
Mr. Wilson looked into the eyes of Arthur seriously and then he sighed "Arthur, I cannot answer your question even if I wanted to. The government banned the distribution of information regarding the S Grade Device for Rainbow Realm Warrior and below. I'm sorry Arthur."

Arthur was disappointed by the response of Mr. Wilson. He looked outside the window and thought of the day 2 years ago when his sister combined with her Circuit Device. "Sister, what are you doing now?" the sadness in his eyes didn't escaped the eyes of his friend, Peter.

"S Grade huh, what are your secrets and mysteries?" Peter thought to himself as he looked at the time.

ding dong ding...

The bell alarmed, signal that the class ended and Mr. Wilson dismissed his class.



"Bro, are you still thinking of having an S Grade Device? You know it's dangerous, your not compatible with it. Remember your sister almost died because of that device and if not for Elder Sky's help, she would have failed". Peter keeps on reminding Arthur about the dangers of combining with an S Grade Device without having a high compatibility with it for almost 2 years, but Arthur still insist on it.

"What can I do? only by having an S Grade Device can I know the situation of my sister, also I can secure her safety. Remember what Elder Sky said to us when he left with my sister? He said that my sister will be sent to the borders after 3 years of training because only with fighting with the demons can she manifest and utilize efficiently the use of her Device. We do not know how dangerous it will be fighting those demons." Arthur was desperate to follow his sister to the borders as her sister only has less than 2 years in the training camp before they will send her to the borders.

"Sigh. I know what you are feeling right now, big sister Emilia is like a sister to me, I'm also worried about her situation. But what can we do when we cannot combine with an S Grade Device. All we can do is work hard and wait, my father told me that we can enter the borders as foot soldiers after 5 years of training." Peter lamented about the position they are in, being incapable of making a decision for their own and wanting to protect someone that they cannot accompany.

" 5 years is too long, the demons will not wait for us to come at the borders. If something happens to my sister, I will not forgive myself for being weak and powerless. This will not do, lets go to the gym and have a spar with me. We need to improve faster so that when we enter the training camp, we can be promoted faster". Arthur walked away with Peter to train at the gym.

Two people can be seen inside the gym lying on the floor panting greatly. When someone will see the two, they will think that they just finished a 100 km run in just an hour that really exhausted them to this degree.

" ah ah Arthur.. do.. you.. think ah ah.. we can improve.. like this?" Peter asked with great difficulty in making every word. " ah ah even.. when it's not.. we need ah ah... to improve our foundation... Old man Ling told me... that he has some... martial arts manual... excavated from the ruins.. it's a manual about building foundation for beginners like us." Arthur informed Peter about the new items from the store of Old man Ling.

" Seems like we need to visit the Old man. I don't like visiting that Old man though, he keeps on insisting me to buy those weird stuffs that he buys from deceiving adventurers. The last time I bought one of those stuffs it nearly destroyed my hands, I thought it was just a pen, no one knows it was a mini bomb. I nearly wet my pants you know." Peter told Arthur about his past experience with the stuffs he bought in that store.

" hahaha You are really unfortunate, the Old man loves to bully you. Don't worry, this time I can assure you that this manual is a hundred percent real. It was called the Dragon Postures, it is said to help the bones to become tough as adamantine and flexible as a snake, it also helps to widen your meridians." Arthur told him the information he gathered about the manual to Peter

" Is it true!? My father told me that those types of manual cost a lot of credits you know, and not only that we need to be an official soldier to get a copy of it. hahaha Arthur if that thing is what as you said, we really hit the jackpot this time" Peter became excited about having a manual of that caliber without having a soldier position and as early as it can be.

" Hehe. Get changed, we need to go there immediately, the Old man also told me that there are also some things he got from some adventurers that came from a newly opened Ungraded Ruins, it is said that the ruins will be graded as a Grade C ruin if the danger level is confirmed to rise with the next batch of adventurers who will enter. We better hurry when the prices of items from that ruin is still low" Arthur has a strange smile on his face when he said these things to Peter

Peter just rolled his eyes when he saw that smile on Arthur's face and got up to get changed.