
Chapter 2

Unknown Person’s POV.

“Babe…” I heard my younger brother’s voice. He still call me babe even I am an adult. The first word he said when he started talk was babe. He always call me as babe saying I am soo cute and I am still a babe. I don’t know why he still think me as ababy even I am full grown adult..

“I am in my room Sud.” I said to him. My mom called him Sud when he was still her tummy. After he came to the world we all still call him from that pet name. Also we call him little brat to because he is really brat when he was a little kid. Still he is.

“Are you ready Babe?” He asked from me while coming to my room. I nodded at him while looking at the mirror.

“You will ride with me Babe?” he asked from me again.

“Are you going to ride your bike?” I asked from him. He nodded at me.

“Bon said me to don’t ride my bike” I said to him. He looked at me and laughed.

“Don’t worry… You are going with me. So don’t be afraid to P’Bon Babe.” He said to me.

“N’Nin?” I asked from him.

“Nin said Nin will use his car.” He said to me. I nodded at him. After that I followed him.

As I said before we both live in our apartment in main city. This apartment is not a big one. It is a normal size apartment with two bed rooms and one guest room. Also it has kitchen and two bathrooms. And lastly with a small living room. My bratty brother wanted to buy a big luxuries apartment. But I said to him we don’t need a big luxuries apartment. I don’t want to live in a big apartment alone. Because my brother will not be here always. He also has to took care of business too. He also said me he is going to take the course from online after first year. He said he want to attend to the university in his whole first year. I don’t know how he will handle all these. Because he is taking two courses from two faculties. He is luck both Engineering and Business Faculties are near each other. Also my brother said Engineering students have different system to rag freshmen. They called it SOTUS. Business student don’t have a rag season.

“Babe.. We came..” I heard my little brat’s voice.

“I will go na. You go to Engineering Sud.” I said to him.

“Be safe na Babe. Always stay with your friends. After your classes were finished come to Engineering if I did not come to get you na.” he said to me. I nodded at him. He patted on my head. After Mom and Dad he is the only one who can touch me. Same with my younger brother too. He doesn’t let to anyone to touch him. He said it is annoying when someone touch him. But for me I don’t know why I feel uncomfortable when someone touch me.

“Sanun” I heard Bon’s voice and I looked at where the voice came from. I looked at where the voice came from. When I saw Bon I smiled at him.

“Did you wait too long for me?” I asked from him. He smiled at me and shook his head to say no. So I smiled at him.

“Did you call P’Kris?” I asked from him.

“I called him. He said he will wait for us in the medical cafeteria. He also said both medical and psychology freshmen will gather in medical Faculty auditorium.” Bon said to me. I nodded at him.

“I think he is with P’Rochan.” Bon said to me again.

Brother Rochan is brother Kris’s fiancé. Also brother Rochan is Ord’s cousin. First brother Rochan was proposed to brother Nin. But brother Kris took brother Nin’s place because brother Nin said he don’t want to engage with brother Rochan. So now both brother Kris and Brother Rochan are engaged. They got engage when brother Kris was in his first year at university. After they got engage they both fight a lot. But I heard from brother Nin both of them are good now and even they act so lovely with each other. Brother Nin said to me both brother Kris and brother Rochan are possessive over each other. And also he said to me brother Kris is more possessive than brother Rochan.

Like Bon said brother Kris waited for us with brother Rochan. Brother Kris hugged Bon but he only smiled at me. Brother Kris know very well I don’t let others touch me or I don’t talk much with others. Even with my friends I am like that.

“There will be a welcome speech for freshmen. Both Medical and Psychology students.” Brother Kris said to us. Brother Rochan did not say anything. He just stay beside brother Krist silently. Even he is not muscular like brother Kris he has a cold aurora around him.

“Will seniors bully us?” Bon asked from brother Kris. He laughed and shook his head to say no.

“You should come to our faculty to see how seniors bully freshmen.” This time brother Rochan said to us.

“Really?” bon asked from brother Rochan.

