
"Good afternoon class" said the teacher as he stood in front of his students.

"Good afternoon Mr. Wilson" The students also stood up to greet Mr. Wilson the sat down to listen to the lesson as it will be the most important lesson that they will be having. The lesson they will be having today was the last lesson of Mr. Wilson for their batch as they will be graduating from the academy and enter different universities according to their specialties. The lesson will also help them in their awakening that will happen after 3 days, this lesson will be their briefing before they undergo awakening.

" Today we will be discussing about Blues. Blues is an energy present all around us, it gives life in the universe. Blues is very gentle to every living being, it is also used in our technology to power them and the different races also uses Blues to increase their power and achieve immortality." Mr. Wilson paused for a moment, sat on the table then continued. " The races originally cannot utilize Blues, but with the help of the Creators they taught us how to utilize them by inserting Blues Circuit Device inside our Souls. During your awakening after turning 16 years old, the government will give you a small device, the Awakening device that you will put at the center of your forehead which you will place there your own Blues Circuit Device. After you successfully inserted the device you can feel that your senses are improved and you can gain the ability to feel the Blues and absorb it.

" Now, regarding the Circuit Device. Blues Circuit Devices are polyhedrons in appearance and they are categorized by their grades from Grade 4 to Grade 1 as the best Device. Grade 4 Devices are Tetrahedron in appearance with 4 faces, Grade 3 are Cubes with 6 faces, for Grade 2 it is Octahedron with 8 faces and for Grade 1 it is Octagonal Prism with 10 faces. Now kids aside from 4 grades of Devices I mentioned, there is also one that is above them and that is the Grade S Device which is Dodecahedron with 12 faces but based from history there are only 10 people known to have successfully inserted these Devices and they are the Ten Guardians of United Races Alliance." Mr. Wilson looked at the window with respect and worship in his eyes.

" Mr. Wilson, is there any requirements for us to combine with these devices?" a student asked a question that stopped Mr. Wilson from his silence.

"Good question. Yes there is. As I said earlier, Blues is a gentle energy that can be used by living beings but Blues is only one kind of energy that comes from its main source, and that is the Origin energy. So, what thus it do with our compatibility with our Devices? The answer is, we measure the compatibility of our body with the Origin energy, the more we are compatible with the Origin energy, the higher the grade of Circuit Device we can insert to our souls."

" Mr. Wilson, why is it Origin energy and not Blues energy?" another student ask

"Nice! Origin energy is a very powerful energy that if anyone who tries to control it will immediately blast their own body. The only reason we use the compatibility of one's body to Origin energy is because of our Blues Circuit Devices. Our Blues Circuit Devices is made out of Liquid Gold, as we all know Liquid Gold cannot be made solid. So why is it used for our Devices? The most important part of it is the SEED inside it. The SEED came from the Origin Tree that only the government have the right to own. The SEED when combined with Liquid Gold will automatically make it solidify and form into a Blues Circuit Devices. The Devices are separated of Grades because the SEEDS are also separated based on how large they absorb the Origin energy that will be converted by your Devices to Blues so you can utilize its power. The powerful the SEED is, the powerful you will become after you go beyond the Seven Lights Realm or the Rainbow Realm."

" Kids I will congratulate you in advance. As you are all part of Class A means that you are all receiving Grade 1 Devices and will become successful in the future if you keep your perseverance." Mr. Wilson added as he looked at his students like a proud parent to his children.

" Mr. Wilson why is it that we cannot get the Grade S Device despite of having a high compatibility rate and being in Class A?" This time Arthur was the one who raised the question to his teacher. Arthur, despite of being the number one student of his batch and getting a compatibility rate of 90% which only 5% of there whole generation can get, didn't have the qualification of getting a Grade S Device.