
Naturally, like an assassin, the hooded lady did not enter the town through the main gate, but circled around and jumped over the wall after making a few footholds on the wall from the cracks in the stone wall, and silently entered the town.

Being at the top of the wall, Sirious was already calculating a map of the city since most of it was visible expect for the parts that were, except for the parts that were hidden from view behind the rather large castle at the centre of the town.

In total, the town was about 1km in radius, and was circular in shape since the outer and inner walls were built as concentric circles.

The hooded lady quickly dashed across the town in the dead of night and arrived at a building, where she knocked a few times and a short blonde-haired lady in priest clothes came out.

"I found this one near the forest. Do take good care of him"

Suddenly, Daron was stunned. He could suddenly understand what they were speaking. But Sirious never disappointed.

[Master Daron, I have completely a rough analysis of the spoken language in this world using the bits and parts we have heard over the past Two months of living in this world. With this analysis, you will be able to roughly understand what people around you are talking about. However, you will still need to learn this language in order to speak and write it. I will also put 1% of my processing power on hold to keep increasing the understanding of this knowledge.]

'Sounds good to me!'

Daron was satisfied as he noticed that the hooded figure was giving a few gold looking coins to the priestess, before handing Daron over to her.

"By the way, what is up with all the decorations?"

"Ah! The city lord just had a child around two month ago. He is having celebrations for the same for at least another month. It is really good since more citizens come to the church to pray to the lord!" replied the priestess.

Nodding, the hooded figure vanished on front of a stunned priestess and Daron.

Thus, in the dead of the night, Daron was handed over to the orphanage of a random little town in some unknown nation, while the hooded figure vanished from Daron's life forever.

"Very well then little one, let us head inside now!"

The priestess took the baby Daron and closed the door behind her as she walked into the building, as Daron fell asleep. The next morning, he woke up to some soft quarrelling.

"Head priestess, I have found another child."

"Tch- Another burden to our finances" mumbled the older lady who was filing paperwork when the priestess and Daron had entered.

"How could you say that head priestess? All children are beings favoured by god! Even if they commit a crime, god has declared them to be forgiven!"

"Yes, yes. Just give him a name ad put him with the others. But remember Joanne, this is the last one until one of the others leave or get taken."

"Yes! Head Priestess! Thank you." The blonde priestess named Joanne smiled brightly as she bowed to the old head priestess and took Daron away. While closing the door, Daron noticed that the head priestess had a warm smile on her face while sighing as she got back to her paperwork.

"Alright then, little one. I will take you to see god first. There, you will receive your name!"

Quietly, the two walked in the lonely corridors of the building which Daron could only assume to be a church. However, before they could even reach their destination, a rowdy group of 3 children appeared in front of Joanne and Daron.

"Priestess Joanne! Priestess Joanne! Did you bring us a brother or a sister?" said a chestnut-haired 4-year-old girl excitedly.

"Priestess Joanne! Priestess Joanne! What is her name?" Questioned a blonde-haired 3-year-old girl.

"Show said it was a girl!?" shouted one of the two boys, around the age of the blonde-haired girl. Arguing with her, he seemed like her biological twin due to their similarities of hair colour, facial features and everything except gender.

The last person was a 2-year-old boy with dark brown hair, who did not speak but kept sucking on his thumb.

"Now, now, children. Calm down. I am just about to take him to god's room. Everything can be dealt with afterwards, alright?" she spoke in a voice almost as soothing as Sirious' own voice.

[I see…]

'Hey, I said almost right?'


Unlike the irritated Sirious, the children all calmed down after hearing Joanne's voice and silently followed behind her as the group of 6 moved to their destination slowly.

Opening the double doors, the group entered a large hall with murals on the walls and ceiling, enormous glass windows full of colour, unlike any he had seen in this world. The warm sunlight cascaded down through the multicoloured windows, which were also depicting stories, and gently landed on the wooden benches. In front of the multiple rows of benches, was a statue.

Everything about this church seemed like a church from his past life, everything except that statue. Suddenly, Daron felt slightly horrified. 'How could people worship him as a god?'

[Master Daron, you should consider the term god might be different in this world. There is also the possibility of their concept of the 'ideal' might differ from 'omnipotent and omniscient' and might only be leaning towards pure strength and power over enemies]

Hearing this, Daron calmed down as he looked over at this world's god once more.

It was a normal looking human, well-built and with long flowing golden hair. He had a single bandage across his eyes, completely covering them, while he had a few more on his knuckles, elbows, knees and feet. However, that was all fine and dandy. What was horrifying was the countless skulls littered around him in the statue. Not only the statue, but all the paintings and murals, contained similar images of god fighting, killing, and eradicating all races other than humans.

Suddenly, Daron understood this was a god for humans.

Joanne took Daron and placed him on the counter below the feet of the lord and waited for some time. In this time, a powerful conscience entered Daron's mind. However, a soothing voice came to his rescue just as he was getting nervous as to what should be done.

[Do not fear master. This sort of probe cannot break my firewall.]

Suddenly, Daron remembered what Joanne and the kids were speaking about and ordered Sirious.

'Good. Block it completely, and then ask what information it wants.'

[Yes, Master Daron.]

A few seconds later, Sirious' voice returned.

[Master, this is not a sentient being. It is sort of like a virus, programmed to complete a single task and return. I could not communicate with it, but I figured out it was after the following things; 'Name', 'Age', 'Gender', 'Personality: Specify at least 3']

Daron thought for a few seconds and then answered.

'Give it the following answers. 'Daron', '2 months', 'Male', 'Hard-working, Reserved…' After pausing for a little while longer, Daron decided to add a few extra things as well. 'Clever, Loyal, Reliable.'

After that, he smiled as the 'God's virus' returned back to the statue.

Soon, light shined upon Daron, and Joanne. While Daron did not feel any different, he could see Joanne nodding repeatedly with a pious smile plastered on her face, before a card suddenly manifested itself onto her stretched out hands with all the details Daron had given the virus.

Joanne smiled and opened her eyes as she handed that card to Daron's tiny hands, when it simply melded into his body.

Daron was shocked!