“Yeah. Thus year head Hazer is P’Phet. So that’s mean Engineering Faculty will be freshmen’s living hell. P’Phet is devil himself. We all called him Sathan.” Brother Rochan said to Bon.

“Seriously? Did you face it too P’Rochan?” Bon asked from brother Rochan. He nodded at him.

“But P’Deep, last year Head Hazer is not like P’Phet. P’Deep is cold and scary. But not as much as P’Phet. So we survived from SOTUS somehow. But this year it will not be like that. All Hazers are also afraid to P’Phet. Even P’Deep. Only one is okay with him is P’Tom. But he is not in the faculty now. He graduated last year.” Brother Rochan said to Bon.

“Why everyone scared to him?” Bon asked from Brother Rochan.

“Because he is the solo heir of Chaiwongs. ” Brother Rochan said to Bon.

“P’Rochan, what did you say now?” I asked from himwhen I heard the name Chaiwong. All three of them looked at me because I rarely open my mouth for speak.

“Mmm I said P’Phet is solo heir of the Chaiwongs.” Brother Rochan said again what he said before.

“Is his full name Phet Chaiwong P’Rochan?” I asked from him. He nodded at me to say yes. I wide my eye because what I get to know from brother Rochan. That is the person I am dying to see again. He is the person who has my mom’s heart.

“Why N’Sanun? Is there any problem?” Brother Rochan asked from me. I took a deep sighed and smile at him. And also shook my head to say no. He looked at me to make sure I am okay.

“Nothing P’Rochan” So I said to him. But he looked at me like he is not believing me. Even he looked at me like that he did not forced me to talk about it and did not ask anything about it.

Anyone don’t know about what happened eight years ago. Only thing they know I met and accident with my mom and my mom died from the accident. Only our family and Mr.Chaiwong know what really happened that day. He also said that day he only has his son. His wife died when his son was five years old. So only people who know about this is me, Dad, my younger brother, Mr.Chaiwong and his son. How I know his son knows about this? Because every dead anniversary of my mom I saw flowers in the tree when I went there. We buried her under a tree. Because it feel like she is always with us. Also when the tree is growing we can feel like she is living with us. Even I saw flowers near my mom’s tree I never met the person who put flowers there.

“I have to go Hon” Brother Rochan said to brother Kris. Brother Kris nodded at him. As I heard from Brother Nin they both are not afraid to show their love and call each other from sweet names in public.

“Will you come at lunch break?” Brother Kris asked from brother Rochan.

“Not sure about that..” Brother Rochan said to Brother Kris.

“Can I come? I will come with N’Sanun and N’Bon” Brother Kris said to Brother Rochan.

“Okay Hon.. You can. I heard from third year seniors, P’Phet is also looking for you. I think it is something related to SOTUS.” Brother Rochan said to Brother Kris.

“P’Kris, I have to go and see Oad. So you can go with Sanun P’Kris.” Bon said to Brother Kris. Brother Kris looked at me and I nodded at him to say yes. Then Brother Kris nodded and also Brother Rochan nodded at Brother Kris too. Brother Rochan kissed Brother Kris’s left cheek and Brother Kris kissed Brother Rochan’s forehead. Then Brother Rochan went out from the cafeteria.

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Special Note :

· Sud mean tiger from Thai. It is a Thai name.

· SOTUS mean Seniority, Order, Tradition, Unity and Sprit.

· P’ = Phi - how to call someone who is elder than you.

· N’ = Nong – how to call someone who is younger than you

· I use Brother in front of every person who is younger or elder than them because it is how our country people call respectfully for someone who is elder or younger than. We use ‘Aiya’ for elder male person and ‘Malli’ for younger male person. I thought it will be bit uncomfortable with English so I use Phi and Nong for that. It is also gave similar meaning.

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Thank you everyone who read this chapter. See you in next chapter.

Always smile and be happy. Stay healthy.

Have a great and nice day my beloved readers.

Pubu Lankathilaka. [Poly]