A Strange Thing

In a faraway wilderness, a mound of corpse can be seen, these corpse was hacked in different places like an animal delivered to a crazy butcher. Standing on top of the mound was a lady almost 18 years of age holding a blade on both hands looking at the sky. Her long blonde hair flows down like a liquid gold, her face was like a goddess looking coldly to every mortals. She wore a golden armor looking like the queen of all Valkyries. Her coldness can freeze an entire ocean that every man who looks at her will shiver.

"Emilia, in 5 months your training will end and you will be sent to the borders to join a special unit dedicated to special missions at the border. Your brother will also enter the training camp in 5 months and will choose an academy inside the training camp. Seems like you will not have a chance to meet your brother at the training camp." An Old man with long white hair and long white beard appeared beside Emilia, looking like a scholar.

"Elder Sky, I will only disrupt my brother's study if I showed myself to him. He needs to focus on how to get stronger as fast as he can, the demons doesn't stay what they are, they are also improving and I guessed it is also the reason why the borders needed us special trainees to go there a year earlier than expected." Emilia looked at the old man with a serious face and a bit of worry.

"You are really smart Emilia, we only told the others that they will be sent earlier than usual due to new discoveries in the Demon Territory and needed additional man power to explore it." Even though the Elder praised the lady he still have the air of a scholar in him.

"Elder Sky, I know that there is really a new territory discovered by the last expedition team at the east side of the borders, reports said that it has new species of Flora and Fauna and abundant source of minerals that are rare in the alliance. But focus on the expedition team who they sent, their leader Chris Hemsworth a White Soldier Realm who can defeat one two ranks above him be defeated by an ordinary White Soldier Rank 2 Demon in a one-on-one fight. Isn't there something fishy?" Emilia questioned Elder Sky about the recent news at the borders.

"I cannot say much about it to you, the authorities are still discussing the possible situation the Demons are in. The only thing I can say to you is to improve your strength faster, in this way you will have lots of ways to solve any problems you may face" a serious look appeared on the elder's face.

" Yes, I will" Emilia said it with determination in her heart.


At an isolated corner of the market district there is an old store with only wood as its walls, but it still stands for centuries.

"Why does the Old man Ling doesn't have any signboards, people will think that this is not a store but a house of a poor family. If not for being placed here on the market district we would not have known that there is a store here that sells some weird stuffs." Peter said while walking with shivering legs.

Arthur looked at his friend's legs and smiled " The Old man is really weird, I once asked him that question, you know what he told me?" "what?" Peter replied. " He told me that he's too lazy to cater too many customers hahahah." Arthur laughed as he replied to Peter.

" What a weird old man he should just retire if he is lazy."

The two entered the store together. As they enter they can hear the creaking of the door sign that no one is putting oil on its hinges for years. As the two friends walk in, they saw rows of shelves filled with items known and unknown to them, some unwanted things are placed inside a big box at the corner of the store, some are rusty and some are destroyed. The two walked together at the counter, opposite the counter was an old man with a messy hair and beard was sleeping with his cat on his big belly.

"Arthur, do we need to wake up the old man? I don't want to the old man to see me" Peter said almost crying

"No need, I told him in advance that we will be buying that book today, so he told me that he will place it beside the mixed toys box. We can just scan our holowatch to pay." Arthur said as he walked near the toy box.

Arthur took the manual and paid 10,000 credits. But before he walk away, at the corner of his eyes he saw a strange round object inside the toy box. He walked near the box and picked the thing up.

"eh!?" Peter was shocked by what he saw