Chapter 1 - Eddie would have hated this...

-Hurt is still very fresh in the minds and hearts of the Losers-


2nd june 2016

"Honey, he's dead....."

Those three Dreadful words kept swimming in Richie's head like a broken record, as he and the Losers, at least what was left of them, stood near edge of the quarry, looking at the greenish water below them. Richie still hadn't uttered a single word since the Neibolt house had caved in on itself, burying his best friend under tons of rubble. There was a fake constant buzzing in Richie's ear.

All the losers were still looking down at the Quarry and then slowly Beverly step forward while discarding her shoes and socks. Suddenly is a blink-of-an-eye she had jumped into the water below, just like she had done twenty-seven years ago. Slowly but surely one by one each of them discard of their shoes and socks and jumped behind her.

The splashing of the water when Ben jumped in right after Beverly, had pulled Richie out of his own personal hell. Eddie's laugh and his voice were playing in his head which was slowly driving him to his Breaking Point.

All of them were trying to wash themselves of the dirt and blood a little away from each other. Beverly was slowly scrubbing her wrist to get the blood out, Ben was perched on a slightly raised rock near Beverly, Bill had submerged himself completely underwater to get rid of a dust in his hair, Mike splash water on his face, while rubbing it and as for Richie, he slowly took his glasses off and submerge them in water trying to get rid of Eddie's blood on his lens.

It was a truly heartbreaking sight. All of their faces were pain and sombre.

"You know what, Eddie would have hated this guy's." Ben said suddenly.

"What? Cleaning ourselves with dirty water." Said Bill, while smiling slightly.

"Yeah." Ben said while laughing a little.

"He'd be saying that we will get streptococcus or something." Beverly said fondly.

"Yeah, but he would have made us laugh though, " Mike agreed while looking up at his friends.

"Oh yeah." Beverly agreed.

"He'd be looking out for us. The way he always has." Bill continued...

All the rest of the Losers nodded sadly while looking at the water. Richie's heart was literally collapsing in his chest. At that moment he felt that dying would be easier than bearing the pain of losing his best friend. All the words that were spoken by the others were getting too much for him.

Memories of Eddie hit him with full force. Fighting over the limit of the hammock. All the 'I fucked your mom' jokes that drove Eddie mental. Eddie flinging Richie's glasses with his foot. Eating ice cream together. Their long bicycle rides. Calling him 'Eds' even though he told Richie that he hated it. Pulling his cheeks to annoy him. Fighting IT the first time. They all just wouldn't stop.

"You alright there Richie?" Bill said while glancing towards Richie's direction.

Suddenly the dam on Richie's emotion broke and tears sprung in his eyes. He hid his face in his hands and sobbed loudly. His heart was breaking with each breath he took without Eddies presence. All the losers looked at him sadly and swam towards him to engulf him in a tight hug. Richie rested his head on Bills head while sobs wreaked havoc over him.

Tears glisten in the rest of their eyes as heaviness Eddie's death settled on them. All of them clutched each other tightly to provide Comfort to their grieving selves.

"Ummm. I don't have my glasses so i don't know who you people are but thank you." Richie muttered making Beverly laugh a little.

"Now i really cant find my glasses." Richie said sounding slightly concerned.

"Really Richie, now?" Beverly said while smiling a little.

Soon all of them had their head under the water looking for Richie's glasses leaving him alone above the water. He looked down at the water with a sad smile and tears in his lashes. When they found Richie's glasses, he slowly put them on.

All of them climbed out of the water ans went to collect their socks and shoes. They all agreed to have a proper funeral for their friend.

After that not a single word was uttered on the whole walk back to their hotel. Just a few hours ago, even though they were fighting for their lives with the clown, although they were terrified out of their minds, Eddie was alive and breathing alongside them, fighting for himself and his friends.

All five of them left wet tracks on the road. The setting sun was chilling them to their bones. They embraced the chill in their bones as a better ache than the one they had in their heart due to the loss of not only Eddie but also Stan.

They had lost two of their friends and no one could replace their places in all of their hearts. All of them wanted to get out of Derry as soon as possible. They couldn't bear to stay there more than they needed to, but leaving without a proper goodbye to the place where it all started seemed like dishonouring their friends memory.

By the time they have reached their hotel they were almost completely dried. All of them look to their respected hotel rooms completely exhausted. Richie stepped into the show after peeling off his soiled clothes. He left him in a pile near the door and grabbed a clean towel.

All of them were going to arrange for a small funeral with only the five of them. Richie wanted to call Eddie's wife, Myra, to tell her about her husband's death. He unfortunately didn't have her number and Eddie's phone was with him, under the pile of rubble. Richie even if he had the means to car you will be able to it was too painful to acknowledge his death

Richie never wanted to tell Eddie the truth. He wanted to, but he was always worried about the repercussions. He didn't want anyone to hate him. But right now, he realized that he just didn't want Eddie to hate him. The one thing but he knew for sure right now was that not telling Eddie about his true feelings towards him will remain the greatest regret of his life. That thought alone was killing him.

His phone was still ringing and beeping off the Rockets with his team who wanted to fix his next show or discuss his content. Richie couldn't bring himself to pick it up. He didn't know how you will ever be able to go back to his stand-up comedy after Eddie. He felt as if it's a funny bone in his body had been crushed to dust by Pennywise.

A part of Richie had died along with Eddie and the god forsaken house.

Richie rested his forehead against the cool shower wall and Silent tears streaming down his face. After sobbing for a little while he turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around his waist as he stepped out of the bathroom. It was very cold in the town house today. He pulled on soft Gray colored sweatpants and a white shirt. He felt the warmth of the fabric like soothing hug.

He was exhausted both emotionally and mentally. He slowly climbed into the bed and pulled the covers around him. He was facing the wall when another round of grief hit him and tears rolled down from the corner of his eyes, dampening the pillow a little. Richie didn't know when he fell asleep, but his mind had shown receded into a drunken and tired haze.

Beverly, after showering and wearing clean clothes, went and knocked on Richie's door. It was barely 6 in the evening, so she thought that all of them could at least eat something. Ben and Mike were still showering and Bill was now sitting in Beverly's room where she had told him to stay till she gets the others too. Richie did not open the door. She knocked a little louder and there was still no response.

She gently turn the doorknob surprised to find it unlocked she stepped in slowly. on the far side of the room Richie was sleeping under the covers. She patted towards him to check on him, after she was satisfied she stepped out, gently closed the door and went back to her room. I now all the others were sitting in her room Ben and Bill were sitting on her bed and Mike was occupying one of the chairs. The three of them were sitting silently with their gazes fixed on nothing in general.

"Guys I just checked up on Richie. He is fast asleep. I thought to wake him to at least eat something but he looks exhausted so I let him sleep" Bev informed the others, while taking a seat on the chair beside Mike.

"Yeah it's probably the best. So, what are we going to do now?" Bill said without any hesitation. When they were younger, usually bill was the one to take the lead and make the suggestion. It didn't look like much had changed. The others knew where this was going to go but then had beaten them to it.

"I don't want to stay here for longer than I have to. But we can't leave without giving them a proper goodbye. So, let's arrange for a funeral for them. A small one, only the five of us. We will later try to inform Eddie's wife. " Ben choked up a little on Eddie's name, but he was right. They had decided to have a small funeral in the townhouses lobby tomorrow