
After the dinner, Arthur helped his mom to clean the table while his father went to the study room to continue his work. It was 8pm in the evening when Arthur decided to go to his room, but before he can enter his mom called him.

"Arthur, can I talk to you for a minute" his mom has a serious face and a bit of worry. Seeing this face, Arthur become worried and thought that something happened. "Mom, let's enter. What is it that you wanted to talk mom?" Arthur asked his mom after they entered Arthur's room and sat down.

"Arthur, I thought that I should not show this to you because it might disrupt your concentration in your preparation for the Awakening. But your father told me that if you cannot handle this, you are not qualified as a warrior." his mother took out a letter from her pocket and handed it to Arthur. The letter has a name written on it and it was for Arthur Light. "Your sister wrote us a letter and also wrote something for you. Find time to read it maybe she has something to tell you on it" His mom continued and walk out from the room.

Arthur look at the letter for a couple of minutes before opening it. After tearing the corner of the letter, he took out a piece of paper. The paper has a nice smell on it, indicating that it was a special paper. People often use papers nowadays because they can easily use their own holowatches to contact who they want to talk to, but some still use papers for letters that contain confidential messages.

Arthur read the letter

[Dear Arthur,

Arthur my brother, I will apologize to you that we might not have the chance to meet at the training camp. The military ordered us the special trainees to immediately report to the borders in 5 months. I will go to the borders after 5 months to join a team in the special task force. I'm afraid that there is something unordinary at the borders and the Demons. Do not tell this to anyone. I hope you improve faster after your awakening, do not stay longer at the Rainbow Realm the real journey of a warrior start from the White Realm. Enter many Ruins as much as possible and excavate many treasure in the Ruins as much as possible, it will help you in your cultivation and safety. Destroy this letter after reading it.

Sincerely yours.

Emilia Light]

Arthur went out and burned the letter. Looking at the burning letter he clench his fists while muttering to himself.

"Sister, I will do my best to strengthen myself." He then looked up and reached up "Just wait for me Sister, I will help you shoulder the burden you have. Since that day, we witness with our own eyes how our Eldest brother protected us from the Demons and how he died in the hands of the Demons while securing that we are hidden from that wretch Demons, I promised to myself that I will become stronger that I will have the power to protect my family. I promised my brother in his last breath to protect my sister and I will uphold to that promise."

That day 5 years ago was a tragic day for the Light Family, they lost a genius warrior, Leonardo Light, only seen once in a 100,000 years due to a spatial rift opened by a traitor in the family who colluded with the Demons to attack the family with the absence of the Light Family Head on that day leaving more than a thousand dead family member, most of them belonging to the new generation.

The Demons failed to succeed in their operation in snatching the heirloom of the family with the leadership of Arthur's father, Edward Light and his brother. In that day, Arthur lost something precious to him, his brother's life and his sister's smile.

Arthur returned to his room after the letter was fully burned and started to practice the Dragon Postures. If someone can see Arthur, they might think that some thugs tortured him and bended his arms and legs. These are the postures of the manual, only someone with great endurance and perseverance can complete the whole set of it.


3 days later.

It was 7am that day when Arthur left his home to go to school. At the school grounds, there are thousands of students waiting for their awakening. Some of them are nervous, some excited and some looked calm, there are different expressions that can be seen in the students' eyes, but what is common in their eyes is the determination of their future life.

Arthur pass many students, looking around, looking for someone at the crowd until he saw a man with a smooth skin like a Jade surrounded by people but most of them are women. The boys look surprised about the man's skin and the girls has envy and jealousy in their eyes. The man with the Jade skin has his nose pointed upwards, looking down on people around him. When Arthur saw this, he was also surprised for a moment but shook his head after, seemingly embarrassed about what he saw.

Arthur went to that man and hit the back of his head while the man look around to see who hit him.