
Peter said to his letter:

This photo was taken by one of my father's subordinate, he was having an errand on the planet where the Red Forest was located. He was planning on showing it to his friends because they never saw Fire Baboons having wings. When he said that, I remembered that days ago there was a meteor in that area then I thought of you. You told me that you are going to train there so I sent this message to you, if what we think that thing is the one we know about, it means it will be a great help to you. That wing was said to have no element by my father's subordinate. The Fire Baboon first summon his wings then lighted it up with fire, it seems that it recently learned the skill because it cannot immediately apply its own element in its wings. Grab this chance Arthur while others still doesn't know about it, don't worry about the man who owns that photo, I already told him not to show and tell it to everyone while I didn't give him the permission to, I also gave him some bribes just incase.

Arthur closed the message he received from Peter then he looked forward, his steps becoming faster and faster going towards his house. "I need to learn the skills I got from the library during these week after I go to the Red Forest. Seems like I need to step-up my progress a little bit." he said to himself.


A week later

In a bamboo forest near the Light family mansion everyone can see tall and straight bamboos, it keeps on swaying towards where the wind blows. As you go further into the forest, one can see bamboos had been cut unevenly then going further, cuts became more and more even until the last line where there are cut down bamboos. In the last area, you can see that the bamboos were cut with the same angle and same height without the sign of it being disordered. The cut was so clean that it looks like it was grown that way and natural. At the center of that area lay a man with Blades at his left and right, one black and the other is white. The man was Arthur and with him is his Twin blades. He was soaked in sweat, as sign of long hours of training. His closed eyed opened within a second and got up from where he was, Arthur smelled the air that was blowing around the forest, he can smell the fragrant of nature with the smell of bamboo. There is a sound of water flowing nearby, south of Arthur, the sound was so relaxing that it can help you fall asleep. The rays of the sun was entering the gaps between the leaves, making the whole forest not to be so hot but warm to the feeling.

Arthur looked down at his body and saw that he was sweaty and his smell was awful, so he went to the south at the nearby lake to wash his body. His speed was so fast and quiet that even an ant cannot notice something moving above them, it is like Arthur was a part of nature. It only took 5 seconds for Arthur to reach the edge of the lake. The water was so clear that he can see the colorful rocks below it.


Arthur inhales a large amount of air into his lungs. " During this week, I have mastered all my skill and I already reached the peak stage of the Rainbow Realm Red Tier. I only used the energy around me but I can still reach this level faster than those who have the help of energy resources. Seems like I can still speed up my progress if I use some resources, this way I can explore more dangerous area for my training. I think its time for me to depart." he looked up and saw the sun looking down on him and he jump at the lake creating a big splash of water.


Dinner table

"Arthur, you told us a week ago that you will depart tomorrow morning right?" his mom confirmed the information from Arthur. "Yes mom, and it seems that I will not return home after the 5 month vacation. I will directly report to the training camp after the end of the 5 month free period." Arthur answered his mom apologetically

"Is that so? Sigh. I will not see you for many years after tomorrow. I will miss you Arthur. Remember when you see your sister, protect her. Arthur take this, all the things you need are in there and also take this new Warrior Holowatch." His mom handed him a spatial ring and a new holowatch for warriors.

He used his consciousness to pry inside the ring and saw that it was a 10 cubic meter ring with dozens of necessities inside like clothes, medicine, credit card, food and many more. Even though there are a lot of things inside it, it still has room for more items that Arthur can place that he can find during his journey until the time that he has enough money to buy for a wider spatial ring.

The warrior holowatch that he received was different from an ordinary one, because it is a lot tougher which can sustain attacks during battle. The watch also has the function to absorb Blues Energy in units after killing a monster or a demon that leaks into the air when a life was killed. The watch also converts the energy other than Blues to make it more compatible for human consumption.