Dragon blood

At this moment, Daron suddenly realised he could not tell his family and friends one last goodbye. He did not have enough time to go to the church and explain everything to them. On the other hand, his friends like Tom, Rachel, William and Fey should have already escaped the city through the secret tunnels built for them.

Naturally, those secret tunnels should be normal tunnels that led to the outside world. Completely unlike the masterful teleportation gate that was part of the escape route of Zack's family. This was not greed, but concern for your loved ones.

'At this moment, the only ones I have with me are Sirious and you.'

As Daron thought that, he pulled out the palm sized Snowy from inside his chest plate, who was still sleeping and held it in his hand.

'Huh, I thought Knight Fals had said you would grow fast. But it has been a month and you look exactly the same.'

'Sirious, use 5% of your processing power and scan Snowy. Figure out why she is not growing and what I can do to speed it up.'

[Yes Master Daron.]

[Master Daron, the main system will has recovered enough, and your body has grown as well. The main system can go through an upgrade.]

'Upgrade? How will that help me?'

[That is something I am unable to say. However, what I can say is that currently you only have access to an incredibly small amount of the abilities of the main system. It should be around 0.01%. Each Upgrade that is successfully conducted will open up more of these abilities. Naturally, in order for an upgrade to occur, your body needs to have sufficiently grown to support the energy that will enter it to upgrade the system. Naturally, some of this energy will also enter your body and improve it.]

'Will I fain like when it was starting up?'

[Yes Master Daron.]

'Am I safe here? Will the enemies be able to reach here? How long will it take?'

[Currently, you are safe. This tunnel goes on in on direction for at least another 2 kilometres. It will take any normal beasts at least an hour to make it here, and most magical beasts are too large to enter this tunnel. Destroying the Teleportation gate had prevented them from figuring out where we are and reaching where we are. Unless we are facing an army of enemies capable of sweeping through the entire forest surrounding Bard city, it is highly unlikely for them to find this place. It will take about 6 hours to upgrade the system.]

'Then don't do it right now. I cannot waste time. I need to catch up with Bob, Zoey, and the rest of Sir Zack's family. I cannot waste 6 hours here.'

With that in mind, Daron did not stop moving, and instead, increased his speed to a light jog.

Considering that everyone other than Bob were normal humans, I was likely the group was moving at a speed considered equal to the walking speed of a normal human, and not that of a Rank 8 Official knight.

'With that speed, and considering the terrain, they should take about 2-4 days to reach outside the forest right?'

[5 days taking into account the fact that they might face many beasts and even magical beasts.]

'Right. I should try and reach them before any magical beast attacks the group. Although Knight Bob can handle almost all Rank 1 magical beasts, he will not be able to protect the group from normal beast in the case they decided to attack along with the magical beast.'

At this moment, Daron suddenly remembered what the man named Turk and Knight Fals had said.

'Draconian huh?'

Apparently, he was a draconian. Then that would mean that those people present when he was born must also be draconians. However, that dark skinned lady who hid herself well should not be a draconian.

'But what is more important is that I am a Dragon! Or at least, a dragon-kin! Hehe, I should have the most powerful bloodline in all of this world right? Haha! I knew it! I truly am the chosen one.'

While Daron was gloating to himself in his mind, he suddenly had a thought as he woke Snowy up.

After that, he unleashed a little bit of his newly improved Bloodline Inheritance, and waited for Snowy's response. However, it only rubbed its eyes lazily before rubbing its face against Daron's lovingly and then closing its eyes to go back to sleep.

Disappointment covered Daron's face, however, Sirious decided to intervene at this moment.

[Bloodline Inheritance does have an intimidating effect. However, due to how weak it is currently, it will only work on normal beasts. Snowy is a magical beast, be is only a cub, and she also has a connection to your subconscious, making it impossible for bloodline Inheritance to scare her. In fact, it will create a greater feeling of comfort in the same way that a child is comforted after seeing how strong their dad is. Normal beasts on the other hand will be likely to just run away from you when you fully unleash the bloodline inheritance, while most Rank 1 magical beasts will be likely to hessite attacking for a second.]

Daron's face instantly brightened as he rejoiced in his heart.

'Hehe, being part of a dragon bloodline is truly superb. I can act like all those wuxia main characters and scare away even the most powerful animals just by unleashing my bloodline inheritance one it becomes strong enough.'

Gloating inwardly once more, Daron continued his light jog in the dark cave.