
'What do I do…?'

Daron was in a pinch. His appearance and strength had changed too greatly for him to even leave his room, but he had to since someone was bound to enter his room is he did not appear for lunch even a few hours after the time.

At this moment, Sirious spoke up.

[I can return the colour of your hair to what it was originally, Master Daron. However, although I could change the colour of your skin, it will be impossible for me to hide the tattoo. However, based on analysis which I just conducted after your question; I have come up with a few solutions for this problem.]

[Firstly, and this is the easiest solution is to wrap some bandages on your arm to hide the tattoo.]

'But will it work? I remember that those guys had tattoos that showed through their clothes and armour.'

[Based on newly analysed information using the main system, it can be deduced that everyone present was using their bloodline inheritance in the active state, or some other form which involved something other than the passive effects.]

'So as long as I do not activate it, the tattoo will remain hidden under sloth?'

[Yes, Master Daron.]

'Good, I can manage by chest and hand, but what about my neck and face?'

[For that, Master Daron we will require the use of cosmetics and certain herbs.]

'How will I get those here? And also, what about my eyes and height?'

[The height cannot be changed in any way. The length of your hair will also have to be cut by you physically. Your right eye can be fixed since it is the main system's existence that has led to the blue glow. However, the right eye will still give off the golden glow since it is the bloodline inheritance that is doing that.]

[To solve this, I would suggest wearing contacts]

'Where the f*ck will I get contacts in this medieval fantasy world??!?!?!'

[That is why your eye cannot be changed. However, a possibility to solve this would be to try and suppress even the passive ability of the bloodline inheritance. This is likely to reduce, or completely eliminate the golden glow, and might even help with the tattoo situation. This was the last solution; however, it would weaken you so it is highly unrecommended option.]

'Right then, I will do this.'

Before Sirious could say anything, Daron jumped closed his eyes and waited silently for a whole 5 minutes before giving up and asking Sirious.

'How do I suppress it?'

[You must enter your sub-consciousness by concentrating on a singular thought and forgetting everything else, however, ]

But before Sirious could complete her sentence, Daron had effectively put her on mute. What he had done was to put up a barrier of a lot of his thoughts. Since his imagination was rather strong and creative, he was successfully able to create a wall of his own thoughts.

'This ability shall be named [Force of Will].'

After sending this signal to Sirious through the wall, Daron looked around and was shocked. He was in a bubble made from the same material that the wall of will was made off, From his own force of will. Outside this place was complete darkness, something which Daron would much rather not look at for some reason.

Just as he thought that, the bubble he was in became slightly thicker and more translucent than the previous complete transparency.

[Hmph. At least let me complete! I was going to say that casually trying to enter the sub-consciousness could be potential fatal since your soul might get lost on the way and forever lose its connection to your body. I could have done it for you since I already have a connection with the place. But somehow you were able to reach the place, and now you also have a connection. Good job. Now I am useless in one more thing.]

Sirious grunted as Daron had closed her off from his sub-consciousness for the time being.

Daron looked around and noticed that his bubble had four connections. One was to Sirious. This connection was similar to a wire, connecting two devices. On the other end of the wore was a fork, that led to the back-up system and the main system respectively. The backup system's connection to the main 'Sirious channel' as he names it was almost 1/100th the size that the main system hogged.

The next connection led back to his body. He could feel it calling to him continuously.

The third connection was to… an embryo?

Why was there a baby here?