
Chapter 3

Sanun’s POV.

After Brother Rochan went out from cafeteria we also went to where seniors welcomed freshmen. They said us about our classes and how things go in both Medical and Psychology faculties. They also said if we have any problem with our subjects asked help from any senior. They said they are always here to help for us. Also they said us our class schedule will start from tomorrow. Brother Kris already told us about that. Medical Faculty always started their lectures after the first day. Also Psychology faculty too. My lot of classes are at morning. Aigoo I am not a morning person. Poor me. Bon also got morning classes too.

After that everything is done me and Brother Kris went engineering for lunch. Bon went to art faculty to meet Ord. After me and Brother Kris came to Engineering faculty we went to the engineering cafeteria. Then we saw Brother Rochan is waiting for us. Brother Kris kissed his forehead while greeting him. After we had our lunch he took us to his Head Hazer. When I saw him I felt my heart stopped. As I said I still remember his eyes. I don’t know why but he also did not stop looking at me too. I am hundred present sure he do not know who I am.

“Phet” Someone shouted his voice and I felt familiar with the voice who shouted his name. Because of that I looked at who shouted his name. After I saw who it is my eyes widened. It was Brother Yin.

“P’Yin???” I said with my widen eyes. Everyone looked at me. Also Brother Yin too. And the person who is beside Brother Yin gave me a scary look.

“N’San??” Brother Yin asked from me. I nodded at him to say yes. When we were kids he always called me N’San or Cute San. It because I am cute and my full name is too long for him.

“What are you doing in this wolves’ den?” After he got conform I am Sanun he asked from me. Like our old days he is still soo protective over me.

“San came with P’Kris P’Yin” I said to him.

“How do you guys know each other?” This time Brother Phet asked from Brother Yin.

“N’San is my dad’s best friend’s first son. He is also my childhood best friend.” Brother Yin looked at Brother Phet and said to him.

“I thought you have only one friend.” This time the person beside Brother Yin asked from Brother Yin.

“WE ARE NOT FRIENDS.” Both Brother Phet and Brother Yin shouted same time to the Person beside Brother Yin.

“Whatever.” The person beside Brother Yin said to them.

“I did not meet for almost ten years because our family moved on” Brother Yin said to the person beside him.

“How is your little brat N’San?” Then Brother Yin asked from me.

“He is doing fine P’Yin. But Sud is soo busy with both family business and his studies.” I said to Brother Yin. While brother Yin is talking with me Brother Kris talked with Brother Phet. Whole time we both talked the person beside Brothr Yin did not leave Brother Yin’s side.

“Ohh N’San I forgot to introduce him you..” Brother Yin said pointing at the peson beside him.

“He is Phin. My boyfriend.” Brother Yin said to me. I smiled and nodded at him. But I did not say anything to Brother Phin.

“I heard P’Yin got a boyfriend from uncle Doom.” I said to brother Yin.

“Dad also told me a lot about you too N’San. And Phi is sorry about your lost.” Brother Yin said to me. I gave him a sad smile.

“N’Sanun, I’m done.” Brother Kris said to me. So I said good bye to Brother Yin and Brother Phin. Before I followed Brother Kris I looked at Brother Phet. He is also looking at me.

“BABE..” I face palmed myself form my mind when I heard my younger brother’s voice very loudly. All are looking at us. Aish this brat. I sighed a long sigh and looked at where his voice came from. I saw Brother Nin is trying to stop him.

“What are you doing here Mister at this time?” He asked from me with his cold voice. I know I came here without telling him but he knows I don’t like when he use that cold voice of him for me. Aish he don’t have to use that voice on me.

“Phi came with P’Phet Sud.” I said to him with a little pout. I really don’t like when he used that cold and icy voice for me. He rarely use that voice on me. He looked at Brother Kris to make sure what I said is true.

