
"ehem. The magic circle will start in 10 seconds. 10.. 9.. 8...5" The announcer started the count down for the awakening. Every student must enter the capsule before the timer ends or else they will not have the chance to become a warrior for a whole year if they missed it. Becoming a warrior is not a frightening thing to happen because some people become a warrior later in their lives because they don't have their own Blues Circuit Device, what's scary is having a device but failing to enter the capsule in the allotted time given. People will laugh at you and call you dumb, worst, some organization will not accept you.

Arthur was startled by the announcement, he stood up and began to panic, he looked around to see if he can ask for help. Unfortunately the doors were heavily locked and he cannot get out during the awakening process. When the time was down to 5 seconds, Arthur looked at the box where his Device was placed that now was replaced by the toy he bought from the Old man. He thought for a second and decided to leave his chance to fate. He inserted the toy inside the combination device.


Before the timer went down to one he muttered to himself "If those things the Old man sells are weird things, I might as well gamble on this thing" and entered the capsule the same time the timer hit 1.

A bright light covered the whole room that anyone who will look into it will be blinded.

Arthur who was inside the capsule was sweating intensely as if he was in great pain, his vitals are going down and the machines are blinking with red lights as a sign of warning.


Monitoring Room


"What is that!?" the supervisor asked one of the clerks. "Sir someone in room 203 is experiencing incompatibility with his Circuit Device, he might die if this continued"

"Show me that person's information" the supervisor urged the clerk.

A screen in front of the supervisor was shown with information about the person in room 203.

[Name: Arthur Light

Age: 16

Birthday: March 29, 5478 of the new era

Birth Place: Sea City, Planet H456 of the Human Federation


Circuit Grade: 1

Compatibility: 90%]

"Light family!? His compatibility is obviously high! Why would he suffer from incompatibility!? Call the doctors now!? If something happened to this kid, we will need to explain a lot of things to the Light family. We must not anger that family." The supervisor was so nervous that anyone can see large sweats on his face and the shaking of his hands. "Why would this happen on my watch?" he muttered.

The doctors came immediately and analyzed the data given by the machine and they commanded the system to release dozen of liquid to support the life of Arthur. The whole Monitoring Center was in turmoil, many people are running in and out of the room in panic.

While the officials were in panic, Arthur was wandering in his dream. In his dream, he saw vivid images of destruction, many lives were killed, buildings were destroyed and cries can be heard everywhere.

He heard a voice shouting, "This is something we must not allow!"

In another scene, he can hear an angry voice of a person in a majestic robe. "Who initiated this!?" then someone at his side was heard, it was a voice of a woman with a gentle voice. "Dear, please calm down". When the voice ended the scenes also disappeared and was change to a scene where Arthur can see that his naked body was floating in the vast universe. It was quiet and calm, he observed his body and he saw that it was shining brightly then he started to feel hot all over him. The feeling was not painful but it also didn't feel comfortable.

Arthur looked forward and he saw an image of something long and alive. Its whole body was shining in gold and its roar was so deep that it seems to enter your soul. When that image saw the body of Arthur, it charged into him and entered his body. Arthur cannot do anything as it was too fast for him to react.

When that image entered into his body he started to feel pain, an intense pain that seems like cutting him into thousands of pieces. Time pass by and he feels that he is becoming numb to the pain.

"Is this the feeling of dying? Did the Heavens didn't want me to live and protect my sister? Sister? NO!! I cannot accept this!" Arthur begun to retaliate when he was reminded about his sister. He struggled for hours until he feels like his consciousness was fading away, but when it was about to fade away something in his soul releases a very comfortable energy that gives Arthur a life that ended his suffering.