. Viola and Jin were silent the whole time, a little too silently.

Xytan looked over and he was surprised to see that Ven had survived. Ven sensed Xytan's gaze, so he turned his way. He nodded at Xytan before slowly looking away, his eyes were filled with sorrow.

Meanwhile, Sai'Zel was on a Holo call with a Green Jedi Council member. He stated that the Jedi Order had fallen and that they would come for them next. Shaak Ti was stunned and walked over to talk with the Green Jedi Councilman with Sai'Zel.

This conversation began to attract the other Jedi Masters over. The Younglings were talking to each other, they were being cheered up by a few Padawans who were with them. They were mostly being encouraged by Sha Koon, though.

Xytan didn't sit with them, he sat away from them. Viola and Jin sat next to him but they were silent the whole time, like scary silent.

"Hey, are you two alright?" Xytan looked sideways at both of them since he sat between them.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah, I'm okay!" Jin appeared to have come out of his train of thought before speaking hurriedly.

"Xytan, I'm not okay. I didn't like what I was seeing back there, I feel sick." Viola said directly, her eyes appeared tired and drowsy.

"I'm sorry you saw that. I told you some bad things were going to happen soon." This was why he talked about death sometimes because she was going to see a lot of it. And within just a fraction of a moment, she had seen more death than an average person.

Viola suddenly started tearing up before quickly hugging Xytan. This was the first time she had ever done something like this, so he jumped in surprise. The Purge Troopers turned around in alarm when they saw this, but they eased themselves soon after.

Viola began to whimper in his arms silently, causing Jin to lower his head in apparent sadness as well. Xytan slowly moved his hand over and started rubbing Viola's back, saying a few encouraging words.

This continued for a while until Viola finally fell asleep. Es'cade came over on Xytan's command and had her taken to a room to rest. During this time, Shaak Ti and the rest of the Masters had been warning the Green Jedi Councilman. Sai'Zel was speechless, they had taken his Holo Communicator and started using it for themselves.

Meanwhile, Xytan began to make some changes to his troopers from what they originally looked like. The Phase 1 armor for his clones was now being completely changed for many reasons. There was no doubt that many people would refuse to accept his soldiers wearing that armor.

However, who said they had to be clones to begin with, they all had their individual features and genetic makeup. Xytan concluded that they weren't clones and he would call them regular human soldiers.

Xytan changed their armor completely, they were now dressed as Swtor Imperial Soldiers. from the old Republic. This Armor was long forgotten over the course of history, so no one would recognize it.

The Empire symbol was changed into another symbol, which was the Yin Yang symbol with sun spirals around it.

He added minor energy shielding to their armor, which could stave off a few Blaster bolts before having to rely on the armor itself.

This was equivalent to a second life for these troopers.

"This weapon, isn't this weapon banned? Why are you using such a terrible thing?" Shaak Ti couldn't hold it in anymore and went over to talk with the Mandalorian Leader.

"And? Do you really think everyone would fall in line and follow those rules? This baby gets the job done nice and quick, I make my own rules." The Mandalorian Leader scoffed.

The Weapon he was using was the Disruptor Rifle!

Xytan looked over in surprise, he didn't recognize these weapons exactly, so he wouldn't know. In Xytan's mind, Halo weapons were far superior to the Star Wars ones. Shaak Ti felt uneasy being in the presence of such weapons. She remembered how he turned one of those clones into a pile of ash with one shot.

Xytan was actually relieved seeing this; happy with his summon's intelligence to choose good weapons. He just wondered how much he paid for it because these weapons could only be bought on the black market right now.

"Lady, I know you don't like it but it was used to save you and Jedi buddy's hides. So you show a little gratitude, isn't this the...hmm, what was it...the Jedi way?" Mando tilted his head and said somewhat strangely.

"This...okay, sorry. And thank you for saving us at the crucial moment. I just feel a little uneasy about the weapon and its capabilities. The Younglings and Padawans have been through a lot, so I was just worried for them." Shaak Ti stated her reason and finally thanked the Mandalorians.

"I understand that, but it was used to save them. I will try to use it only for emergencies. But honestly, I think they've seen worse things in that temple than one guy being turned into a pile of ash. Besides, you said feeling uneasy, isn't that fear or something? Wouldn't that lead to something you guys call the Darkness?"

The Mandalorian Leader left it at that before gazing into Xytan's direction. He saw that he was being given a thumbs up by Xytan, and he grinned underneath his helmet in satisfaction. The Mandalorian Leader knew a few things about the Darkside because of a bit explanation from Sai'Zel.

Shaak Ti was left speechless, but she didn't refute the Mandalorian. The Darkness was getting stronger and those who usually left the Jedi Order—fell to the Darkside.

Xytan patted Jin on the back before getting up and making his way over towards the Mandalorian Leader.

"This is a nice ship, how about a little tour around," Xytan gazed around in satisfaction before looking at the weapon hanging off his shoulder with a strap.

"Then I'll give you a grand tour." The Mandalorian Leader laughed and begun walking ahead.

"What kind of Disruptor Rifle is this?" There were many types of Disruptor weapons, that even ranged to being merely pistols.

"It's the T-7 Ion Disruptor. This was a bit hard to get for our tight schedule but our main mission is completed now." Mando rubbed the Disruptor like it was his pet.

"Good taste, but do try to tone it down with this weapon. Later, you'll be able to use it anytime you want, but for now, let's hold out a bit unless you really have to use it." There would be many chances to use it, but with their current situation, it was best to not use it in front of these Younglings.

Sha Koon's race was strong in the lightside, so she was tending the children to calm their emotions.