“N’Sanun came with me N’Vidura.” This time Brother Kris said to my little brat. Then tis little brat nodded at brother Kris and looked at me with his soft and loving eyes.

“Babe, Did you eat your lunch?” He asked from me with his normal voice he talk to me. I nodded and smiled at him.

“Okay. But I still didn’t get my lunch.” He said to me with a pouty face.

“Why?” I asked from him. He sighed a long sigh

“You know about Engineering SOTUS na.. I have to collect seniors’ signatures. 1000 signatures within a week.” He again said to me with his pouty face.

“Good luck na.” I said to him while patting his head softly.

“Oh Babe, I have SOTUS till Seven at evening. So after your last class got over come to here na.” He said to me. I nodded at him say to okay.

“Vidu… We should go na..” This time Brother Nin said to my little brat.

“Why Nini… I am talking with my Babe…” My brother said to Brother Nin. Aish this little brat. Can’t he stop calling me beauty at public. Brother Nin smacked his head.

“Nini~~~” my brother whined at him. Brother Nin looked at me without careing about my brother’s whining.

“We will leave na P’San.” He said to me. I nodded at him.

“Sorry for the trouble P’Phet” Brother Nin also said to bowing at Brother Phet. Brother Phet did not say anything to Brother Nin. Then Brother Nin grabbed my brother’s hand and dragged him with him.

“N’Viduara is here?” Brother Yin asked from me while looking at where my brother and Brother Nin went.

“He skipped two classes with N’Nin P’Yin. I also skipped one class. That’s how three of us are here.” I said to Brother Yin.

“How did I not see him at the gathering?” again brother Yin asked.

“He was there. He did not talk like how he talked now.” This time Brother Phin said to Brother Yin.

“Oh yeah. He only talk with N’San and N’Nin like a nonstop chatterbox.” This time Brother Yin said and I laughed what he said.

“But why is he here? Dad said he always attended online lectures.” This time Brother Yin asked from me while looking at me.

“He said he want to attend physical class in his first year. And he also dragged N’Nin with him too.” I said to Brother Yin.

“That little brat will enjoy everything while my little brother will be suffering” Brother Kris said this time.

“Why did you say like that Hon?” Brother Rochan asked from Brother Kris. Even Brother Rochan is Brother Kris fiancé he did not know lot about my brother. Even my brother always stay with Brother Nin he is not a sociable person. He is very cold person to others.

“Ohh Babe. You don’t know about him fully yet even he is my little brother’s best friend. Because you never met the cunning brat inside him. He is a Devil himself. He only care about his brother and for others he don’t care. He is so cold and scary. How do you think he is handling his family company alone in this young age? He’s still seventeen years old. But he is the owner of FKT Company.” Brother Kris said to Brother Rochan.

“But who is N’Sanun for him?” This time Brother Phin asked.

“N’Sanun is his older brother. The only family he has.” Brother Yin said to Brother Phin. This time not only others but also Brother Phet’s Eyes widened too. Because anyone don’t know who is famous Vidura Faturakut’s older brother. Because I always hide from media and from everything. Also my brother make sure to hide me from everything too. Because he know I like to live a normal peaceful life.

“You are his elder brother…” Brother Phet said it after a sometime like he is asking a questing. I nodded at him.

“So you are him… who told.. who told to…” He tried to say something and I know what he wants to say. I can clearly see it in his eyes. They are already filling with tears. But he is trying to act cool.

“What do you want to say Phet? You never act like this..” Brother Yin asked from Brother Phet when he saw Brother Phet tried to day something to me. I looked at Brother Phet’s face. I know Brother Yin doesn’t know about what happened in the past.

“Yes Phi. That day I’m the one who signed the papres.” I said to him looking at his eyes. I felt my eyes are also filling with tears.

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Thank you everyone who read this chapter. See you in next chapter.

Always smile and be happy. Stay healthy.

Have a great and nice day my beloved readers.

Pubu Lankathilaka. [Poly]