True Beginning!

Sai"Zel came to speak with Xytan after getting 'mugged' of his Holo Communicator. He told Xytan that they had warned the Green Jedi of what was to come. Xytan knew that after the fall of the Republic, Palpatine made sure to ceased many strategically important systems.

For example, Corellia and Kuat. These worlds were homed to the largest shipyards in the galaxy. These locations would be paramount for the creation of many Star Destroyers and the supply of the Empire's militarization.

Most ships were produced at Kuat Drive Yards.

By this point, two hours had already passed since their escape from Coruscant. Xytan came out of the Carbonite room and gazed into the room across from it. There, he saw a Mandalorian sitting down getting his wound tended to by another Mandalorian—who was female.

"Damn, those clowns in white shot me. I think we need to upgrade our armor a bit more to prevent these things." His helmet was off as he sat it on the table in front of him.

"Soon, one step at a time. You're alive, and you'll get to fight another day, so be grateful. After all, I'm here for you, you're in good hands." The Female Mandalorian's tone suddenly changed into a flirty one.

"Hehe, if I can get treated like this every time I'm hurt, then I don't mind taking another blaster bolt or two. Shoot, I'll jump into Sarlacc pit for you babe!" The wounded Mandalorian said bravely.

"Would you? You're such a corny speaker, but I love it!" The two started flirting back and forth. Xytan almost felt like vomiting when he heard the wounded Mandalorian's words, the cringe force was strong with this one.

Jump into a Sarlacc Pit?!

"They're already starting to build relationships with one another." Xytan shook his head with a smile before heading towards the piloting cockpit room. Before getting there, he passed a room that held the group of Younglings who were being taught by Ageless. Even Jin was among them, this caused Xytan to feel some relief.

The rest of the Masters were meditating during this time. The ship was quite quiet; everyone was trying to get things straight. Once he made it to the piloting room, he saw the Mandalorian Leader and a Female Mandalorian inside.

The Female had her Helmet off while sitting in the main seat talking to him. She had fair skin with fiery red hair and green eyes, she was indeed a beauty. However, that hair color seemed unnatural, this made Xytan wonder if it was dyed or something. The system gave them random facial features, so they all didn't look the same.

They spotted Xytan, but before they could say anything a beeping sound went off, followed by a green light flashing.

"We've arrived at Tatooine! Message to all aboard, we've arrived at Tatooine!" The Mandalorian woman spoke through some mic that alerted everyone throughout the ship.

"Roger that! We're activating our Cloaking Drive to avoid detection." This was the communications from the Lich, they were going to cloak the ship.

Xytan nodded when he heard this, it was best for no one to know what the Lich looked like. The exterior of the ship was unusually different from any ship ever seen in history, it would surely garner much attention.

"How are you sir, what can we do for you?" The woman turned to Xytan and quickly ask. However, before he could answer, a Spartan appeared behind Xytan.

"Where are we now, you said something about a Tatooine?" Al'cade had appeared.

"Yes, the sand planet. Don't you know about it?" She turned her body completely and asked. This man's armor was unusual to her, she wanted to ask the duo about it when she first laid eyes on them.

"No," Al'cade answered simply as such.

"...." Mandalorian Leader

"...." Mandalorian Hunter(Female)

"Yes, he's new to these things, just like how you guys are new to the Slipspace Drive. You guys can't use it, right?" Xytan suddenly intervened.

"Noooo! We don't know how to use that, so we had to buy a Hyperdrive and install it. We were nearly killed when we used that Slipspace thing." The Mandalorians weren't sure how to use such tech, after all, it wasn't anything from this reality.

"Now, that's something I'm familiar with." Al'cade nodded.

"Alright, you can teach us later." She then turned back because they were about to enter the atmosphere.

"Hold on!" The carrier and Lich ship broke through the atmosphere, preparing to land.

"Things are different, he'll need a map of the Galaxy to initiate the right coordinates or risk crashing." Slipspace was different, you would arrive at your destination faster. You wouldn't need to use hyperspace lanes to get to places in a hurry.

