Oh no!

"Who dares to hit m... eh? Arthur? Why did you hit me?" Peter complained seeing that it was Arthur who hit him.

"You're asking me who hit you? Look at that smug look on your face, do you think I will not hit you?" Arthur replied with disgust on his face. Peter laughed guiltily as he scratch the back of his head and looked at Arthur. He was immediately surprised when he saw Arthur because his skin was smoother and more like Jade than him. He immediately asked Arthur the reason for this.

"Arthur why is your skin much beautiful than mine? What other methods did you use this past 3 days? Tell me, you don't have to hide something from me if you are still considering that we are friends". Arthur just laughed with his question then asked Peter on what stage did he attain in the manual. Peter replied to him that he already reached the 3rd Posture, the end stage of the 1st quarter of the manual. The pride on Peter's face returned again as he told Peter how brilliant he is, finishing the 1st quarter in just 3 days.

"Don't be complacent about your achievement, I already reached the beginning stage of the second quarter and I still think that it is not enough" Arthur replied calmly

Peter was greatly shocked by his reply " You already attain that level within 3 days and you are still telling me that it is not enough, are you draining yourself, are you not resting?"

clap clap clap...

A clap was heard by the students at the school grounds gaining their attention to the person who did the clap. When they saw it was, they immediately straighten their body and group themselves according to their classes. The one who clap was their Principal, Principal Scarface, that was not his real name because no one knew what it was, only the upper level officials knew he really was.

He was called Scarface because of the scar on his face, starting from his forehead going through his right eye and ending on his chin. The scar gives him the aura of bloodthirsty, someone who seems to undergone years of war and slaughter. Some say that he is a retired military with a high position, no one knows why he decided to retire at a young age of 50 years old.

"Students of the First Academy, right now I will congratulate all of you for arriving at this moment. After today, your fate as a warrior will start.You will face many trials and dangers, but be brave for these challenges will help you to stand firm in this cruel Universe. Students, I will now tell you, go on and make a path of your own, my job as your Principal is already done. Make a story of your own!" After making his speech, Principal Scarface went down from the stage.

The students were guided by the teachers to enter the Awakening Tower found at the back of the school. The tower has a hundred floors and inside it has an area of one hectare. There are 50 rooms for every floor. The awakening ritual will happen inside those rooms. There are no special procedures when entering the room, they will just enter the room and the administration will start the magic circle responsible for combining with the Blues Circuit Device.

Arthur and Peter looked around the tower, it is tall but very simple with just many rooms inside it. The whole tower was white inside and outside. Arthur and Peter both went inside the room where they are assigned to enter. Arthur observed the room, inside the room was all white except at the center of the room there is a magic circle with lots of complicated lines and runes on it, at the center of the magic circle there is a capsule where someone will lie down. At the upper right of the capsule there is a small device where you will insert the Blues Circuit Device.

Arthur touched the capsule, it was created with unknown type of material, it is hard to destroy but soft when you lie down on it. The capsule was cold on the surface but inside you can feel a relaxing warmth. Arthur looked at the device dedicated for the Circuit Device, there is a disappointed look on his eyes that immediately fade away and replaced by perseverance.

Arthur took out the box where he placed his Circuit Device and the weird toy. Opening the box his eyes became wide with shock and a hint of despair can be seen on it. Arthur fell on his knees without life in his eyes staring at the content of the box.

"WHY!?" he shouted in despair thinking that the heavens are playing tricks on him.