Disaster in the Making

In a secluded part of the forest surrounding Bard city, 3 robed men was talking in whispers while hiding their presence to such an extent that even official knights would have trouble detecting them.

One of the men just remained silent with a frown on his face while another one pulled down his hood revealing his disfigured face which had a deep scar that ran across from the left eye, over the nose and down to the right ear. This man spoke softly with suppressed anger on his face.

"So, you are saying that Zack already got to know about the Mid-tier Rank 2 beast we brought over?"

The third man also had his hood down, revealing his narrow eyes and fox-like appearance.

"Yes." He stated simply while shrugging.

"You!" However, before the scarred man could say or do anything further, the man who did not reveal his face and one could only see his mouth which had a frown plastered on it like cement spoke,

"Enough. It does not matter that Zack knows about the Rank 2 magical beast. What matters is that he will be forced to either leave the city in search for the magical beast, or he will have to stay cooped up in the city, waiting for it to attack. In the first case, we can just secretly guide the beast towards him and while the two are fighting we can enter the city and complete our mission freely. In the second case we can follow the original plan and lead the beast to the city, cause chaos within the city, and complete our mission in the chaos. We will wait for 1 month. If he does not come out in search for the rank 2 beast, we will launch our attack on the city on the 1st of the third month of the year."

The scarred man and fox-like man all stopped speaking in front of this slightly old man whose voice sounded like sand-paper, and who did not reveal his face to them. They knew that this person was far more powerful than themselves, who were only Rank 7 Official knights. This old man was clearly at least a Rank 11 Intermediate knight, on a similar level to Knight Bard, who was supposed to be only at Rank 11. This meant that counting in the Rank 2 magical beast, the enemies of Bard city had 2 Rank 11 intermediate knights or equivalent magical beast, and 2 Rank 7 official knights.

Such a force could rule over a fiefdom within the kingdom of Pierre as long as they would be able to gain enough military credits. Naturally, except for certain conditions, hereditary fiefdoms like the one that Knight Zack had gained was not possible, and as soon as you died, your fiefdom would be handed over to someone else who had enough military merits.

The sun soon rose and the next morning arrived.

2nd February of the 10231st year of the holy calendar.

Daron was still dreaming about some sort of catastrophe that was about to befall him when suddenly a giant fish jumped out of the water and kissed his entire face with its wet and slimy lips. Opening his eyes in utter shock from the series of scary events he had gone through in his nightmare, Daron noticed that the fish was actually the tongue of Snowy who was whining why licking his face.

[Snowy is hungry]

"I know. I can…" Daron suddenly froze once more in shock. He could feel what Snowy wanted. How was this possible?

[Also, there appears to be a 'Snowy' connection in your subconscious.]

Daron quickly entered his subconscious and notices that a connection was in fact formed between him and Snowy. However, it was as thin as a string, and was not even in a solid or liquid state, but was stuck somewhere between a gacious state and not existing. This made it so that certain emotions from Snowy's end could enter his subconscious, but he could not tell it anything much.

'Sirious, since the main system is back, try and figure out what my dream was, and also figure out how this connection was formed. Make it so that you have enough processing power to constantly keep a check 5 meters around me.'

With that, Daron dumped all the work to Sirious and got ready for his morning training as well as etiquette training. Naturally, he first went to the stable where the horses were kept and got some milk to feed Snowy. Since it was a new born cub, it naturally did not have teeth, and could only suckle on milk as a source of nutrients.

Since he could not leave Snowy in his room in case it decided to run around and cause trouble in his absence, maybe even getting herself killed by the guards, Daron brought her along to his training, outing her to the side while he did the training.

After he finished all his daily dose of training [1], Daron went to have lunch with the gang.

[1]Yes, this is your Daily Dose of Training, XDXDXD. Love the channel btw.