Main System

As Daron left the room where the majestic looking Intermediate Knight Zack was seated, which he presumed to be the study of the castle, he met the knight who had escorted him to the castle, Fals.

"Knight Fals." He gave a bow which had already been refined by Sirious, and seemed, although still sloppy, it was almost 10 times better than the previous bow he had given the knight.

Fals was slightly taken aback at this sudden improvement, but did not linger over it too much since he assumed his teacher, Sir Zack must have taught the youngling some manners.

"Since it is already nearing 11 o'clock, you should head to your room and rest. The servant here will send you to your room. Lunch for all knights in training will be served at 1pm in the servant's dining hall. Head there at the required time or you will not receive lunch for the day"

Fals did not mince his words and spoke in a manner that a soldier would to another soldier, direct, short, and brutally truthful.

Daron just nodded and followed the servant to his room. However, he soon realised that he was following the servant to another building within the castle. It was a side building, where he could only assume servants stayed by seeing the number of knights in training, maids and male servants entering and leaving in a rush.

Since he too was technically a knight in training, he simply followed behind the servant and took the key to his room, before unlocking the wooden door, entering the room and closing the door behind him.

Suddenly, he received a notification from Sirious as he was planning on changing clothes to the ones offered by the castle for knights in training.

[System errors correction complete 100%]

[Would you like to initiate main system?]

Daron did not waste any time thinking. Although he did not understand a lot, he understood that 80% of Sirious' computational power was stuck correcting errors. Due to the errors themselves, the main system would not activate, leading to the back-up system being activated, on top of which it could only use 20% computational power. No, the time limit, without him realising, of 6 years and then some days had finally elapsed. In his mind, he agreed, 'Yes'

[Placing back-up system on standby]

[Initiating Main system]

[Host will temporarily lose consciousness in order for the changes to the body to successfully be completed without death of the host.]

[Initiating sleep-mode in 5…]

Daron saw the count down and leapt onto his bed to prevent himself from collapsing on the ground, waking up in same random position that might leave him with sore muscles. He did not even bat an eye at the 'death' part of the message.


And just like that, Daron fell unconscious after making himself comfortable on the bed. An hour later, Daron suddenly opened his eyes as though he had awoken from some unknown dream.

His right eye was now glowing a faint blue, similar to the colour of the screens Sirious summoned in his mind, and his left eye was glowing with a faint dark-gold hue, exactly the same as the one he had when he was being given the invisible tattoo.

Realising this, he looked at his left hand only so see the gigantic tattoo which was showing completely around his entire left hand. However, he suddenly felt like something was wrong. The way he was looking at himself, it was almost as though he was looking through a third person's point of view, just like in some role-playing games.

[That is correct, Master Daron. You are currently using the main system's live third-person camera view. It is simply one of the many auxiliary functions of the main system.] said Sirious in a voice that seemed to be even more human than before, which already made it seem as though she could depict emotions.]

'Can I see normally?'

[Of course]

Just as Sirious said that, Daron's view returned to his normal eyesight as he stood up quickly.

However, his tattoo was still there, and looking through the only mirror in the toom, his eyes were also still the same pitch black as before, giving off the blue and golden glows from the right and left eye respectively. His height had grown by around half a centimetre, and the muscles he had built up over the 6 years of relentless training had suddenly nearly increased by 1.5 times! Furthermore, his hair had grown by 3 centimetres, and had even gone ahead and decided to change colours from his normal complete black hair to a cross between golden and light blue hair.

'What happened to me?' Daron said in shock as he took two steps back from the mirror before rushing towards it once more asking in his mind again, 'MAGIC?'

[No. Strictly speaking, this is not magic. Now that the main system has come back online, along with the extra 280% processing power, I was able to understand many forms of energy. Based on the description given by Priestess Joanne, the energy used to modify your body is not magic.]

'Modify my body?'

[Yes. In order to initiate the main-system, certain conditions of the body are required to be made. I am unable to access information regarding these conditions currently, but following protocol, as soon as you accepted the initiation, the main system began to absorb a certain energy which does not exist in a material or spiritual form like the other energies encountered so far. Furthermore, this new energy seemed to be related to time and space itself. Once it had absorbed enough to initiate itself, it needed to heal your body that was rapidly being destroyed by this mysterious energy, and you would cease to exist in another 0.00000001 seconds. Therefore, the Main system's activation protocols absorbed energy at an even more rapid pace, and put it all into healing and developing your body. Somehow, your preferences forced it to limit the development to a rather low level to maintain a similar condition to yourself before the initiation of the main system. As more energy got absorbed into your body, the tattoo resurfaced and also began feeding on as much energy as the main system. Therefore, your body, the main system, and the tattoo began a feast of the energy for an our, during which, the tattoo became permanently engrained onto your arm, chest and face, unable to be hidden again like before, the main system increased in processing power from 100% to 300%, and your body went through these changes.]

Here are your current stats based on your previous model.


Name: Daron Cage

Age: 6 Years (59 years)

Vitality: 10/10 (+2)

Strength: 10/10 (+2)

Stamina: 10/10 (+2)

Agility: 10/10 (+2)

Sense: 10/10 (+2)

Toughness: 10/10 (+2)

Blood Force: 0/10 (+2)



Bloodline Inheritance

- A power which is transferred from one generation to another, whose origins are unable to be uncovered through simple analysis of currently available information.

- This power has a passive effect of increasing all stats by 2

- This power has a active effect of increasing damage dealt by 10% unconditionally, reducing damage received by 10% unconditionally, and providing the ability to reflect 1% of total damage received.

- This power's strength depends on the bloodline of the individual, as well as their age. The older the individual, the stronger the power becomes.

- The active ability uses the power hidden within the ones blood, which recovered over time. It has been temporarily named 'Blood Force', and it recovers at a speed of 2 Blood force per day. The active ability uses 10 blood force to activate, and lasts for 2 hours, before the effects wear off and the individual is left in a state where all stats are reduced by 9 for 1 day.

- Under further analysis, it has been uncovered that this Talent has more abilities which is unable to be fully uncovered due to lack of information.


Hearing this, Daron fell into a dilemma. Although he was incredibly happy at the power boost, and the increased information about everything that he received. He needed to attend lunch, where he could not enter like this. Let alone enter the dining hall, he would be instantly arrested for trespassing if he left in his current appearance.