Bloodline Inheritance

Within no time, the hooded figure arrived near a town, but did not stop there and kept running, avoiding the town and official roads, sticking to the trees.

A day passed and Daron was now caught up with the present. However, he was not feeling any better. A tight know was wedged in his stomach due to an unexplainable emotion of grief from losing his mother, and that old man who tried to protect him and his mother, along with the sheer amount of hunger he was feeling.

However, he was somehow able to hold in his tears since he knew they were on the run from something or someone. With great effort, Daron was able to convey to the hooded figure of his need to eat, and it removed a loaf of rock-hard bread that even a fully grown adult would have a hard time eating without water to help swallow the break.

Seeing the confusion on the baby's face, the hooded figure came to a realisation and stopped on the branch of a nearby tree, breaking the tough exoskeleton-like crust and revealed the insanely bouncy insides of the bread.

'This is it! Fantasy food!' Daron thought to himself as he ate the tiny piece of break the hooded figure had broken off for him.

The exited face instantly transformed into one of horror and panic. The break was disgusting beyond words. The only thing he could taste within the break was eggs. It was so gross, but it was so soft that it simply melted in his mouth without him having to chew it and he steeled his nerves and swallowed.

A few more bites later, he was completely full with the word's softest, yet most disgusting bread to ever exist.

And once more, they were off, taking breaks for the hooded figure to sleep, during which time even Daron tried to sleep.

Not that he needed it since he still had his usual cycle of random sleep throughout the day, but because he was being held in place by the hooded figure around 10 meters above the ground. Falling from here would mostly spell death for him, and so he simply tried to sleep again. Which was rather easy for someone like him.

Two months of travelling at a speed that could only be considered rivalling that of a modern car going 40 km/h, at some time even faster, passed by in a flash. The duo finally arrived at a rather remote town, which although did not seem to have to many people coming in and going out, was still pretty large. It had its own castle at the centre, and 3-meter-tall walls surrounding the entire town.

Daron had had enough clues by now, and knew that the hooded figure carrying him was a dark-skinned woman wearing a really thick cloak and armour which would normally be fore close-range fighters. He had even gotten to see the daggers she was carrying while she was sleeping and he used Sirious' 5m universal vision tactic to spot things he would normally not be able to see. Naturally, by now, his vision had become much better now. He could not only hear, but could also see almost normally, with random moments of not being able to focus or track targets which are moving, but it had still greatly improved.

The only things that remained at a stage which Daron was unable to do anything using it was his motor skills. Movement of his own limbs was just as slightly better than what it was when he was born.

But there was nothing he could do about it.

However, just as he was entering the town in the hooded lady's arms, he heard Sirious' melodious voice.

[Analysis complete.]

[The energy used in the formation of these tattoos is a form of harnessing some powers which lay within one's bloodline. The origin of this bloodline is unknown since I have too little information, but the purer the bloodline, the richer the colour of the energy within the tattoo, and the stronger the bloodline, the larger the tattoo. The colour signifies the branch of the bloodline. Further details are impossible to analyse using the current information. However, what was analysed was that this tattoo cannot be seen by anyone does not have a bloodline of similar origins. All the branches who are using this bloodline are all supposedly originating from a single origin, which is still unknown. The last point uncovered is that even if you have the bloodline and undergo the ceremony the old man conducted for you, others from the same bloodline whether of the same or different branch, will not be able to see the tattoo until you reach certain conditions currently unknown to me.]

'Good. Create a folder called forms of energy, and store it'

[Yes, Master Daron]

[What would you like to name this form of energy?]

'Bloodline Inheritance'

[Yes, Master Daron]

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