"We're landing!" The ship slowly landed on some sandy dunes. They made sure to land near the city that had the guild, obviously.

"As much as I love the reward from turning in bounties, the people there make me sick." The Mandalorian Leader stood up and stretched.

"Did something happen?" Xytan asked curiously.

"Yeah. They don't see us as Mandalorians, they call us fakes and wannabes. Telling us things, like we don't deserve to wear our armor, and starting unnecessary fights and arguments sometimes." The Mandalorian Leader's tone was filled with annoyance with just the thought of it.

Xytan had seen this coming from a mile away. He knew the current Mandalorians wouldn't accept people they dubbed as fakes or people who came out of nowhere saying they were Mandalorians.

"No worries, in time, you'll have your own Clans and Guilds." He already had a big plan for the Mandalorians. He wanted to establish a new Mandalore for them and a new planet for them as well, in the future to come.

"Are you serious, sir?" Both the Mandalorian Hunter and Leader were stunned.

"Of course, there's a lot awaiting us ahead, I wouldn't lie about these things," Xytan assured.

"Hahaha, I know you wouldn't sir, I just wanted to hear it again." The Mandalorian Leader and Hunter were overjoyed.

"Now then, go turn in those bounties so we can get out of here." Xytan wanted to go into hiding fast, he didn't want to be out here. Though he was sure no Imps would come here, for now, he didn't want to ruin things for a certain someone.

"Got it, we'll roll them out right now. The Lich should be sending a Vehicle over to help carry them away." The Mandalorian Leader left soon after to exit the ship.

"Boss, I'll stay here and remain on standby." The Mandalorian Hunter piloting the ship decided to wait until it was time to go.

"Okay." Xytan nodded lightly before turning to Al'cade, "I think you should take control of the Lich, there should be a grabbling latch on it. You can use the Slipspace Drive while you have us latched onto the ship."

"It can be done, but that's too dangerous—I have another way. I just need a map and the coordinates to our next destination." The task was easy, he didn't exactly know the star wars Galaxy, so he needed to learn more.

"Oh, I got one right here big guy. Let me show you where we're heading and the coordinates to the location." The Mandalorian Hunter Female pulled out a map from some compartment. Afterward, she proceeded to show Al'cade everything, she even explained what hyperspace routes were.

Xytan could tell she was somewhat romantically interested in the Spartan, but sadly, Spartans had their sexual desires suppressed. It wasn't like they couldn't do the deed, they just didn't have the desire to.

Al'cade had revealed his face by taking off his helmet. He had fair skin and he was a blonde-haired blue-eyed man, he was a very handsome guy. However, his expression was cold and desolate, but this woman probably found that charming or something.

While she was showing him that, Xytan left the cockpit room. He was still holding that Padawan's Lightsaber on his waist. The Purge troopers put the Lightsabers they collected into the weapons storage room.

In Xytan's Order, the main lightsaber colors would probably be Orange, Yellow, White/Silver, and Purple.

The Mandalorian Leader left with a few other Mandalorians. Once they were back, they could take Al'cade to the Stealthed Lich.

The Mandalorians quickly rolled out the Carbonited criminals, when a hover vehicle came over. They loaded them up in the mini carrier that was attached to the back of it.

"I don't get it, why are you carrying a Lightsaber? You're not force sensitive." Some female Mirialan Padawan looked towards Es'cade, who had a Lightsaber hanging from his waist.

The Padawan walked beside him and asked curiously. At this time, Es'cade was just sitting there alone when she came over. He knew she was referring to individuals that could use those Telekinetic powers.

"It's a weapon, and it can be wielded by anyone who can utilize it." He didn't even look at her and kept his head down.

"The only other people that use one are Sith, the bad guys, and the enemies of us Jedi." The Padawan said righteously with her hands on both her hips.

"....." Es'cade slowly lifted his head and looked at the kid, but he didn't say anything.

"What? Aren't you going to say anything?" She felt chills when looking at him staring at her, he didn't say anything but stared instead. His helmet was still on, and as cool as it looked it still gave off intimidating vibes.

