Back to normal… Almost

Confused, Daron suddenly remembered that no one was answering his question, and realised that he forgot to remove the wall he had created.

'Sorry, Sorry. I forgot about the wall.'


'Anyway, tell me what that embryo is here for?'

[That is the soul of the original Daron. And the one over there, that is leading too far into the darkness for observe is to the bloodline inheritance. If you had not entered the body before the ceremony the old man had conducted, the connection of the bloodline inheritance would have been linked to that child's soul, making it a lot stronger, and maybe even growing awareness.]

[However, that has been prevented, and the little spart of awareness, waiting to ignite into a fire by using anything as fuel as already vanished for the past 6 years. It is now merely a shell of a former soul]


Daron simply lowered his said slightly as he apologized to the dead soul which would fit in his soul's palm, before moving towards the bloodline inheritance, and created a wall similar to that of what he had done to Sirious.

Without any commotion, the connection which was almost triple the size of Sirious-channel, was sealed off temporarily.

[This seal will disintegrate over time. I can no longer control it, since you have formed a connection to this place, taking authority over the place, and you cannot hand it to me. You will have to return periodically… calculating… around once every day to remake this barrier, and keep the changes to your body hidden.]

Hearing this Daron simply sighed at the amount of work he had to do just for the main system to initiate. What would happen when an update came or something similar?

However, he suppressed this nonsensical thought of his so deep into his sub-consciousness before it even reached Sirious that she did not know of this thought and did not respond to it.

It was then that Daron realised there was a fifth connection that went straight down from his bubble, and similar to the bloodline inheritance, vanished into the darkness. However, unlike the bloodline inheritance connection, he had almost complete control over this fifth channel, similar to the control over the bubble.

[It is best to leave that connection alone. It is the deepest parts of your sub-conscious, and the most dangerous place of all. It is advised to never go there, never close it, or ever widen the connection. Just leaving it be is the most optimal solution for the time being.]

Daron did not have any objections to the warnings, and simply nodded as he turned to return to his body.

Back in his body, Daron felt much weaker than before, and realised that the +2 to all his stats had been 'locked' along with the 'bloodline inheritance talent'.

Furthermore, his tattoo had completely vanished and both his eyes had become normal black once more. His hair had also returned to black, while the length was still 3 cm longer than before, while his muscles did indeed become a little weaker once more. They were now only 1.3 times stronger than his original body.

Seeing that most of his body had returned mostly to a similar state as what it was before, Daron sighed in relief, before putting on the knight in training uniform, consisting of plain brown clothes, that would have been slightly large for him before, but now was fitting him just perfectly.

Suddenly, he had a thought.

'If Bloodline inheritance grows with time, and it becomes really strong once I become something like 18 or 20, and I keep it sealed. But if I want to activate it, will I become something like h*lk? Ripping through my clothes in the middle of transformation into a monster?'

[Unlikely Master Daron. It is more likely that the inheritance ability will stop increasing the bulk of muscles, and instead increase their density, and power while maintaining the same size.]

'Oh, that sort of thing.'

Daron had instantly understood what Sirious was talking about. It was a muscle density over power sort of situation.

Following the instructions of Sirious, Daron put on the extremely light Leather armour, which only consisted of a chest piece similar to a slightly thick sleeveless shirt with two straps on the back for a sword in its sheath. Naturally, he did not have any such sword at the moment. The armour also consisted of a pair of leather boots, leather gloves, as well as some hand braces.

According to the rules explained to him by the servant along the way, all knights in training were required to wear their training gear excluding the gloves and leather helmet, at all times as part of their training.

Although it was called extremely light, it's weight along was around 10 kgs. Carrying this weight around to complete the daily activities was part of the training for knights to increase the strength of their bodies.

With his uniform put on, Daron left his room since Sirious told him it was already 1 pm, and it was time for lunch. It was at this moment he realised how hungry he actually was.