A Toy?

"Is this a Toy? This looks like a Grade S Circuit Device, but is it transparent and the SEED inside it is a rainbow color. What a weird stuff again by the Old man. Arthur, do you think this toy was created by the Old man? Weird." Peter keep on looking at the item and keep on muttering about its weirdness.

"I don't think that the Old man has the time to create something this beautiful. You know, the Old man is too lazy and he only buys something that those adventurers brought to him. I think this is something used as lecturing item in the ancient times. Tell me, how can a kid play with this item?" Arthur begin having interest in the thing that resembles the Grade S Device.

"You have a point there, anyway just buy it if you wanted it, I don't want to stay here for another minute. If that old man wakes up I will be doomed" Peter urge Arthur to walk out of the store as he was so afraid that the Old man would insist him to buy more of his weird stuffs.


Arthur bought the toy and walked out of the store with Peter while the cat just opened one of its eyes and look at them, then returned to sleep. The two of them said there goodbyes to each other after Peter copied the manual with his holowatch.


Arthur entered his room and brought out the toy that he bought at the store to observe. The toy resembled the S Grade Circuit Device with 12 faces on it. The toy was transparent and has a smooth texture. Inside the toy was a rainbow colored seed that when a light pass through it shines with different colors like a disco ball.

"Sigh. If I can combine with an S Grade Device I will have a step closer in helping my sister" Arthur reached out a very well designed box at the side of his desk and opened it. Inside the box was an object with 10 sides on it. This is a Grade 1 Circuit Device that he will use on his awakening to unlock his powers. " Seems like I don't have a choice, I will just place this toy together with my device to remind me to work hard for my sister" Arthur closed the box and when the time he closed the box, there is a faint light that came from the toy.

He then reached the manual that he got from the Old man. Words was written on its cover, "The Dragon Postures". Opening it, there are 12 illustrations of postures, all of it was a bone breaking stances that will test your balance and flexibility. Arthur looked at the time and it was now 6pm and anytime it will be there dinner, so he put down the manual to eat with his parents.


"Hey Arthur call your father and wash your hands, I will just prepare the table and we will eat" His mother was in the kitchen when she heard Arthur's footsteps. Arthur to call his father and after that he went to the bathroom to wash his hands. By the time that he got out of the bathroom the table was already prepared and his father already sat at the table while his mother prepared the food of his husband.

"Arthur take a sit" his mother said. " Yes mom. hmmmm smells good, is this curry? Mom you really are the best hahaha." Arthur's favorite food was curry especially when it is his mother who prepared it.

"Arthur, seems like in 3 days will be your awakening, are you ready for it? After your awakening, the school will give you a 5 month free time for you to use as your training period to adjust and familiarize with your powers and the utilization of the Blues. Where would you want to practice?" his dad asked him.

"I'm done with some of my preparations dad, I'll just increase my foundation a little in these 3 days to lessen the impact of the awakening to my body. About my training after my awakening, I plan to go to the Red forest to kill some Fire Baboons. The news recently broadcasted that the Fire Baboons in the Red forest are increasing causing some villages near the forest to be caught on fire. I thought that maybe I should help and Fire Baboons are a great practice for beginners like me" Arthur already planned for his next step after getting his powers a week before, he also chose the Fire Baboons because it has the same physic as humans.

"Fire Baboons huh. Your choice is good because those monsters have similar physic as humans and some of those Baboons adapt to the way how humans fight. When I was your age I encountered some of them who knows boxing, it gave me hard time to defeat them" His father said smiling as if he is laughing at his own misery.