
'What!?!' Daron exclaimed as he ran towards the magical beast, yelling like a fool,

"Sir Fals!! It is not dead!!"

Fals slightly frowned at what Daron had said. However, he simply looked over the gigantic wolf and shook his head.

"It is dead"

[He is right Master Daron. It is dead, however, there is something that is alive within it.]

'A parasite or a child?'

[Most likely an unborn child.]

It was only now that Knight Fals also noticed the faint signs of life from the stomach of the beast.

"A cub…" Fals murmured before moving to remove the child from the stomach.


With a smooth motion of his sword, the stomach was cleanly sliced open, allowing all the guts and innards, along with an unborn wolf cub to fall out from the opening.

Fals picked up the cub and threw it towards Daron who was still running towards him, completely out of breath.

"Take it and raise it. Or just give it to someone in your team who can. Magical beast unborn children are quite rare. Since it is not born yet, it has not become attached to its mother as of yet. If it can imprint you as its parent, it will fight for you till death even once it becomes fully grown, just like its mother. At the very least, it will be useful for smelling dangers since magical beasts have strong instincts that warn them against danger."

After saying that, Knight Fals turned around to look at the wound on the White wolf beasts that was lying dead on the ground. Although the finishing blow was done by him, this Rank 1 magical beast was already at death's door by bleeding from other injuries, the worst of which were three incredibly deep claw marks that were 40 cm deep and 20 cm wide each! The creature that did this was clearly at least double the size of the white wolf, which was already bordering between Rank 1 and Rank 2 magical beast; meaning that that was at the very least a mid-tier or higher Rank 2 magical beast!

This was shocking news that Fals needed to report to his master, and so he did not wait around any longer and just dashed towards the city with his full speed, using up Internal energy as though it was water in a waterfall.

While Daron was whipping the blood and other fluids from the face of the magical beast cub he had just received, his team members finally arrived, huffing and puffing just like Daron a few seconds ago.

And that was how they managed to kill all those beasts, and the story behind the existence of the little puppy that was the size of Daron's arm sleeping in his hands. He had already explained everything to his team members and they all just back away from the creature with fear written all over their faces. Daron simply ignored their preposterous reactions.

How could you know. Having a pet that will grow stronger as it grows up into an adult is incredibly useful, especially one that considers you its parent. Such magical beasts always help out the main characters in times of need and sometimes even sacrifice themselves to protect the main character, after which the main character loses control of his power and kill all enemies before realising that the beast can be saved and they live happily even after. Such beasts were a lot more trustworthy than most friends you make once you become an adult, and far more useful than having some useless trash extra-weight called a lover.

Plus, who could be scared of a cute little thing like this wolf that looked like snow.

'Snow? You do look like snow. Fur as white as snow as soft as silk..'

"Little guy, I'll call you snowy from now on. How is that?" Daron knew his naming skills were beyond excellence and so patted himself on the back for this apt, concise, and meaningful name he had given his first animal companion.


Snowy just snuggled more into Daron's embrace with its eyes still completely closed as though it was having a good dream.

Daron returned to his room after a long three days of battle and went directly to sleep with Snowy next to him in his bead.

'I won't crush him to death by sleeping on him right?' Daron's mind raced in the brief moment of superspeed brain activity he gets just before he sleeps normally.

However, just before he went to sleep, he heard Sirious' slightly human like voice,

[Snowy is a female. I have scanned her and I am 95% certain of this conclusion, with 5% being the chance that her race does not have males and they mate with those of the same gender.]

'So, he is a she… At least she is not a trap' with that thought, Daron went off to sleep after 3 long and tiring days of hunting and surviving in the wild. Since these were normal beasts, he, nor the others in his group, felt any different from killing chicken that were up on the menu at a restaurant. They were just animals needing to be killed for their own survival.