
The "toy" that was thought to be nothing was unexpectedly a real Device that nearly killed Arthur. Without the help of the mysterious energy that was released by his soul, he will not survive the Awakening process. The energy was very mysterious, it seems to be sleeping in the depths of his soul waiting for Arthur to awaken it.

During the process of Awakening, what Arthur saw that has a Golden body was the spirit of the SEED who wants to devour his soul because Arthur doesn't have the compatibility with it he cannot tame it. Thanks to the mysterious energy that it helps him tame that spirit bringing him back from the hands of Death.


Monitoring Center

"Sir his vitals are already stabilizing and it seem that he successfully combined with his Circuit Device" a Doctor said to the supervisor after the new data was released.

The entire room sighed in relief, it seems that they all undergone a World War from their looks. The whole started to stabilize and the staffs started to move fluidly, the situation is already at their control. Every minute their will be results of successful awakening. Although its a rare circumstance to fail the awakening, they still give their all to observe the situation as this young people will be their hope for the future.

It was 5pm that day when all students finished their awakening, they are all sent in a resting facility near the Awakening Tower as all of them are exhausted. All students were supplied with a Nutrient Fluid to replenish the loss nutrition when they are undergoing the awakening.

It was 6pm when the students gradually started to wake up and regain their strength. The time that they realize that they can walk, they were assisted by staffs to the assembly area for their briefing.

Arthur started to regain consciousness 30 minutes after the others, when he opened his eyes, he feels that his vision was so clear and he can sense some energy floating in the atmosphere, it is very comfortable to the body, giving energy to everyone who absorbs it. "is this the energy they call Blues? What a wonderful thing this is." Arthur was amazed by the power of the Blues around him.

"Hey bro, get up there, almost all people here were gone. We need to go to the assembly area for the briefing and get home. Yawn. I wanted this to finish already, I'm tired you know." Arthur traced the voice at his side, there he saw Peter sitting with a face full of annoyance and tiredness.

Arthur just smiled at him and said "You lead the way then". The both of them stood up and walk away towards the assembly area where they found their class designation. They sat near their classmates and chatted while waiting for someone to brief them.

Arthur found out in their chat that what they experience in their awakening was different to him. He found out that they have a common experience of having a peaceful contact with their SEED Spirit before combining with them. He was very interested in this, as his own nearly devoured him and was confused of what event did he survived that situation. He thought of the Device which was combined with his Soul and placed at the center of his forehead. He looked into it using his consciousness and found that there is a transparent Device with a Golden Spirit moving inside it, when he tries to enter inside the device he was blocked by an unknown force field. "Seems like father was right, I cannot enter inside without reaching the White Realm. But what is that mysterious Device I combined?"

Arthur immediately put the thought at the back of his head as he has no method at the moment to inspect what is his Device is. Time will only tell what are the secrets of his Device as long as he can improve his strength because only becoming strong will he have the power to face the unknown.

As time hit 8pm, all students were already in the Assembly Area. At that moment a screen in front all of them appeared, in the screen was their principal.

"Students of my 1st Academy, I congratulate you for successfully awakening your powers. The school will be sending you cultivation manual according to the grade of your Devices, I know some of you came from prestigious families and have their own unique cultivation. I'm telling you the difference will not be permanent for as long as you take on your journey and discover lots of Ruins, you can discover lots of cultivation manuals more powerful from what you are using right now. Only by having perseverance will you be one step higher than the others, no matter how high they started. As your Principal, this is my farewell to you. Be brave young ones!" Principal Scarface ended the day with this speech as the students received their manuals sent to their holowatches and begun to disperse.

They will now enter a new world of adventure full of happiness and sadness. The 5 month vacation given to them will not be as simple as they think it is. Some intelligent youth will start their training but those who are not as enthusiast as them will only take it as a relaxing period before entering the training camp.