5 Month Training

Arthur went to bed after dinner, he was so tired to practice Dragon Postures so he set aside his training for the day. Lying down on his bed, he looked at the ceiling of his room thinking of the events happen today. [Why would I see something like a destruction of an entire race? What race was that? Who was that man in robe? Seems like I keep on seeing things this days. But what is that spirit that the SEED have, it almost killed me. With that majestic aura it has, will I someday can wield its powers? I will start my cultivation to reach the White Realm immediately to learn what powers can I wield using this Device.] Arthur thought to himself.

He sat down in Lotus position then started to attract Blues energy using the method given to him by the family. Cultivation techniques were already available to the warriors it was only differentiated for their level on how efficient it is to attract the Blues energy. Its category was very simple:

Earth Level: 25% Energy stored every hour

Sky Level: 50% Energy stored every hour

Galactic Level: 75% Energy stored every hour

Universal Level: 100% Energy stored every hour

These levels of cultivation manual can be bought by warriors in the warriors network, it's just that some families have their own unique cultivation manual which is very specific to their bloodline powers. An example of it was the one that Arthur is using The Lightspeed Cultivation Manual specialized in people with high compatibility with light element. The Light family was gifted with this blood, they say that ones a Light family member reaches a high level of cultivation, he can be as hot as the sun and as fast as light and as long as he continues to improve he can multiply it by many times. One story was said that the Old Patriarch of the Light family have the power of 4 times the Sun and 4 times faster than the speed of light.

Arthur was using this cultivation manual as it was given to them when they turn 16 to study ahead of time. People might think that it was unfair if they are not a member of a well-known family, but all warriors have a chance to have their own unique cultivation technique when they can enter a Ruin with that kind of cultivation manual. A lot of warriors are now using their own cultivation technique they got from the Ruins. Even those prestigious families have also their personal cultivation technique they got from the Ruins that they practice aside from their families' technique.

While Arthur was cultivating, he can feel that there is a warm and comfortable feeling that is entering his body. His family cultivation technique was known as a Universal Level and he can absorb large amount of energy in the atmosphere. When he looked inside his body with his consciousness, he can see that his Device was filled with small amounts of energy gradually and most of them has the Light elemental energy. While he was observing the process of absorption, he noticed that the Golden Spirit is doing a strange thing with the energy. He can see that it is breathing with some weird pattern and every time it inhales it devoured large amount of energy and by the time it exhales it releases the impurities in the energy it absorbs.

This greatly alarmed Arthur, he thought that the energy he absorbs will only go to the Spirit, but then he found out that he is also improving same to every warrior, their spirit will improve as they improve. What baffles him was that it seems to know how to cultivate, records say that ones a warrior started his cultivation, his spirit will only gradually absorb the energy inside the Device making it slower by a bit to improve than the warrior. The one he got was exactly the opposite because they have the same rate of improvement, as Arthur improves, his SEED Spirit also improves at the same time as him.

He keeps on observing his SEED Spirit as he cultivates and he was convinced that it knows how to cultivate. Suddenly an idea struck Arthur, he put some of Blues Energy into his eyes to observe the flow of energy inside the body of the Spirit, he followed it in every detail. He can see through the body of the Spirit because he is the owner of it, but if others were to do the same they will be blocked by the SEED and only the owner will be allowed access into it. An hour already went by when he was done observing every detail, then he opened his eyes making sure that he was calm and organized the information he gathered.

"My success with this will greatly decide the course of my training this 5 month period. Seem like Fire Baboons will not only be my target but some other stronger beasts. Sister, you wait for me I also successfully awakened with an unknown Grade S Circuit Device" Arthur clench his fist with determination.

In a faraway part of the Universe where no life is found, there were no planets around nor stars it was only complete darkness like a black hole that hides something inside it. Suddenly there was an Eye that can be seen inside that darkness that opened. The Eye was so big, it seems that it was 5 meter in height with a pupil that is so Red like a blood. The Eye contains so much murderous aura that anyone who it looks will immediately die in suffocation. Then suddenly after opening it immediately closed like nothing happened. How big can a creature with an Eye like that measure?