
Arthur closed his eyes and started to imitate the cultivation technique portrayed by his SEED Spirit. His breathing begun to change in a weird pattern, sometimes he needs to inhale longer and exhale shorter then it became the other way around. The process repeated until he finishes the outline of energy flow in his body and by the time he inhales he discovered that he can attract five times more energy than his previous cultivation method. Remember that the Light family has their unique cultivation method at the level of Universal which means a hundred percent of energy per hour, if he can attract five times and absorbs it it means that his current cultivation method has 500% of energy per hour, how amazing could that be?

There are some cases where a cultivation method found in some Ruins with high casualty rate can perform twice or thrice the efficiency of a Universal Level Cultivation Method, but there are no news of five times its power. So how powerful can this cultivation technique Arthur obtained can be if he have resources that contain high Blues Energy in it. Energy within the radius of 5 meters with Arthur as the center keep rotating in a centrifugal force until it all went to the center. The energy that went to the center was directly absorbed by Arthur every time he inhales. By the time he releases the air from his body, anyone can see that the air released was black in color and there are thick liquid coming out from Arthur's body, it was sticky and dark in color. If someone came near to him they will immediately cover their nose and run away in disgust.

The cackling of a rooster can be heard outside the room of Arthur, some old folks already started their morning routine and some are holding a mug of coffee or tea. The sun was still halfway to rise when Arthur heard a faint cracking sound in his Circuit Device. Arthur went to observe his Device using his consciousness when suddenly his eyes became wider and wider " Huh!? How can this be that fast, I only started last night and now just a few hours, cracks can be seen on the first barrier of the Rainbow Realm. I must grab this opportunity!"

Arthur's breathing became faster and the energy manipulation inside him flows violently but they are still on the right track. Large amount of sweat can be seen on his forehead and his brows were furrowed, he gritted his teeth while blocking the energy at the last path before entering the Device.

He kept on accumulating large amount of energy to tackle the barrier in one all out attack. The process of accumulating large amount of energy at a faster rate than normal and the compression of energy at the entrance of the Circuit Device needs a lot of concentration and careful energy manipulation as one wrong move from it will cause serious damage to ones cultivation.

It was 30 minutes when Arthur felt that he cannot hold on much longer and the energy he accumulated felt more compressed, so with one breath he pushed through the entrance of the Circuit Device with great force and momentum.


A loud bang was heard and the barrier then was shattered into pieces then there was a bright light released by the Device for just a moment then there was a change in the appearance of the Circuit Device. One-third of the Circuit Device was red in color with faint red on its 2/3 area while the SEED Spirit was still Golden but golden scales can be seen on its body.

"Hahaha, 1/3 of my Device became red in color which means I'am already at the Beginning Stages of the Red Level of the Seven Lights Realm ( Rainbow Realm ). Seems like it was earlier than what I expected it to be, I thought it will take me Three days to enter this Realm." Arthur observed his body, he saw that there are sticky dark liquid on it that smells awful. He directly went to the bathroom to wash away the impurities on his body, it an hour by the time he went out from the bathroom.

Arthur looked at the clock, it was 7:30 am and he can smell the sweet aroma coming outside of his room. With the level up of Arthur, his senses was improved so he can easily smell his mother's cooking when his room was on the second floor of their house and the kitchen was on the corner of the first floor.

"I should take my breakfast first before going to the training grounds of the family to test my strength then I will visit the family library to get some Skills that might be helpful for my training" Arthur took a step out of his room with a smile on his face, his eyes were full of energy and life and anyone who looks at it, they will feel energized and motivated.