"Got it." The Mandalorian Leader showed Xytan a room that had nothing but weapons in it. There weren't many, but enough for them. They then went to another room where Xytan saw people frozen in Carbonite. They were people the Mandalorians hunted and had yet to turn in for their bounties.

Xytan recalled seeing Carbonite War Droids on the system at some point. These could prove to be very effective for capturing people when he thought about it.


Ruined Jedi Temple.

About an hour and a half or so later, a small vessel holding Obi-wan, Yoda, and Bail Organa arrived at the scene.

"The message to said that the Republic betrayed us and has attacked the Temple. But another message said that the war was over, and for all of the Jedi to return there at once." Obi-wan was aware of the trap that was possibly set.

"No trap, prepared we will be." Yoda sat next to Bail Organa and said.

Moments later, they landed and went into the temple. Here, they were confronted by many Clones that they proceeded to kill off quickly.

AN: In the same way as the movie, go check out the scene. :)

As they walked through the temple, they saw the ground littered with bodies in almost every direction.

"Not even the Younglings survived," Obi-wan said in a shaky tone.

"Killed not by clones, this, Padawan, by a lightsaber he was. Escaped some, got away with other Masters, they have." Yoda went dead silent afterward, looking at the scene around the large room. However, the image of a certain Youngling flashed through his mind for a moment.

"Some Younglings, Padawans, and Masters escaped?" Obi-wan had a moment of relief but when he looked at the others that failed to escape, it lowered his mood again.

"Who, who could have done this?" Obi-wan wondered if a Sith was involved. Obi-wan kneeled down, touching the body of a dead Padawan.

"Recalibrate the code, we must." Yoda didn't answer, as he wasn't sure himself.

"Right." Obi-wan stood up and went towards the control room. Obi-wan recalibrated the message, warning other Jedi to stay away.


Moments later.

"Wait, Master, there's something I must know." Obi-wan said. He walked over to check the security recordings.

"If into the security records you go, only pain you will find," Yoda warned. He had just check them while Obi-wan was recalibrating the message.

"I must know the truth master." Obi-wan flipped a switch and started rewinding back the footage. He had caught a glimpse of many strange scenes, including the ones with the Spartans.

"What is this?" The Spartans appeared to be guiding Younglings away with another group of oddly dressed men. Obi-wan flinched at the sheer brutality of these guys, and how fast they were at killing.

Obi-wan also saw that Shaak Ti, Sha Koon, and a few other masters had survived. He even saw that they had a group of Younglings and Padawans with them. They met up with these armored men guiding the three Younglings before ultimately being rescued by Mandalorians.

Obi-wan's eyes flickered with surprise. When had the Jedi become this close with Mandalorians? They were the last group he was expecting to come help at the crucial moment. Obi-wan watched this but then he started to rewind it back to see how everything started.

And there, he saw Anakin pledging his allegiance to Palpatine. Killing Younglings, Padawans, Knights, and Masters alike.

"It can't be? It can't be? I can't watch anymore." Obi-wan said in a shaky tone before flicking it off.

"Destroy the sith, we must!" Yoda was also referring to Anakin here and not just Sidious.

"Send me to kill the Emperor, I will not kill Anakin," Obi-wan suggested.

After talking for a brief moment, Yoda seemed to come to the resolve to find the Emperor himself and defeat him. Obi-wan was to find Anakin, as it was in the original. He was also concerned about the whereabouts of Shaak Ti and the rest.

"In safe hands, they are." Yoda turned and said before departing. Obi-wan gazed around in distraught before leaving shortly after.


Meanwhile, Xytan had explored the whole ship already. Anyone he came into close contact with he could sense through meditation. He couldn't find their locations, but he would be able to tell if they were dead or alive.

And Xytan found that Jocasta Nu and Tera Sinube were alive!

Xytan was currently sitting in the room filled with Frozen Carbonited Criminals that were to soon become bounty cash. Xytan reached out to see if Mace Windu had survived, and sure enough, he was indeed alive!

"Good, good, they're alive. I just hope it stays that way, as for the other Jedi Council Members—I'm not sure." Xytan was referring to Plo Koon, Ki Adi Mundi, and so forth. He decided to check the notification he hadn't looked at early and found that it was a mission.


Mission: Order 66 (Completed!)

Mission Type: Survival

Mission Objective: Escape Coruscant

-Hidden Mission

[Mission Rewards]

⋆ 50,000 System Points

⋆ Lightsaber Utility Crate(Lightsaber Parts)

⋆ 10 bars of Beskar

'Handing out rewards!'

[Congraluations, you've received: 50,000 System Points!]

[Congraluations, you've received: Lightsaber Utility Crate(Lightsaber Parts)!]

[Congraluations, you've received: 10 Bars of Beskar!]


There was no doubt that Xytan was feeling surprised with this setting. He would have escaped the temple anyway—because if not, he would have surely died.

"The rewards are pretty good. These Beskar bars would be better in the Mandalorian's hands. I'll redeem them later when the coast is clear." Xytan was also satisfied with the Lightsaber parts crate, this would allow him to create his own Lightsaber later.

As for the system points, he needed as many as he could get right now. He needed to buy himself a planet as quickly as possible. With this 50,000 added to his points, he now had 84,520 system points available.

The Mandalorian told the Jedi that they wanted to stop by Tatooine to turn in a few bounties. This was where one of the Bounty Hunters' Guild was located. The Jedi Masters had no problem with it and decided that they would stay on the ship at that time.

They were about a few hours away, so they would have to wait.

"Tatooine, huh? The legendary hated planet where it all began with both father and son." Xytan grinned before closing his eyes once again.