Family Library

Arthur looked at the Blades in his hand and clenched it.

"Dad, thank you for the gift. I will cherish this sword as my own body and let it grow up to the top." Arthur smiled at his father to lighten the atmosphere. His father also smiled back at him, but it can be noticed that their eyes still contain a bit of sadness.

"Arthur, inform us of the time of your departure ahead of time so that we can give you something that can help you along the way." His mother reminded him before he went out of the house.

"Sure mom, I will inform you after I updated my training plan. I'm off to the library, bye." Arthur said while he walk away towards the library.

The family library was so huge with an appearance of a palace of a Chinese Emperor. The whole building was not created in cement or metal but by hard wood. It was a wonder on how a hard wood can last for centuries. The library exudes its own majestic aura that it feels like an Emperor is looking on its subordinates.

The library contains all the accumulation of knowledge of the Light family for over tens of thousands of years. Every generation leave a huge amount of knowledge accumulated through their journey as a warrior and other occupations. It was protected through the years by the Light family as it is their foundation to be where they are today. Every family member are advised to take care of everything inside the library as it also represents their ancestors who shed sweat and blood to build the family.

Arthur entered the library, at the entrance of the library was a full body scanner which can also identify the DNA of anyone entering it. He scanned his identity through it and his details showed up in front of him, showing that he is Arthur Light a member of Light family.

Outsiders are not allowed to enter the library because it also contains the secrets of the family and also a sacred ground.

Arthur was assaulted by the thick smell of paper with rows of shelves that welcomed him. Books can be seen placed in every shelves with a height of 3 meters, Arthur cannot see the end of its width for it is very long. When he looked at his left and right to see how many rows of shelves are there, he failed to see both ends of it for the whole library was so wide, it was so different from the look outside the building. The library used space technology for it to have much space inside and save space outside. Even though Space Technology is very common, a space used for housing is considered a luxury for almost all people, only with power and money can someone own something like it.

Books are categorized based on their content, some are skills used by a warrior, some are for jobs like alchemy, spirit cooking, blacksmithing, runes and the like. They were neatly arrange alphabetically for people to find what they are looking easily. There is also a computerized registry of the books inside the library, so if one cannot find the book that they are looking, they will refer to the Registry.

Walking directly to the warrior skills section, Arthur saw that there is a wide collection of books, almost 1/3 of the contents of the library was dedicated to skills. Warrior class is very popular since ancient times until now, it consist 55% of the whole population of the United Race Alliance. Everyday they can register millions of new warriors all around the known universe. "What skills do I need now? Maybe I should get one for movement, a few for defense and attack" Arthur thought for a moment then proceeded in the movement skill section.

Walking along the stacks of movement skills, he saw that almost all of it was related to the element of light, for example, this book called the 'Beam Steps' where one can move like blinking from one place to the other but it leaves a line of light at the back of the user like a beam. It was a good skill if you are on par with your enemy, but if you wanted to run away, your enemy will know which way you go based from the beam left from your steps.

There are tons of wonderful and powerful movement skill inside the movement skill section, but it seems like there is a bit of dissatisfaction in his face, he was not contented to the description given by the skill so far. Even though he still cannot find something useful for him, he didn't lose hope as he was still far from the end of the movement skill section. He estimated that he will be done in 3 hours in looking all the books and one and a half hour if he used the Registry to find the specific skill description he wanted.