
It was 4 hours later that Arthur was done picking the skills he needed for his defense and attack. He chose 2 skills for defense, he first chose the Light Armor which he can use to customize his own body armor, he can use the Light element to weave an armor around his body, the armor can melt materials that will come close to it and it can also use the Light element to make the user fly. Arthur chose the Light Armor because it is so flexible, he can create certain specification to his armor, like speed, counter damage or even full defense according to the situation he was in. The skill has no level limit because as the user upgrades his power, his armor will also be upgraded. The skill Light Armor was said to be found in a Ruin by one of his family elder thousand years ago. That elder was famous for his flexible armor that he can deal with any environment and any situation he was in. It was also said that in his peak he used the skill to weave runes on his armor that almost make it all rounded.

The next skill was the Light Shield, it was only a simple skill that uses Light elements to form a floating shield to where the user wants it to be. The user can control the size and thickness of the shield, the formation of the shield was so fast like the light and it can also generate heat. When it was used outside or any place that has light, it can absorb the light around it when it was damaged or destroyed, giving it a regenerative property on it.

He chose his defensive skills keeping in mind that it should not hinder his speed when he fights because he wants speed as his main course of path as a warrior and also because he was best in light element like all members of his family.

Arthur also chose two for his offense, but the other one was not a skill but an art which greatly complements his movement skill and that is the Twilight Blades. Twilight Blades Sword Art was an art which is very quiet, peaceful, and soft. When others look at Arthur's sword, they will think that it is very weak that it cannot cut anything but what they don't know is that it was a Tiger in sheep's clothing waiting for its prey to come on his trap and bite at his weakness. The killing style will be silent as morning where the sun was still about to rise keeping a low ray of light to the world, giving warmth but not too hot and not too cold.

The last offense skill that Arthur chose was a skill to enhance the damage of his blades. The skill was named the Burning Edge. Even though the skill has a word burning on it, it was not literally burning but the skill was used to heat up the temperature of any melee weapon that will help the user to cut or destroy any obstacles in front of him like butter meeting heat. It was chosen by Arthur as it will be convenient for him in killing creature with high defensive bodies and also destroy obstacles when he will explore ruins in the future.

Walking along the numbers of books around him, Arthur was about to walk out from the library when he feels that his Holowatch vibrated, he lifted his wrist to see that it was Peter who sent a message to him. Arthur opened the message without thinking what would Peter message him for. Looking at the message, Arthur became curios as it was not some topic his friend came up with, but a link of one news article and a folder about the Red Forest. Arthur clicked on the first link Peter sent him, the news tells about a meteor that landed on the forest ten days ago, it was night when the meteor landed on the planet so no one notices where the meteor was and by the time they found the crater there was no meteor to be found. "Why would Peter send me this news? There seems nothing suspicious with this event though" Arthur thought as he clicked on the folder, inside the folder was a picture and a letter. Arthur looked curiously at the picture, it was a second later when he gasped loudly that all the people inside the library looked at him with anger. "I'm sorry everyone. Please proceed with what you are doing" Arthur apologetically bowed to everyone in the library and then looked again at the picture. His eyes became wider and wider as he looked more closely at the picture.

"This can't be real right? If this is real, the authorities would have come to the Red Forest to do an all out mission not allowing anyone to enter the area and even the family would have been in an uproar in this past few days if they knew about this." Arthur looked around him but he found nothing unusual with the people of his family and felt weird inside him. He thought that the letter that was sent together with the picture has the answer to his question. He clicked the letter immediately and a personal letter created by Peter appeared in front of him.