Magical Beast

Three days passed by in a flash. Most of the groups were returning at this point from the forest, the heads of beasts being dragged behind them, one by each of the group members. Some of the groups had more than 5, while some groups decided to waste as less energy as possible and only killed exactly 5.

A few groups could not fulfil the kill-quota, and they were not allowed to enter the city. Although they could sneak into the city, they would lose their place in the knights in training of the castle and would revert back to lowly peasants.

However, that was only a single group of 5, since most knights in training were more than capable of killing 5 beasts, especially if they were killed one at a time by 5 knights in training ganging up on them.

The beast heads these knights in training were carrying belonged to mainly two types of creatures. One was a creature that reminded Daron of a tiger, but was half the size even when fully grown, and behaved almost the same as a tiger. The other creature was similar to a boar, but it had sharp spikes and horns all over its body, with an incredibly tough skull which had even longer horns that were used as the main weapons of this carnivorous boar.

At this moment, Daron's group came out of the forest, each member dragging along 3 heads, with Daron dragging nearly 5 heads, along with a white puppy in his hands.

Ignoring the unusual stares given to him by everyone, Daron walked up to knight Fals, who already knew about most of what had happened since he was following Daron in case a magical beast came around, and delivered all the heads, before walking into the city followed by his group.

He returned all his equipment, collected his share of the extra money they got from the beasts, and returned to his room.

*Sigh* A deep sigh came from the depths of Daron's being as he recalled the events of the past three days.

The first day went rather well, as the group was able to kill a whole 3 beasts. In order to prevent more beasts from being attracted to the bloody smell in the knight, Daron and the others had followed the instructions and left the corpses behind and only took the heads after draining as much blood from it as possible and cleaning out the left-over blood using water.

The night went peacefully as the group decided to light a fire, and camp within an incredibly tiny cave they found, small enough to just fit them, preventing anything larger to fit in.

The next morning went by in a similar fashion, and the group settled down near the clearing for a quick lunch using the supplies they had brought with them.

However, just after lunch, a group of 6 beasts had suddenly attacked them, all from the same direction.

After pulling away two of the beasts away from the group, Daron unsealed Bloodline Inheritance and killed them off after a 10-minute-long battle, before quickly sealing it back up, making the tattoo vanish and the black energy coming from his eye and hair vanish as well.

Thankfully, the gang was able to hold on somehow in a one-on-one battle against the beasts, and were even winning in Fay and William's case.

The worst off were Rachel and Tom, who were more interested in ensuring the other's safety rather than killing the beast. Daron just sighed and helped them out, and within another 5 minutes, all the 6 beasts were killed.

Knight Fals had seen all of this and was incredibly shocked. The power the Daron had displayed did not escape his view even though he was over 50 meters away, especially the incredibly large and black coloured tattoo. However, he did not know what that was, and just assumed it was something that Daron kept as a hidden card. The ability to boost your strength by 20% temporarily was a rather strong power. He, however did not know that it was actually not temporary.

After spending the rest of the day and knight to rest and bandage up the wounds, the group set out in the direction from where the beasts came. The group decided the needed to investigate what it was since if it was a magical beast that had caused this, they needed to know so that they could escape.

After all, an unknown threat was far worse than a known threat, even if you now know that the known threat is not something you can handle.

Naturally, the group moved slowly, carefully, quietly, and most importantly they did not move directly in that direction, since the location where the beasts were running away from was to South-East. Instead, the group moved South, directly away from the city, and took certain stopped to go East and make sure they did not overshoot their target, whatever it may be.

Soon, however, Sirious spoke up.

[Knight Fals just rushed above you directly south East of here]

Hearing this, Daron calmed down greatly. Now that an official knight like Sir Fals was at the scene, he did not have to worry.

[His heart rate was incredibly fast, and analysis leads to the conclusion that he was anxious.]

'Anxious?! Sir Fals would not be anxious unless it was something he was not confident in handling alone.'

"We need to hurry!" Daron said as he rushed towards the direction Fals had gone, and the slightly shocked teammates followed behind him.

Soon, the group saw an incredibly large creature. It was a wolf with fur as white as snow, and eyes as red as blood itself. However, it was no longer breathing. On top of the wolf, that was around the size of an elephant, was Sir Fals, raggedly breathing, with his sword imbedded deep into the eye of the beast.

This was definitely a magical beast, and both Sirious and Daron knew it. And it was now dead.

[Master Daron. There are signs of life within the beast.]

'WHAT!?' Daron exclaimed