
Arthur looked at the hand that was in front of him then looked back at the smiling face of Laura waiting for him to shake her hand. Arthur thought that this girl will not give up without giving her a reply. He stretch out his right hand hand to shake it with her and also to introduce himself as a sign of courtesy. "I'am Arthur, Arthur Light. Nice to meet you Laura." He said and smiled back at her.

"Oh, Light! You are from the Light family, one of the fastest warriors of the Human Federation. I would like to see live how fast a Light Family member is. Why would you go to the Red Forest when your element is Light and monsters in that forest was fire element users? Do you plan to increase the heat of your element? Will you turn into a hot guy that way?" Laura was so talkative and she immediately throws a lot of questions in a matter of minute. It was like she rehearsed it days ago before coming in front of Arthur.

[This girl was so talkative and acts like we are friends for how many years. I should immediately go away from her, or else my days in this trip would be disastrous] Arthur thought as he scratch his head and answered his question unwillingly. "I plan to fight with Fire Baboons because they look and move like humans." He immediately ended his answer because he wanted to finish the conversation as fast as possible.

"Oh is that so, I plan to go there to increase my resistance against fire, as you know my family was best at controlling the wood element which is weak against fire. So in order to protect myself from the possible dangers of fighting the demons as our family told us that most of them control fire element and loves to target wood element users, I plan to train at the Red Forest where the whole planet has so much fire elements." She talked so fast that it seems that her energy was placed on her mouth and not on her body.

"Is that so. Good luck to you. Oh it is now my turn to enter, see you." Arthur only answered her with a few words and turned around to see that it was his number and turn to enter the ship to his cabin.

His steps increase in speed that when he pass by the staff that is responsible for welcoming the passengers, her clothes was swayed by the wind that she immediately hold onto her clothes and hat preventing it from lifting. The staff looked at the direction of where Arthur went, her brows were knitted and there are some veins visible on her forehead and her eyes look so fierce that it can kill a person.

Arthur was oblivious about the look of the staff to him and his actions, he just wanted to run away from Laura and enter his cabin as soon as possible to relax his mind and go over with his plan for his 5 month training.

He looked at the number of his cabin, it was written with the number 113. It was his designated cabin for the 4 day trip. He flashed his ticket number to a scanner near the knob of the door to confirm his entry. 'Click' there was a clicking sound after scanning and confirming the ticket, Arthur reached the knob opening the door. He was welcomed by as simple room with a bed and a washroom at the side. The whole room was only 15 cubic meter not your luxury type room but a simple dormitory style one. Arthur was not picky when it comes to the place where he stays, as long as it has a bathroom and a bed, he was fine with it.

Touching the bed with his hand, he feels that the softness was not to soft but not too hard, but it was enough for someone like him to sleep comfortably. He sat down on the bed and opened his holowatch to read some news or watch some entertainment while waiting for the ship to launch.

"Fire Baboons are said to be found at the outer regions of the Red Forest as they are considered one of the weakest monsters living in the forest. Even though they are said to be the weakest, they must not be underestimated because they are known to be the most cunning creature in the outer regions, they are also known as the booby trap of the outer regions for they can trap new adventurers who cannot sense their tiniest presence in the forest becoming the nightmare of all newly born adventurers of the Red Forest. It looks like I must ask some locals there before I head to there territory to find that Flying Baboon then I can head towards the deeper parts of the outer regions." Arthur laid out his plan for his adventure in the Red Forest and his course to take in his cultivation.