I want it to be Silent

Arthur carefully looked all the description in all the skill he browsed, and extracted the thing that interest him to input it as a key word in the Registry later on.

He opened a book and look at it for a minute then closed it again then put it back in the shelf where got it from. This process repeated again and again for a whole hour. After an hour of looking at the skills, Arthur still has nothing he liked.

Arthur lifted his right arm and look at his wrist, there he opened his Holowatch, after securing connection to the family network, he connected to the library database. The library database has tabs at the top of it, from the main occupations to the sub-occupations. Arthur went directly to the warrior skills and found the movement skill section. The movement skills were arrange alphabetically like the one he saw when he was browsing the shelves. Arthur clicked on the search button, but before he typed the key words he needed, he stopped and thought for a minute. [ What characteristics do I need in my movement based from the weapon that I use?]

Arthur used Blades as his weapon, which means that he needed to be fast, accurate and always moving forward as he cuts through his enemies. Most of the Blade users moved as tranquil as water, quiet as rock and fast like a wind. Based from these descriptions, Arthur wanted his moves to be as decisive as possible, never giving your enemy a chance to attack and as clean as possible.

Arthur lifted his fingers and put it on top of the keyboard, in just a matter of seconds he finished typing the key words he wanted. What was written was just a single word: Silent, he clicked the search button and dozens of skill pop out below it.

Arthur browse every skill carefully as all of it interest him but they still lack something that he wanted, so he keeps on looking for more. 15 minutes later, he stopped at one of the skills. He carefully read the description of the book 2 times to verify the information he saw. The skill name was Flash Steps, the skill portrays a step that goes from one end to the other faster than the blink of an eye, it is also not just teleporting from one place to the other, it also helps the user to travel long distances and dodge attacks like a cat catching a laser point. The skill Flash Steps is like opening a Flashlight which you can light the area where you want to see, same as true with the skill that helps the user to appear to a place where you want to go easily. Like a flashlight, anyone cannot determine where will it be focusing, it is so discreet that left anyone at surprise. The Flash Steps also uses the element of Light which uses the element to create a path of light only visible for the user, his steps will be as light as feather, and as flexible as the Sun as it shines everywhere.

Arthur has his lips curved as if it can reach from ear-to-ear, he clicked the skill to read its contents, as he read through the skill his eyes became wider and wider and his smile became bigger. By the time that he finished reading the skill, his eyes has a look of contentment and satisfaction. "This skill will be perfect for me. I choose this one" Arthur said to himself and downloaded the skill on his Holowatch, the file was sent to him by the library network with the necessary codes that was only set for him to guard the data from other people. If his Holowatch was snatch and hacked, the file will immediately be destroyed from it.

The Flash Steps movement skill will help Arthur until the late stages of the Purification Realm (White Realm) as for further Realms will prove it to be useless. Warriors of that Realm can control their body like the wind as swift as possible without using their skills and their reaction speed was so fast that a Purification Realm Warrior cannot contend because every muscle movement of their body from the tiniest part of it will be seen through by these warriors.

As Arthur walk away from the movement skill section with satisfaction, he directly went to the defense skill section to get one or two skills to be his life saver during unexpected events.

For a Blade user who uses speed like him, they only use defensive skills as a supporting skill because they are the type of warrior who fought with their enemies with less time needed and dodges their attacks rather than confronting it. Defensive skills for them were only used when they were under a large area of attack or found themselves under a tight position of a dozen of attacks from the enemies.

He looked at the numbers of defensive skills of their family and push his feet forward with confidence.