
"Hey Arthur your early today huh. Wash your hands, breakfast will be ready soon." His mother was busy preparing their breakfast at the kitchen. The smell was so nice that if someone can smell it, they will think that they are under the warm embrace of spring. Arthur can feel that the breakfast today was different from the past that his mother cooked. When Arthur smelled the food, there was warmth flowing through his body taking away his fatigue. He closed his eyes to see inside him and he can see that his Device was reacting to the warmth that he feels flowing inside him.

"Oh, I missed this cooking of yours Dear, its been ages since I last tasted one of your Spirit Food. Hmm can't wait for it." His father just arrived at the dining room when he smelled the food that was being cooked, he was full of smiles and it seems like he was about to salivate.

"Spirit Food!? Mom are you also a Spirit Chef, the one who cooks ingredients that contain energy into a food that is maintains its energy that will benefit warriors when they eat it?" Arthur asked in surprise that he cannot wait to taste what Spirit Food is, it will be his first time to eat Food with energy in it. Ordinary people are not allowed to eat Spirit Food because there will be no part of them to store excess energy that will cause them to explode.

"HAHAHAH. Arthur, you're lucky today, it was only your first day after awakening and you will have the chance to eat a Spirit Food. A lot of warriors do not have this chance, they need to save a lot of money just to eat one meal of Spirit Food. You know, normal food cannot satisfy warriors anymore because they needed a lot of energy to go on their daily adventure and fights." His father was showed his enthusiasm when telling about the wonders of Spirit Food.

It was at this time that his mother came out from the kitchen with the food. It was a type of soup with meat and vegetables, the ingredients seems to be shining encouraging everyone to eat them. "When I was a child my father, your Grandpa Clause would always go on an adventure searching for ingredients and he rarely stays at home. He was a Food Hunter at the same time a Spirit Chef, his cooking was so delicious and unique that almost all influential people of the Human Federation wanted to taste his cooking but never had the chance to, even if they offered millions of Credits to your Grandpa, he will not cook for you. Your Grandpa never sought for money but for ingredients, he will only cook for you if you have something that interest him. I was taught by your grandpa on how to cook but I'am not like my two older brothers who was so talented, because what I wanted was Alchemy. So you only know me as an Alchemist but not a Spirit Chef." Arthur can see the pride in his mother's eyes when talking about his grandpa and alchemy.

"I never knew Grandpa Clause would be that famous, I only know him as someone who drinks tea everyday at his garden looking at the sky like all those old men in their retirement." Arthur said in wonder as he thought of the life of his grandpa when he was younger.

"You never knew because you only visit him once or twice a year, and when you visit, you are busy hanging out with your cousins" His mother blamed him for not paying more attention to his grandpa.

"HEHE" Arthur scratch the back of his head in guilt. "Never mind, just bring something special the next time you visit him, like some rare ingredients. He will like it very much." His mother reminded him and Arthur nodded as a reply.

The family started to eat their sumptuous breakfast with joy and warmth.

After an hour they were finished eating, Arthur ate almost half of the food that was prepared by his mother. The reason of it may be because of his recent breakthrough that his body needed a lot of energy.

"Arthur take this, it will help you a lot. I know you have a foundation in using that kind of weapon but try if can use two of it" His father toss him a rectangular case that when he caught it he only felt the weight of the case, as if nothing was inside it.

Arthur opened the box and he saw two Blade Swords, one black and the other white. The Blades were 1.5 meter long and has a weight of 5 kilogram, it was so light for any warrior but the metal of it was so sturdy that seems to stand against a mountain. The Blades were sharp that can cut through metal like cutting butter. When Arthur picks it up, he can feel the heroic aura of both swords and they also seem to have connection with each other.

"Dad, these Blades feels like they have connection with each other" Arthur told his father about what he feels about it while still looking intensely at the Blades. He seem to like the Blades very much.

"The Blades were called 'Twins' and they represent the opposite side but even though they are the opposite they can still harmonize with each other. With its power, it can neutralize everything in harmony. I found Twins in a Ruin where it seems to be a place where they created their weapons in the Origin Era. When I went to appraise the weapon, they said that it was a weapon that can grow based on the growth of its owner. You know that, that type of weapon is already the peak weapon at their time and only the Ancient Race can create that thing. No one in our Era can replicate it, so I decided to keep it to give to your Brother as a gift since I already have a sword which can also grow but..." When the conservation turns about his brother, the atmosphere inside the house became heavy and there is a moment of silence.