"Anya, stop bothering the guy. He's one of the people who is a part of our rescue. Go back and meditate with the others." Ageless came over and told the girl to leave.

"Yes, Master! Sorry, sir!" The Padawan apologized and bowed before leaving in a hurry.

"Sorry about that, they've been under the weather these past couple of hours." Ageless sighed and said.

"No problem here," Es'cade spoke indifferently, he wasn't bothered by her question.

"So, where are you from anyway? Are you a Mandalorian?" Ageless was quite curious.

"No, I'm a Spartan." Es'cade didn't hide this fact, why would he?

"Spartan? Tell me more." Ageless wanted to know more about these Spartans.

"It's classified, but I'll tell you a little." Thus, a conversation was initiated between the two.


30 Minutes later.

Meanwhile, Xytan went to the room where Viola was resting. Viola could be seen asleep on the bed, while covered with a quilt.

Xytan ignited the green Lightsaber and stared at it for a bit before deactivating it. Afterward, he decided to open it up.


[Ding! Congratulations, your Mandalorians have successfully turned in some wanted criminals!]

[Ding! You've received: 2,500 System Points!]


"Oh..." Xytan looked once and shook his head. This amount was just too low, but it was better than nothing. He guessed.

"I really need to unlock this Bounty System, so I can earn more by getting actual missions." This meant he would have to be present with them for one mission to initiate it. He needed to stack points fast, everything was too pricey, though!

Xytan reverted his back to the lightsaber. After opening it up, he took out the Green Kyber Crystal and inserted his Orange one.

He only did this to see it and nothing more.

"Alright, let's check this baby out." Xytan ignited the lightsaber again, and as you'd expect, it was a brilliant orange.

Xytan almost bought some Kyber Crystals on the spur of the moment but he had to stop himself. He continued to mess around with the saber by adding Blue and Yellow Kyber Crystals.

Time passed and by this point, the Mandalorians had returned. At that, Al'cade had left for the Lich, since he and Es'cade were the only ones around who understood Slipspace.

Xytan never mentioned to the Masters that Obi-wan Kenobi would show up on the planet at some point. He didn't want to risk ruining Luke's fate, this was something he didn't want to change.

An announcement was made over the comms that they were leaving Tatooine. Once they were in space, the Lich appeared someways away. However, he didn't latch onto the ship like Xytan was expecting since he said there was a better way.

Xytan learned from Es'cade that it wasn't a good idea to have the ship latch together during Slipspace. There was a lot involving Matter and what would be left behind after they left, it wouldn't be anything pleasant. And moving at such a speed, these ships would be pulled off during their latch, and that wouldn't be good.

And so another new thing, Xytan didn't understand Slipspace that well but he would learn later. He planned to make this their main means of travel.

AN: I could explain that scientific stuff, but that would be a whole info dump. xD

Suddenly, what appeared to be some giant portal appeared in the void of space. The Lich slowly passed through while the carrier ship followed behind them. Es'cade was present to ensure that they didn't mess this up.

This confused everyone for many reasons when they heard the announcement. Once they passed through the portal, everyone suddenly felt like time had slowed down. This was what they, or what was known as—time dilation.

If it took them ten minutes to get to their destination, twenty minutes would have already passed naturally—which would be double the time. Everyone felt some kinda way, some even felt like throwing up from this first-time experience.

It was a good thing that the last thing Xytan ate was this morning, his food had long been digested. Their next destination was Planet Lysatra, this was some Planet located in Wildspace.

"My new home, huh?" An hour was nothing, and they soon arrived over the Planet Lysatra by exiting a vortexing portal. What would have taken hyperspace at least a week or longer, took them two hours, but one hour from their Slipspace standards.

Tatooine looked brown with little bits of white due to white sandy areas on it from outer space. This was because it was glassed by the Rakata many centuries ago. However, Lysatra's space view reminded Xytan of Earth. This planet had a few white places on it that represented snowy areas, but there were mostly tropical places here.

"And so it begins!" Xytan muttered to himself as they descended onto the planet.