
[All passengers please fasten your seat belts for we are about to take off, I repeat. All passengers please fasten your seat belts for we are about to take off, thank you]

The notice was heard to every cabin of the ship as there are speakers placed on every room so that people in the ship will be notified immediately. At the right corner of cabin 113 beside the bed, there is a chair with safety belts on it. Arthur walk to the chair and fasten his seat belt, to his left was a glass window where he can see the view outside the ship. He looked outside as the ship was taking off, the buildings and people were getting smaller and smaller as they went outside the planet's atmosphere until he saw a planet same as Earth but two times bigger to it, the Planet H456 where he was born and live for 16 years. The memories of this planet flashed back to his mind like it was yesterday, "Goodbye to you and see you again" he said while looking at his home planet with melancholy and then looked at the vast universe while having a brave smile.


From a faraway Galaxy near the Eastern borders.

The place was so desolate and everywhere you look, you can see scattered debris of buildings and other man made structures. This place was Ruin C1141 owned by the Human Federation with danger level of C, a good Ruin for Purification Realm warriors to practice and get some treasures to increase their ability.

Somewhere near the center of the Ruin, there was a lady with a blonde hair, she has Blades in her hands with blood on it. Corpse of creatures with horns can be seen, they look like humans but they have red skin color and wings on their backs. These corpse were cut in different areas in their bodies, it's like the one that killed them has deep hatred for these creatures. The eyes of these creatures has a look of despair and disbelief, as if they saw a bone chilling scene before their death.

"Everywhere you go, as long as you unsheathe your blades, there will be a grotesque massacre. Look at these Demon corpse around you, they don't seem to be Demons anymore, but meat paste. Are they still called Demons or you are?" Elder Sky appeared in front of Emilia with his hands behind his back looking at the pitiful corpses around him.

"Pests deserved to be killed this way, they do not have a place in this vast universe." She splashed the blood on her blades and sheathed it as she answered Elder Sky with coldness.

"We are inside the territory of the Human Federation and also a place protected by the United Races Alliance but we encountered Demons that should not be here. The situation seems to become more unusual than we thought it would be." Elder Sky was looking at the battlefield while putting his foot on top of a Demon head whose eyes were wide open. "Hurry up, collect the loots and lingering energy around, we need to get that thing at the center of this Ruin before the Demons get it and take away." He added as he looked to where the direction of the center area of the Ruin.

Emilia nodded and adjusted her holowatch to capture all the lingering energy around her before it dissipate into nothingness.

"As always, so cold even to this old man" Elder Sky shake his head and turn around to leave while Emilia finishes what she is doing and follow the old man.


Four days later, in Planet Red.

The ship that Arthur was in, landed a while ago and he just walk out from its doors. He looked around to see small buildings, the tallest has only 4 floors not your typical City with skyscrapers around. This is only natural because Planet Red was not a commercial territory but a place for adventurers, only with the body of a warrior can one survive this place because of extreme heat and dozens of monster attacks. The city was created only with an area of 15 square kilometer and around it were high walls of around 5 kilometer high and 500 meter thick. The side of the wall facing the Forest around the city was full of scratch and other attack marks, a sign of years of battle.

The people found inside the city composed of warriors with different body frame and specialties. There are also other races found walking around, some are elves, dwarves, beast folks, sea people and many more. There are also other occupation like alchemist, blacksmiths and other warrior related occupation that can be seen around offering there products. Arthur was so excited that his whole body was trembling as he looked around. "So this is the world of the warriors"